"Color" in Buddhism can be roughly understood in this way. Everything has color, so "color" refers to matter or the material world. "Empty" in Buddhism does not mean nothing as commonly understood, but means that nothing will exist for a long time and will become nothing sooner o

2024/06/0918:31:33 buddhism 1281

You might have thought I wanted to talk about Buddhism . However, what I want to focus on is the "color" of lust.

"Color" in Buddhism can be understood in this way. Everything has color, so "Color" refers to matter or the material world. The physical body probably means the physical body.

"Empty" in Buddhism does not mean nothing as commonly understood, but means that nothing will exist for a long time and will become nothing sooner or later. It has the added dimension of time.

Color is emptiness means that everything in the world will not exist for a long time and will become nothingness sooner or later.

A bright flower that looks pleasing to the eye. However, it will one day wither and return to dust. Daiyu buried flowers, allowing flowers to get a human-like burial before her death. This is a kind of nostalgia, a kind of hope, and also a kind of farewell.

The Himalayas seem to exist for a long time, but one day they will become nothing. If 6 billion years later, even the sun will become a white dwarf star , with only half its original mass. So, in the face of time, how can a mountain remain strong forever?

Although the "color" of lust and the "color" of Buddhism are the same word, their meanings are very different.

The "color" of lust seems to be closer to us, because it is the attraction that pulls desire.

When I walk on the street, sometimes I can't help but look at beautiful women. Especially those with lower necklines, shorter culottes, slim figures, full breasts and buttocks, good looks, elegant manners, and full of femininity. Although I can't do much, I seem to be able to gain a lot by just looking at it. Looking at it again, there is a lot of "pornographic" information captured. (Pornography here, according to Baidu, refers to information that can arouse lust and lust. Therefore, it is not just "pornographic" if you don't wear clothes. Any exposed skin of women can be "pornographic" information. The less you wear, , the more erotic.)

When seeing beautiful women, sometimes they unconsciously enter into reverie, and sometimes the body reacts, such as accelerated blood flow, rapid breathing, etc.

In this case, it seems that physiology is not controlled by oneself, but by the opposite sex. The light reflected from the beautiful woman seemed to have magnetic force, automatically attracting the pupil of my eyeballs.

So I reflected that as a normal man, your genes have already been programmed for you, which characteristics of women will be more attractive to you. These characteristics usually mean that the woman is healthier and more suitable for childbirth, and the next generation will have more advantages.

Sex, and the intense pleasure that accompanies it, serves the purpose of reproduction. They are functions created by genes for continuation. To a certain extent, people are tools of genes.

Women often say that men don’t have a single good thing. I'm afraid it refers to the fact that men are easily distracted.

It seems to be a man's nature to look at beautiful women, but it is not encouraged morally. So we don’t usually look at it blatantly.

When I suddenly see a beautiful woman, if there are others around me, then I will suppress the urge to look directly, subconsciously capture more information about her in a very short time, and then either turn my body or turn around neck, or adjust eye direction or focus. In short, don’t look into that woman-shaped moral forbidden zone. When a beautiful woman walks by, if I have the chance, I may not be able to help but turn around, take another look, and capture some "pornographic" information.

If I look at a beautiful woman, and she is aware of it, or will be seen by her, then I may quickly turn my eyes elsewhere before she looks into my eyes. To prevent her from having a word in her mind - pervert, which would affect my image. But why should I care about her impression?

It has to be said that with the development of society, lust is constantly being suppressed. In primitive society, human life was short and threatened by various wild beasts. In this case, if there is a chance to have children, it must be seized as soon as possible.If in ancient times, I was attracted to the opposite sex, I would look at her and she would look back at me. There are no moral restrictions at this time, so I probably won't avoid it. If she doesn't avoid me, she looks at me a little longer. Then, I can probably tell that something might happen between us.

But in modern times, monogamy is stipulated, and all kinds of prostitution, whoring and all kinds of improper sexual behavior are cracked down on. Under the constraints of law and morality, the desires that come from genetic settings cannot be done as one pleases. Even looking at beautiful women is not allowed in public.

Lust comes from genes and physiology. However, in addition to the passive constraints of law and morality. Compared with other animals, humans have something else, which is reason and soul.

As my rationality grows, I realize more and more that temporary happiness and pleasure will always pass. The past is nothing. They can adjust life occasionally, but they are not worthy of long-term pursuit, nor are they worthy of being the most important thing in life. If you want to have a baby, a few times is usually enough.

Therefore, rationality will allow me to control my desires when looking at beautiful women. Sometimes, I even force myself not to watch. Although it is very uncomfortable to suppress psychological impulses. But reason often tells me, don’t be controlled by beauty, you don’t need so much beauty.

When I was young, I watched short movies and read novels, but that was when I was young. Now I am determined to put an end to this kind of behavior, and I don’t even look at pictures of beautiful women. If a picture of a beautiful woman comes up while browsing an article, I will quickly swipe it. Because I know they will control me. If I stayed a second longer, I would have gotten more "pornographic" information. If you look at it for a little while, you will unconsciously have thoughts in your mind. I know that if a man always reads this kind of information, he will be controlled by them, both physically and psychologically. Along with this, they will often have physiological impulses and seek release. At the extreme, they are hidden dangers of prostitution, whoring, and rape. To put it mildly, they can lead to frequent masturbation, hookups, and more. Although the latter is not illegal, it will hurt the body and violate morality. Although I am mainly talking about men, the same is true for women. If you watch pornographic content frequently, you will definitely be captured by pornography.

soul is a word I use for convenience of understanding. It does not refer to the part of religion and superstition in which people can be reincarnated. Rather, it refers to the human spirit and self-awareness. However, spirit and self-awareness cannot express the sense of nobility that distinguishes humans from animals.

Reading is the most conducive to shaping the soul. The more you read, the more you will have a deeper understanding of yourself, humanity, and the world. When the soul is filled with more and more spiritual food, people will not be willing to live a low-level life. Confucius , Liang Qichao , Chairman Mao, etc., countless people with lofty ideals are like this. Although I have limited education, I also don’t want to live a low-level life.

For me, being addicted to lust and finding strange women for lust is a low-level life.

I have only had physical contact with two women, both of whom were once my wives. Of course, other reasons for this situation cannot be ruled out. For example, it may be because you are introverted and have low self-esteem, and you dare not express yourself actively. It may also be due to environment and personality that I don’t meet many suitable people, so I just happened to take this path. But I can definitely say that it is the purity of my soul that has led me to where I am today.

The color of lust, reasonable and moderate, can add color to life. But if you are captured by it, it is not a good thing. Husbands and wives should also beware of overindulgence.

color is empty. The colors of lust are also empty, they will not last long. Since you have seen through them, you should put them down and enjoy them reasonably. If they are too much, they will become drugs.

Lust is not the most important thing in life. They are simply necessary things in life. At least that's how it works for me.

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