How often do I add water to the car water tank? Car radiator logo picture?

2020/10/3005:24:04 car 961

If you haven't understood the car carefully, you will think that the water tank is filled with tap water. In fact, it is not. Although the name of the water tank is called the water tank, the water tank is not filled with tap water. Normally, you need to add antifreeze.

car water tank logo picture

How often do I add water to the car water tank? Car radiator logo picture? - DayDayNews

how often does the antifreeze need to be replaced?

Generally, the antifreeze can last for two years, but this does not mean that we can be indifferent to the water tank within two years, and we must always observe the inside of the water tank. , The location of the antifreeze, if the location is low, we can add an appropriate amount of antifreeze. Z1z

antifreeze should not be too little, but never add more. Once too much antifreeze is added, following the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, the antifreeze will overflow the water tank, leaving a lot of scale on the surface, which is particularly difficult to clean. Finally,


, you must not add tap water to the water tank in the future. Once scale is generated, it will cause serious consequences, which will not outweigh the gains. Finally, the editor of

suggests that everyone should replace the antifreeze once at 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers. If you exceed this number of years, be prepared to change the water tank. Don't cause damage to the water tank just because you feel wasted money. The price of the water tank is much more expensive than the antifreeze!

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