The exterior view of Wuye Temple has solemn pavilions and pavilions, but the place is too small. After the epidemic, it is crowded with people. Is it really that spiritual? There are many legends about Guangji Dragon King Bodhisattva among the people. Some people say that he is t

The exterior view of Wuye Temple , the pavilions and pavilions are solemn and solemn, but the place is too small. After the epidemic, this place is crowded with people. Is it really that spiritual?

The Fifth Master; the Buddhist name is; Guangji Dragon King Bodhisattva. There are many legends about him among the people. Some people say that he is the fifth son of the Dragon King. Some people say that he is a descendant of the generals of the Yang family in Shanxi, the incarnation of Yang Wulang, Some people say that he is the incarnation of Bao Qingtian, and there are different opinions. So who is he?

The horoscope of the Fifth Master is vivid and lifelike. He is well aware of the sufferings of the people. Whenever people make a wish, he will grant their wishes!

The image of the Five Dragons and the Holy Mother! Bless the people, good weather, peace and prosperity, good harvests, and good luck!

At this year’s Wuye Temple, faithful men and women from all over the country gathered in Wutai Mountain to worship devoutly!

Guangji Dragon King Bodhisattva plaque, personally inscribed by Emperor QingchengKangxi!

This Guanyin Temple is located in Yu County, Yangquan City, Shanxi Province. It is actually not far from Wutai Mountain. It takes up to two hours to drive. Why is it said that there is Wuye Temple in the east and Guanyin Temple in the south? What is the connection between them?

According to the elderly local people, this Guanyin Temple was built in the Song Dynasty. There are stone tablets recording that once upon a time, there were five or so wandering eminent monks who passed by this place and saw Buddha lights all over the mountain, and the whole mountain looked like A blooming lotus was so dazzling that it was decided to build a Guanyin Temple here. The monks raised money everywhere. With the strong support of the local gentry and wealthy people, after a construction period of three years and five months, the Guanyin Temple was completed. On the day of the opening and closing, People from all over the country came here to worship devoutly, but this eminent monk turned into a ray of Buddha's light and flew away with the wind. The people thought he was the incarnation of Guanyin, and they knelt down to worship, praying for prosperity, wealth and luck!

This temple is built deep in the mountains and is not as famous as Mount Wutai. However, there are many faithful men and women who come here. Most of them come here because of its reputation. Without the guidance of local people, you cannot find it!

After hundreds of years of wind and rain, this Guanyin Temple is not shabby at all, it is still dazzling!

This release hall was built by later generations. Whenever traveling monks passed by this place, they would stay here for one night.

Buddhism is called Guanyin Bodhisattva , Taoism is called Cihang Taoist , and foreigners are called Jesus, do you know?

He is a philanthropist who helps those in need and responds to requests!