A person's face expresses the person's heart to a great extent. Wu Song is powerful yet wise. In "Water Margin", he has a pair of eyes that shoot out of stars, and two arched eyebrows.

As the old saying goes: "A person's face comes from his heart."

A person's face expresses his heart to a great extent.

Wu Song is powerful yet wise. In "Water Margin", he has a pair of eyes that shoot out of stars, and two arched eyebrows.

and Wu Dalang is ignorant, weak, ugly, and has a funny mind.

is the best in the world, diamond booth. A person's face mainly shows his quality, professional knowledge and ability.

Never underestimate a good-looking person.

1. People with good looks are well-educated.

" Book of Rites " says: "Those who have deep love must have kindness, those who have kindness must have pleasant appearance, and those who have pleasant appearance must have graceful appearance."

His opinions and The way of doing things is hidden in a person's face.

Educated people always have a gentle face when interacting with others, and always show respect and humility when interacting with others. When they are angry, they will fully consider the adverse effects and are not prone to arrogance and irrationality.

If things go on like this, self-cultivation means being unforgettable, being approachable means being superficial, and being approachable to other people's simple materialism.

heard a story.

In the 1970s, Peking University signed a contract for reconstruction.

At first, he was not very familiar with the campus and had too many suitcases. He saw an old man passing by in a hurry.

Zai saw the old man Tong Hefa and was very close to him, so he asked him to help take care of the suitcase. The old people happily agreed.

Zaozou ran around and completed all the procedures. It was already noon, and then he remembered that he had asked Guan Guan to take care of the suitcase.

He ran all the way home. Under the scorching sun, the old man was still standing on the roadside, holding this book and reading while packing his suitcase on the ground.

The old man just smiled and waved his hands, without a trace of anger on his face. In order to better waste the other party's time, he continued to apologize.

And this old man turned out to be the vice president of Peking University . Literary giant Ji Xianlin didn't know until the opening ceremony the next day.

Some people say that this reinvention has never been tactful, but they don’t know that Ji Xianlin is aboveboard and approachable.

This extraordinary cultivation of body, mind and aura makes him look handsome and have a similar expression, no stranger to him when he was born.

On the contrary, an uneducated person generally looks domineering and has his eyes above his head.

They either focus on themselves and don't look at other people's eyes.

It's better to worship those who are superior and to be inferior to those who are inferior to you. You should grovel in front of those with higher status than yourself, and be arrogant and arrogant to those who are weak to you.

After a long time, the arrogance in the heart will unconsciously show on the face, which is daunting.

Confucius once said that a gentleman should "think warmly in appearance, respectful in appearance, loyal in words, and difficult in anger."

It means that an educated person will pay special attention to his face and expression when receiving others. , words and attitudes.

Everyone thinks too much and treats everyone the same. Do not flatter those above or bully those below, be modest, open-minded, gentle and polite. People like

not only have good looks, but are also popular.

2. People with good looks have a broad heart.

An old saying goes: " There is a heart but no appearance. , each other is born in the heart; there is an appearance but no intention, and each other disappears with the heart."

What kind of mentality a person has, what his appearance will look like.

A broad-minded person looks at the good side of everything. His whole person is relaxed and relaxed, his facial muscles are relaxed and natural, and he looks bright and sunny.

A narrow-minded person always feels that the whole world owes him something. Either he is at a loss all day long, or he is narrow-minded all day long.

The person's body was always tense, and his face was frowning and depressed.

In Lu Xun's novel collection " Hometown ", Yang Ersao is young and beautiful, has a sweet smile, and is known as Shuidoufu Xishi.

But she is narrow-minded. All day long she is either trying to take advantage of others or complaining that others look down on her.

Over time, Qingguo Qingchengcheng became more and more disgusting, developing a pair of chattering thin lips and smart and sharp stork bones.

And our ancestors who were born in the late Tang Dynasty , although they experienced the failure of imperial examination system , it was not because of their successful official career, but because of their psychological magnanimity.

Legend has it that he is open-minded and loves to sleep, and can sleep for several days without any worries.

He also wrote a limerick: "Open your brows, free your belly, and take a nap! No matter what, the jade rabbit rises in the east, and the red wheel falls in the west."

With such a big heart, it’s no wonder that he still looks like a young man after living 100 years old.

In this life, things will most likely not go as planned, and it is unlikely that everything will go as planned for anyone.

It's not so much about psychological adjustment, seeing through, seeing through, but it's more about being obsessed with being too horny and unable to get out.

Many times, troubles come not from the outside, but from within.

Committing to self-destruction will not only do nothing to help, but will also harm yourself. Use a tolerant and positive attitude to solve the problem, no matter how hard or tiring it is, it will not cause any harm.

Life is always moving forward, with joy and trouble every day. Learn to let go and live happily. There will be no worries in your heart and there will be no haze on your face.

A person with a good face is open-minded about everything, does not care about things, and has a broad mind and a broad road.

2. People with good looks are self-discipline

A well-known photographer once said: "I have photographed thousands of faces. You can tell how that person lives when you look at the face."

A person's face, written It's his way of life. And people who have good face usually have self-discipline written on their faces.

Due to a long-term self-disciplined life, Chen Daoming is a 67-year-old powerful actor with an elegant and handsome appearance and looks 45 years old.

has the largest collection of books in his family. He is a bookworm.

For him, rather than studying at home, he went there for a better ranking and benefits.

After reading too many books, my face naturally shows a gentle temperament.

He likes sports. When I was young, I played basketball. When I got older, I revealed my energy and switched to golf.

's decades of training have enabled him to maintain the charm of a young man, with a smart and profound vision.

He once said: "Material release and spiritual release are easy, but the highest enjoyment in life is moderation."

In fact, if you observe the people around you who live an indulgent life, they are not pursuing fame and fortune. They are obsessed with red lights, Instead of drinking heavily, he eats and drinks recklessly. His work and rest schedule is disordered.

Under 40 years old, the face is swollen, looks haggard, and the eyes are dull, which is not only directly related to the facial appearance, but also harmful to physical health.

People who are always healthy and successful will not only have a well-proportioned figure, but also have a firm, white face and a radiant face.

As the old saying goes: "The appearance before the age of 40 is given by the parents, and the appearance after the age of 40 is made by oneself."

No matter how beautiful the appearance given by the parents is, it will age one day. However, acquired moderation and self-discipline can help us create an elegant appearance that can withstand the erosion of time.

When people roll around in the world of ordinary people, they will inevitably encounter various temptations. Even if you get a moment of happiness, you can't recover from your true depression.

You must maintain your original intention, control irrationally, and learn to maintain your health in order to gain long-term health and sweetness.

People with good looks usually live very disciplined lives. When the body is healthy, the heart is enriched, and the face becomes calm and wise.

3. People with good looks are honest.

The old saying goes: "A decent person, white color, compatibility comes first."

A real person has a square personality, usually with good looks.

Writer Ma Weidu told a story.

In the past, in the alley of our home, every summer, there would be an old man selling watermelons there.

The old man's business is particularly good. Everyone says that he has a special skill in picking melons, and the melons he picks are particularly sweet. The same goes for other people, who are never short of something.

Ma Weidu asked the old man for advice on the professionalism of picking melons. The old man said: What is my professionalism? But it seems true. People can trust me once they see my face.

The real old man has a black beard and a righteous face. He looks very upright and meticulous.

Ma Weidu said to the old man, it's not that you look real, but that your love is real.

There is a saying in " Cai Gen Tan ": "Sweep away ten layers of armor on the face, and then the features will not be repulsive."

It means that only when a person removes the layers of disguise and lives an honest life can he not be repulsive.

Selfish people have always been insincere. In order to better cover up, over time, they have a natural look that makes people avoid them.

A real person does not do anything wrong, is open-minded, has a glorious appearance, and stands firm.

The way to survive is to treat others appropriately and to be properly restrained to your true feelings and nature.

However, in order to better his own personal gains and losses, he is excessively hypocritical, wears a mask on his face, and lies when he meets others. He only deceives people for a while, but he cannot lie to others, because his face has already betrayed him.

As the old saying goes: "Face is a person's signature."

A person's integrity and kindness will eventually be written on his face and become his passport to walk in the world.

A philosopher once said: "A person's appearance is a picture that expresses the inner heart. The appearance expresses and reveals the entire destiny of a person."

A cultured person has a gentle appearance that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

People with a good attitude and a sunny face are loved by us wherever they go.

The daily life of successful people, their faces are embellished with the charm given by time.

For the rest of my life, cultivate your mind and nature, maintain self-discipline and maintain your health, treat others with sincerity, and be a person with good appearance and good fortune!

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