On July 2, the "Xuedou Mountain's First Academic Symposium on Ci Shi Studies and the Unveiling Ceremony of the Xuedou Mountain Ci Shi Studies Research Center" was held at Zhejiang Buddhist University. The seminar was hosted by the Ningbo Xuedou Mountain Buddhist Association and Z

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On July 2, the

html On July 2nd, the " Xuedou Mountain First Academic Symposium on Ci Shi Studies and the Unveiling Ceremony of Xuedou Mountain Ci Shi Studies Research Center" was held at Zhejiang Buddhist University (Headquarters). The seminar was hosted by Ningbo Xuedou Mountain Buddhist Association and Zhejiang Buddhist University (Headquarters), co-organized by School of Philosophy of Fudan University and Ningbo Maitreya Culture Research Base, and supported by Ten Wish Think Tank. Master Zhiding, executive vice president of the college, presided over the ceremony.

On July 2, the

Unveiling ceremony

On July 2, the

Master Yi Zang delivered a speech

Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, Dean of Zhejiang Buddhist College, and Abbot of Xuedou Mountain Zisheng Zen Temple, Master Yi Zang first delivered a welcome speech. He pointed out that the Maitreya image born in Xuedou Mountain and the Maitreya culture with unique Chinese characteristics symbolize sunshine, hope, self-motivation, joy and tolerance, and are one of the typical representatives of the Sinicization of Buddhism. When Master Taixu lived in Xixue Dou Mountain, he actively established the "Ci Zong" and believed that "Ci Zong is the chief cardinal of all Buddhism", which enriched the connotation of Maitreya belief. At present, the construction of Xuedou Mountain as a famous mountain has achieved phased results. The focus of the next stage is to focus on improving the cultural connotation of the famous mountain, that is, vigorously promoting Maitreya culture. Today, the establishment of the Cishi Studies Research Center and the convening of the Cishi Studies symposium are based on this consideration. . It is hoped that with the support of the School of Philosophy of Fudan University, it can be built into a platform for exchanging ideas, academic discussions and sharing results.

On July 2, the

Professor Fu Xinyi delivered a speech

Professor Fu Xinyi from the School of Philosophy, Fudan University delivered a speech on behalf of the co-organizer, the School of Philosophy, Fudan University. He briefly introduced the advantages and characteristics of Buddhist studies at the School of Philosophy, Fudan University, and briefly described his understanding of Ci Shi studies. He believed that on the one hand, Ci Shi studies take Yogacara as the main body and can be extended to the entire Mahayana Buddhism ; On the other hand, with Budai Monk and Xuedou Mountain as the main subjects, Cishi Studies also includes content such as the Chineseization of Zen Buddhism and Maitreya belief.

On July 2, the

Researcher Chen Yongge delivered a speech on behalf of the participating scholars

In his speech, Researcher Chen Yongge, director of the Institute of Philosophy, Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, expressed congratulations on the holding of the first academic symposium on Tzu Chi studies as scheduled. He pointed out that the first conference means innovation, and the first conference means departure. This first conference It will definitely leave a heavy mark in the history of Xuedou Mountain’s famous mountain construction.

On July 2, the

Inspector Chang Xiaobo delivered a speech.

Mr. Chang Xiaobo, member of the Party Leadership Group and Second-level Inspector of the Ningbo Citizens’ Ethnic Affairs Bureau, delivered a speech on behalf of the Ningbo Citizens’ Ethnic Affairs Bureau. He congratulated the opening of the seminar and the unveiling of the Cishi Research Center, and put forward three guiding opinions. The first is to make good use of the Cishi Research Center as a carrier to accumulate resources and serve the construction of Xuedou Mountain as a famous mountain. The second is to conduct academic research on Cishi studies, Maitreya culture, etc., tell good stories, and play a good role in cultural dissemination. The third is to give full play to the platform advantages of the research center, borrow wisdom and strength, and cooperate extensively to further promote the sinicization of Buddhism.

On July 2, the

Taking a group photo

After the opening ceremony, the seminar was chaired by Professor Fu Xinyi, and five famous domestic Buddhist scholars gave keynote speeches. The five scholars reviewed the history of Cishi Studies and Cizong, discussed the connotation and basic structure of Cishi Studies, looked forward to the future development of Cishi Studies, reflected on the research methods of Buddhism in modern times, or specifically examined the Maitreya belief. The historical development at multiple levels has established the basic direction for this seminar and the academic research of the research center.

Pictures and Texts 丨 Zhejiang Buddhist Association, comprehensive Zhejiang Buddhist College

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