Wukong asked Manjusri why he let go of the green-haired lion he was sitting on and came to the Black-rooster Kingdom to become a spirit and usurp the throne? "At the beginning, this Black-rooster King was a kind and good monk. The Buddha sent me to save him and return to the West

2024/07/0117:33:33 buddhism 1991

Wukong asked Manjusri why he let go of the green-haired lion he was sitting on to the black chicken country to become a spirit and usurp the throne?

The Bodhisattva said: "He was sent here by the Buddha's decree."

"At that time, this black-rooster king was a kind and good monk. The Buddha sent me to save him and return to the west. He will soon become a golden Arhat. Because he cannot meet him in his original form and transform into a arhat. A kind of ordinary monk asked him to make some sacrifices. He was embarrassed by my few words. He didn't know that I was a good person, so he tied me with a rope and sent me to the Yushui River to soak me for three days and three nights. The golden body of Liujia rescued me and returned to the west. I told the Tathagata to come here and push him into the well and soak him for three years to repay my hatred for the three-day flood. Could it be that "

" means something predestined. ? That is to say, Manjushri Bodhisattva came to save this black-rooster king by the Tathagata's decree and went to the west to become a golden Arhat. Unexpectedly, the black-rooster king tied up Manjushri Bodhisattva and soaked him in water for three days and three nights. After the Tathagata learned about it, he sent This lion spirit came to the Black Chicken Kingdom, pushed the King of the Black Chicken into the well, and soaked him for three years to vent his anger on Manjushri Bodhisattva.

So, don’t keep talking about repaying evil with kindness. You see, even Buddha did not do that kind of thing. If you have been with me for three days, I will be with you for three years, and you will never see the light of day. This is to tell the world that we should repay kindness with kindness, repay hatred with straightness, and respond to violence with violence. Don't do stupid things like not avenging hatred and not redressing grievances.

As the saying goes, Buddha saves rich people, not predestined people. Any group likes powerful and capable people. These conditions The King of Wuji Kingdom happen to be met, and such powerful people need to be saved. Skills, Bodhisattvas have always been condescending, and there will naturally be some condescending meaning in their words. However, the king does not accept this trick. He is also used to being condescending, and naturally he cannot tolerate others talking to him like this. Moreover, he did not know that it was the Bodhisattva who had arrived, he only thought that he was a monk who had transformed into a fast. It was extremely disrespectful for a monk who had transformed into a fast to dare to say something to him that would make things difficult for him. Not to mention tying it up and soaking it in water, it is possible to just drag it out and chop it up.

Buddha is also a protector of calves. He dared to soak his right-hand man, Manjushri, in water for three days and three nights. If Manjushri is not given such bad breath, how will the other Bodhisattvas and Arhats view themselves? The boss does not protect his employees. , employees will naturally not work hard for their boss. Moreover, a mortal dares to do such a thing to a god. Where is the majesty of the god? The Dharma preached every day is boundless and tells people how to do things. The purpose is to make people abide by the rules set by the gods. If you dare to violate this rule, if you are not punished , messing up the rules means breaking the rules and can no longer convince everyone.

Even if you are an emperor, I can push you down the well with any mount. This is the difference between gods and mortals. I have come to save you to promote you. Even if he is an ordinary monk in my sect, you must treat him respectfully. This is called beating a dog and looking at the owner. Only I can deal with the people in my sect, so you have to Bear with it, this is why you must be a member of the powerful class. Even if you are at the lowest level, you can still clamor to the east and west, and to the north and the south.

I just pity this lion. It turns out to be a lion that has been castrated. Looking at the three palace empresses left by the emperor, they are like flowers and beautiful wives, but they have no blessings to enjoy. They have been staring for three years and can only wait for the arrival of Tang Monk's team. The ending of his own subjugation was achieved and the achievements of Tang Seng's team were achieved.

Wukong asked Manjusri why he let go of the green-haired lion he was sitting on and came to the Black-rooster Kingdom to become a spirit and usurp the throne?

Wukong asked Manjusri why he let go of the green-haired lion he was sitting on and came to the Black-rooster Kingdom to become a spirit and usurp the throne?

Wukong asked Manjusri why he let go of the green-haired lion he was sitting on and came to the Black-rooster Kingdom to become a spirit and usurp the throne?

Wukong asked Manjusri why he let go of the green-haired lion he was sitting on and came to the Black-rooster Kingdom to become a spirit and usurp the throne?

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