Who is the master of Bodhisattva? In Journey to the West, who is the master of Bodhisattva? Many characters there are adapted by folk writers. Who is the master of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea? After generations of singing, everyone knows who the master of Guanyin i

1. Who is the Bodhisattva’s guru?

2. Who is the Bodhisattva’s guru?

3. In Journey to the West, who is the Bodhisattva’s guru? What's the status?

4, Who is the guru of Guanyin Bodhisattva ?

The predecessor of Bodhisattva is Zen Taoist Cihang

That is Jiang Ziya’s senior brother (see the list of gods)

So her master should be Yuanshi Tianzun Taoism is earlier than Buddhism

Many characters there are adapted by folk writers Nanhai Who is the master of Guanyin Bodhisattva ?

Like Manjushri

Guanyin Bodhisattva

Pustra Mass Bodhisattva

are all derived from the Taoist Buddhist teacher Guanyin Bodhisattva.

is actually the literature Guangfa Tianzun

Cihang Taoist


Randeng Taoist Guanyin Bodhisattva master is the Yuanshi Tianzun.

have changed careers

After generations of singing, everyone knows who the master of Guanyin is.

5. No wonder Guanyin is a Bodhisattva. Seeing who her master is, she is only afraid of Tathagata , right?

6. Who is the guru of Guanyin Bodhisattva? How did he become a woman?

Actually, the Bodhisattva became a Buddha a long time ago. Only with great karma can one reveal his identity as a Bodhisattva and come here to save all sentient beings! , the appearance of a Bodhisattva is not necessarily a woman’s body, what kind of body should a Bodhisattva use to save people, and what kind of body should they use to save people! ,You can take a look at "Pumen Pin".

7. Who is the master of Guanyin Tathagata? ... (High score question)

The Jade Emperor is the boy next to Hongjun Daozu

The Demon Sect is the world's magic master founded by Luo Hu. It is not his opponent Hongjun was sealed. Later, the five-day five-day Buddha in Buddhism was Jinnara Bodhisattva. He is one of the Eight Dragon Gods, one of the "Flying Heavens", and the great "Kinara Bodhisattva" of Buddha . He enjoys a high status in the Buddhist world and was ordered to preach in Xiniuhe State. The local Brahmin high priest wanted to execute him. Death shook Kinnara 's concept of Buddhism, and also made him resentful of Buddhism, so he left Buddhism and came to the sea of ​​​​blood of this underworld, trying to find a way to retaliate against Buddhism, but he knew that he was not completely free now . Those opponents in the Buddhist community, so they thought hard around Xuehai.

With Wutian’s oath, prehistoric times entered a new era. The confrontation between Taoism, Buddhism, and demons is no longer an era of monopoly. The establishment of the demon sect in Wutian is complete. Based on the bloodline of the Sea of ​​Blood, the Demon Cult grew and grew at the end of the cold winter, becoming incompatible with each other. The Shura clan no longer has to worry about being annexed by Buddhism. The most important point is that the first sentence of Wutian's oath is equivalent to linking the fortunes of Buddhism and Demon Sect. As long as Buddhism does not perish, the Demon Sect will not perish.

8. Who is the guru of Nanhai Bodhisattva? how many?

In fact, there are several teachers of the Bodhisattva, because the Bodhisattva has practiced diligently for countless kalpas and has been doing meritorious deeds. There are records in the original texts of these Buddhist scriptures, and I know of two: one is Guanyin Tathagata (Volume 6 of "The Surangama Sutra", the other is the famous Master Sakyamuni). In fact, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva and other great Bodhisattvas began practicing practice as early as countless eons ago, so it is difficult to count. For details, you can view the original texts of all Buddhist scriptures. Master Nanfa Sakyamuni Buddha!