Auspicious Heavenly Mother is the chief female protector of Tibetan Buddhism, and her status in Tibetan areas is no less than that of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the Central Plains. The Auspicious Heavenly Mother plays many roles in Tibetan Buddhism. She is the main protector of Tibet

The Auspicious Heavenly Mother is the chief female protector of Tibetan Buddhism. Her status in Tibetan areas is no less than that of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the Central Plains. The Auspicious Heavenly Mother plays many roles in Tibetan Buddhism. She is the main protector of the Jokhang Temple in Tibet, Lhasa and , and is the special protector of the Dalai Lama. As a female protector, her image is very terrifying. So where did such a terrifying image come from?

Below, we have compiled the sources of the wrathful appearance of the Auspicious Heavenly Mother based on various information.

For some unknown reason, the auspicious heavenly mother married to Lunga Island (today's Sri Lanka) . Her husband was the evil ghost King Yaksha who stole human energy and ate human flesh and blood. She advised her husband to convert to Buddhism and stop eating human flesh, otherwise she would swear to kill her own flesh and blood to prevent them from suffering evil consequences when they grow up (Here, I really don’t understand the brain circuit of the Heavenly Mother, she can obviously take the children away) . Her husband turned a deaf ear to her words and continued to feast on human flesh and drink human blood.

The disappointed Heavenly Mother Jixiang killed her two sons in accordance with her oath (Buddhism attaches great importance to oaths, which is somewhat similar to the spirit of contract) . She peeled off her eldest son's skin and used it as a shawl to show that mother and son were one. Then she holds her little son in her mouth to show that mother and son communicate with each other, and then rides a yellow mule and horse roaring back to her parents' home in Tibet.

When her husband saw this, he immediately chased her. Regardless of the couple's affection for one night, he shot a secret arrow at her behind her back. Fortunately, the arrow hit the horse's butt. The auspicious heavenly mother pulled out the arrow cluster with all her strength, turned around and roared at the cruel husband, "Eyes will grow out of the scars on the horse's buttocks. Staring at the land from Sri Lanka to Tibet and Mongolia, if you see any rakshasas, yakshas or evil demons, you will be healed." It will be uprooted, just like this arrow!" Suddenly, an eye appeared on the hip of the yellow mule and horse.

Theravada Buddhism ( Hinayana Buddhism ) is an area where Theravada is popular, while Mongolia and Tibet are the areas where Vajrayana (Mahayana Buddhism) of Tibetan Buddhism is popular. She uses this to insinuate that her merits are superior to those of Mahayana and Mahayana.

From then on, she became "blackened", her body turned dark blue, with three eyes on one side, an angry expression, and a harsh hee-hee sound from her mouth. She holds a trident in her right hand and holds a skull cup filled with blood in her left hand. This is the skull of her son.

The maids and yellow mules and horses around her also followed her and "blackened". The reins of the yellow mules and horses are no longer cowhide, but are replaced by venomous snakes, and they are always running in the sea of ​​red grease and blood. On the left side of the thangka, in front of the yellow mules and horses, is the dark blue Mojieyu horse girl. She holds a vajra sword in her right hand and holds the reins of the poisonous snake in her left hand.

On the right side of the thangka, behind the yellow mules and horses, is a dark brown lion-speaking horse girl. She holds both hands high, holding a Gabala bowl (i.e. a skull bowl) in one hand.

The auspicious heavenly mother has a kind-hearted face and glares angrily at the sentient beings in the six realms of reincarnation, forcing them to get rid of the six poisonous troubles such as greed, anger, ignorance, pride, suspicion and wrong views. She is good-natured and hates evil. She has a leather bag beside the dice. When she sees a poor person who is sick, she will suck up all the viruses in the patient with her mouth, and spit out the viruses that cannot be swallowed into the leather bag. When you see bad people who do evil things, you put the disease germs in the skins into their mouths.

Because Jixiang Tianmu is so powerful, Tianzhong was worried that the universe would be turned upside down by her, so she locked her feet tightly with iron chains.In order to comfort her, Brahma sent a peacock feather umbrella, which she held above her head (it turns out that girls have been paying attention to sun protection for thousands of years) ; Pinutian sent the moon and the sun, the moon It is worn on the hair, and the sun is worn on the head and navel; the Great Freedom Heaven (ie Guanyin Bodhisattva) has sent the Eye of Wisdom on the forehead ( the third eye ) ; the Dragon King has sent the dragon snake, which she wears on the left side. Side ears, as earrings; Vajrapani gave him a sandalwood stick, which she pinned to her waist; Hevajra gave him two dice for fortune telling, which she hung on a yellow mule...

Tibetan areas have Fairy Festival (i.e. Auspicious Heavenly Mother Festival ) every year. On the day of the festival, the auspicious goddess statue in Jokhang Temple will invite people to come out of the temple and walk around the streets and alleys of Lhasa. Just like the love story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, she will meet her husband King Lenga Yaksha on this day, so Fairy Day is also called Tibetan Valentine's Day.

However, Jixiang Tianmu, who hates evil and hates evil, should not have any romantic feelings when meeting him, right? What’s interesting is that there is a gentle and silent statue of the Auspicious Heavenly Mother in the Hall of the Auspicious Heavenly Mother on the southeast side of the third floor of the Jokhang Temple. She was probably the one who went on a date, right?