Su Shi and Zen Master Foyin were good friends. One day, they visited Lingyin Temple together. Su Shi felt strange when he saw the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva hanging rosary beads in the main hall. Then he asked Zen Master Foyin: Everyone in the world is chanting the name of Guanyi

2024/06/2919:10:33 buddhism 1945

Su Shi and Zen Master Foyin were good friends. One day, they visited Lingyin Temple together. Su Shi felt strange when he saw the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva hanging rosary beads in the main hall. Then he asked Zen Master Foyin: Everyone in the world is chanting the name of Guanyi - DayDayNews

Su Shi and Zen Master Foyin are good friends. One day, they visited Lingyin Temple. Su Shi felt strange when he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva hanging rosary beads in the hands of the main hall. Then he asked Zen Master Foyin: Everyone in the world is chanting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva, hoping that she can bless them. Why is she also wearing rosary beads on her hand? Whose name is she chanting?

Zen Master Foyin said: It is also Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Su Dongpo was even more puzzled and asked: Why does she want to pronounce her own name?

Zen Master Foyin explained that because she knows better than the world, it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for yourself, and it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

Many people always want to use others as a backer, so they try their best to make connections. When they are in trouble, they find that those people who try their best to make friends do not take them seriously at all.

On the contrary, because they spend all their thoughts on relationships and become addicted to relying on others, they waste themselves and achieve nothing in the end.

relies on everyone to run. Always relying on others is not the best policy. No one will help you unconditionally, and no one will always be by your side. The right to decide what kind of life

can lead has always been in his own hands.

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