Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School

2021/09/2722:44:03 education 772

Xinhua TV News:

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

The golden autumn and September are full of fragrance. On the morning of September 25, 2021, the Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project in 2021, will be held at Daxiang No. 1 Middle School . The leaders and experts attending the discussion meeting were Shi Fuxin, deputy curator of Hunan Electrochemical Education Center, Wang Ziquan, director of the teaching and research section of Hunan Electrochemical Education Center, Chen Changyong, director and party branch secretary of Shaoyang Electrochemical Education Center, and deputy director of Shaoyang Electrochemical Education Center. Curator Yi Quman, Director of Teaching and Research Section of Daxiang District Education Bureau Li Meihua, President of Daxiang No. 1 Middle School Mao Liqiang, Daxiang No. 1 Middle School Party Branch Secretary Ouyang Hua, and 16 county (city) districts and municipal schools in Shaoyang attended the meeting. The main member of the project group. The meeting was presided over by Chen Ximing, director of the teaching and research section of the Municipal Audio-visual Education Center. statement

opening report

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

16 The presiding teacher of each project group reported to the experts in detail the problem proposal, research summary, theoretical basis, core concept definition, research status of the project at home and abroad, research goals and content, research ideas and methods, implementation steps and measures, and topics Group members and division of labor, research results and responsible persons, funding management and current activities of project research, etc.


Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

AVE Prince Hall Department of Hunan Province affirmed the right director The research value of 16 topics, commented and guided the opening report of each topic one by one, and provided many practical suggestions for modification based on a professional perspective.

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

Director Wang first emphasized the importance of open question argument, each The research team must clarify why, what to do, and what to say about the topic. The research of the topic must be closely related to the topic, clear objectives, specific content, complete overall, and moderate difficulty. Next, Director Wang analyzed and commented on the specific cases in the project submitted this time, and asked the members of each research group to fully grasp the connotation and extension of the core concept, accurately determine the problems and content of the research, scientific design research plan and division of labor, and Make a lot of effort in reasonably researching and judging the expected research results, etc.,Carry out real research and real practice around real problems in education and teaching, and serve to effectively solve education and teaching problems.

Shaoyang City, Hunan Province Educational Information Technology Research Project Opened Demonstration Meeting Held in Daxiang No. 1 Middle School - DayDayNews

span 53 span, the director pointed out that the method and the evaluation of span53 span 53span 53 A clearer way of thinking.

The organization of the discussion meeting was standardized and expert guidance was in place, which enabled each research group to have a deeper understanding of the research, and clarified the research methods and steps of the research. I believe that under the guidance of experts and the strong support of school leaders, with the joint efforts of the members of the research team, relevant research results will be formed, so that more front-line teachers will promote learning and teaching through research, and strive to become experts. , The transformation of scholar-type teachers, continuously improving the quality of school teaching and research work, empowering the in-depth development of education and teaching reform, accumulating fruitful research results, and promoting the development of education and teaching work in Shaoyang.


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