Killing and eating meat, being unfilial to parents, stealing, committing sexual misconduct, lying, drinking alcohol, and wasting food. According to Buddhism, the consequences of killing animals and eating meat are serious. If you want to repay the consequences, it is best to eat

Do not kill and eat meat, be filial to your parents, do not steal, do not commit sexual misconduct, do not lie, do not drink alcohol, and do not waste food.

According to Buddhism, it is not good to kill animals and eat meat. It is best to eat three pure meats bought in supermarkets. It is best to be vegetarian.

Being filial to your parents is a traditional Chinese virtue that will be passed down from generation to generation. Many parents think their children are unfilial, and even those who were older were unfilial to their parents. A family that does good will always have happiness, and a family that does evil will always have happiness. If you don’t set a good example, you can’t blame your children.

does not steal. Being able to steal something is a matter of fate. If you are not destined to steal, you cannot steal it. Even if you steal the wealth from the treasury, it will be at a discount. For example, in this life, there should be only 500,000 in 1 million.

I am not sexually immoral. Many people become licentious as soon as they have money, engage in promiscuous relations between men and women, and find mistresses, which is not good for the family.

Don't lie, make up lies, lie to others, and blame others, especially cheaters. You have to lie to both sides, which is physically and mentally exhausting.

I don’t drink, but many families quarrel because of drinking, talking nonsense after drinking, and the atmosphere is tense.

Don't waste food. When a person comes into this world, he has a certain amount of food to enjoy. If he wastes all he should have, it's time to leave, and he will be poor in his next life.

has corrected all the above bad habits. Children will be filial, families will be harmonious, financial resources will be abundant, all wishes will come true, and you will enjoy family happiness in your later years.