Recently, Panchen Erdeni Choekyi Gyebu, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China, and president of the Tibetan branch of the Buddhist Association of Ch

China Tibet Network News Recently, Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference , Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China , and President of the Tibetan Branch of the Buddhist Association of China, Panchen Erdeni Choeky Gyebu hosted a meeting for young living Buddhas in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region. Cultivation education symposium.

The picture shows the Panchen Lama at the symposium on training and education for young living Buddhas. Photography: Wang Shu

The Panchen Lama said affectionately that in China’s more than 5,000 years of long history of civilization, the Chinese nation has always had the tradition of "heroes emerge from youth since ancient times" and has always had the "Yangtze River" The sentiment of "the waves behind push the waves ahead" has always been the belief that "the strength of young people will make the country strong, and the progress of young people will make the country progress", and there has always been the expectation that "hope is placed on you". For thousands of years, the power of youth, the surge of youth, and the creation of youth have always been the majestic force that drives the Chinese nation to move forward bravely and stand among the nations of the world! Youth breeds infinite hope, and young people create a better tomorrow.

The picture shows the symposium on the cultivation and education of young living Buddhas. Photography: Wang Shu

The Panchen Lama said that Tibetan Buddhism has been passed down for thousands of years and is a concrete product of the Sinicization of Buddhism. It is a shining pearl in the treasure house of Chinese culture and a key factor in the exchanges, exchanges, and exchanges between various ethnic groups. The crystallization of the fusion of wisdom is formed by the eminent Tibetan Buddhist monks and great virtues in the past dynasties who passed down Buddhism according to time and place, according to reason and law, and according to the right opportunity. It is the theory and inheritance system of Buddhism with Chinese characteristics. Only when Tibetan Buddhism in the new era adapts to the needs of the motherland and people and complies with the call of the times and civilization can it have a healthy future.

The Panchen Lama said that Tibetan Buddhism has been able to be passed down and carried forward in history precisely because the great virtues of the eminent monks of the past generations were combined with the historical development and progress of the times at that time. Today, the degree and standard of measuring the Sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism does not depend on how much Tibetan Buddhism has gained, but on how much role Tibetan Buddhism has played in the country’s economic and social development.

The picture shows the symposium on training and education for young living Buddhas. Photography: Wang Shu

"Why do I often have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land deeply." The Panchen Lama used the poems of the poet Ai Qing to express his patriotic feelings and express his patriotic feelings to the young living Buddhas. They say that the country is the homeland where each of us depends for survival, the hot land where our ancestors have lived for generations, the link that connects culture and emotions across time and space, and the fortress that protects the vital interests of each of us from infringement. Contemporary Tibetan Buddhism must grow on the fertile soil of Chinese culture, advance under the high expectations of the party and the people, be developed and integrated with the times, and be carried forward in the prosperity of the motherland. Contemporary Tibetan Buddhists should devote their lives to maintaining national unity and ethnic unity. This is the practice that Buddhists and followers of Sakyamuni Buddha can best practice to benefit all sentient beings and benefit sentient beings.

The Panchen Lama said that loving the party, the country, and the religion are the political stances that the contemporary Tibetan Buddhist community must adhere to. Contemporary Tibetan Buddhists, especially the young generation of living Buddha monks, must strictly exercise self-discipline, integrate knowledge and action, find a position that meets the development requirements of the new era, be defenders of the interests of the motherland, servants of the people's interests, and supporters of the motherland's position. , the guardian of the people's position. "Promoting the promotion and development of Tibetan Buddhism must be achieved by our joint efforts. We must take over and grasp the baton of history and run the baton in our hands."

The picture shows Zhabdrung Ngawang Lobsang of Talong Monastery Living Buddha Tenzin Choekyi Nyima spoke at the symposium Photography: Wang Shu

Zhabdrung Ngawang Lobsang of Dalong Monastery, Linzhou County, Lhasa City Tenzin Choekyi Nyima Living Buddha said: "I am in the sunshine and dew of the new era. I grew up in the Tibetan Buddhist community. Since I was recognized as a reincarnated soul boy, the party and the government have been very concerned about my growth and created the best learning environment for me in life. I care about you in every possible way. "

"A gentleman who is knowledgeable and examines himself day by day will know and act without any mistakes. I will never dare to slack off in the long road of study and improvement.Only by keeping in mind the ardent expectations of the party and the government and the ardent expectations of the religious people, and implementing them into practical actions of self-improvement, serving society, and serving believers, can we live up to the high expectations of the party and the country and satisfy the religious people. Only by cultivating religious emotions can we promote the healthy development of Tibetan Buddhism and truly become a qualified inheritor of Tibetan Buddhism. "Zhabdrung Living Buddha said, "In Tibetan Buddhism today, monasteries are developing in a healthy and orderly manner, monks and nuns have a worry-free life, and the Dharma is spread for thousands of miles. This is not only the glorious development process of Tibetan Buddhism, but also a true portrayal of Tibet’s economic and social development. ”

The picture shows Ngongqiuji Gongsang Wangdui of Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse City speaking at the symposium. Photo: Wang Shu

Ngongqiuji Gongsang Wangdui of Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse City was the 10th Panchen Lama in 1995 One of the three candidates for reincarnation, he later entered the Tashilhunpo Monastery to study scriptures. He said that during the study period, the party and the government and the 11th Panchen Lama were particularly concerned about his education and training. He said: "If it were not for the party and the Without the training provided by the government, I wouldn’t have achieved what I have today. In the future, I will continue to consciously follow the "Four Standards", follow the example of the 11th Panchen Lama, earnestly fulfill the social responsibilities of the Living Buddha in the new era, and play a leading and exemplary role in the "Three Consciousnesses" education activities. ”

Panchen Erdeni is one of the most influential reincarnated living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism. Panchen Erdeni Choekyi Gyalpo was born on February 13, 1990 in Jiali County, Nagqu City, Tibet Autonomous Region. November 29, 1995 On the same day, he was approved by the State Council as the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama and was succeeded by the 11th Panchen Erdeni (China Tibet Network Reporter/Wang Shulam).