1. What does great wisdom mean in Buddhism? Buddhist Wisdom Network. 2. How to understand the Prajna wisdom of Buddhism? ?The "Real Prajna Paramita Sutra" says that the Tathagata's original mind is neither born nor destroyed, and has no signs of birth or death. This is a classic

1. What does great wisdom in Buddhism mean?

Buddhist Wisdom Network.

2. How to understand the prajna wisdom of Buddhism? ?

"The Real Prajna Paramita Sutra" says Tathagata The original mind is neither born nor destroyed, and has no signs of birth or death. This is a classic of Prajna Buddhism, and it is difficult to get started without a certain foundation of learning. The popular understanding is that when practicing, there is no greed, hatred, delusion and other delusions in the five desires and six realms, and one tends to truth and prajna. Reality Prajna refers to the pure and untainted wisdom mind inherent in all living beings. In practice and life, do not be attached to wealth, sex, fame, food, sleep, killing, robbery, sexual immorality, alcohol, etc., and follow the righteous path of Buddha with a pure heart.

3. How to explain the "wisdom" in Buddhism and solve it! ! !

Those who truly learn Buddhism will become more and more wise if they establish righteous faith and continue to deepen the Dharma. Of course, this wisdom is not learned from the outside, but from within. If it is learned, it can only be said to be smart. This kind of wisdom is called "worldly wisdom" in Buddhism. It is one of the eight difficulties . The ten changes are that people rely on their own little wisdom to refuse to practice humbly, and even slander the Buddha's teachings. Therefore, wisdom is said to be internal. The Sanskrit word for wisdom in Buddhism is prajna.

Why are people who study Buddhism smarter than people who don’t study Buddhism, worldly laws, other religions and non-Buddhism? What is the highest wisdom of Buddha?

For example, people who study Confucius and Mencius (note: this is not meant to belittle Confucianism ), such as "Mencius and Gao Zixia": "Therefore, God's destiny for people must first pain their hearts, strain their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skin. His body is empty and his actions are chaotic, so he cannot endure what he wants." See if there is a master in this sentence, and this master is "Heaven", that is, "God". "It's just a different name. Since there is a monarch, it means believing in God, believing in God, and believing that everything depends on God. You, the emperor, are destiny. Ordinary people, you cannot object to this being destiny. We believe in God. You may not dare to object, but There is no such thing in Buddhism. All destiny is in your own hands. This is the theory of Buddhism. It is your own creation that suffers, not God. In Buddhism, God is masterless. You are the emperor and the beggar. . Buddhism great wisdom.

As for the issue of fate, it is just an example that people who follow Buddhism are wiser than those who do not learn Buddhism.
