Baojing County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Launches "Red Flag Fluttering, Childlike Heart to the Party" Children's Theme Reading Activity

2021/06/0907:11:45 education 2570
Baojing County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Launches

Red Net Baojing County Branch News on June 9 (Correspondents Shi Shasha and Peng Jianbin) On June 6, Baojing County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television organized and launched the "Red Flag Flying Childlike Heart to the Party" theme reading activity for children. Infiltrate the hearts of students with red culture , guide children to learn and understand the glorious history of the Chinese Communist Party leading the Chinese people to carry out the revolution, construction and reform, and the inheritance and to carry forward the fine traditions formed by the Chinese Communist Party in the long-term struggle, the feeling is in Under the strong leadership of the party, the social and economic construction of the motherland has achieved fruitful results.

Baojing County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Launches

The young contestants told the red stories such as " Little Soldier Zhangga ", "Dong Cunrui" and "Little Carrot Head" through , and injected reverence and reverence for national heroes and revolutionary martyrs into speeches In , the touching stories attracted and infected every audience present, further aroused the national self-confidence of the majority of children, strengthened the belief of knowing the party's kindness and following the party, and set off the majority of children. The red sound that learns the history of the party and inherits the red gene.

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