Zhang Wenhong’s doctoral dissertation was reported, Fudan Graduate School has responded: investigation and verification has been initiated

2021/08/1623:23:07 education 2186

Zhang Wenhong’s doctoral dissertation was reported, Fudan Graduate School has responded: investigation and verification has been initiated - DayDayNews

Recently, Zhang Wenhong 's doctoral dissertation review part has a weight removal rate of over 90%. What is going on?

Lin Jiang also went to read Zhang Wenhong’s doctoral dissertation in the past two days, and personally analyzed that his thesis has his own design and results, but the research background and abstract part do have duplicate parts, according to the analysis of small partners , The duplicate check rate is about 30%.

I believe that every friend who has written a paper knows what this repetition rate means, and feels that it should be in the year when the repetition rate was not very important. It should be Zhang Wenhong who was lazy and copied part of the background and abstract directly, which led to the current situation. situation.

Here, Lin Jiang advises everyone who is writing and about to write papers, must pay attention to the results of their labor, now is the Internet age, every paper you write may be turned out in the future!

By the way, Fudan University Graduate School has launched an investigation and verification process, and I believe it will soon be able to give the public a conclusion.


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