The mother tied the child to the stool to give birth to the second and third births. It hurts to "love" the child like this

recently had a mother crying. She has two lovely girls and she is pregnant again. In fact, from the point of view of the health of herself and the fetus, there should not be such a big mood swing, but she cried and the tears stopped Unstoppable flow. She cried and cried and wrote an article while crying. The cause of

's crying was a photo from the phone, , a photo of his daughter tied to a hospital stool, .

At that time, the mother and the child's father took their eldest daughter to work in the field, and no one helped to look after the child when the second child was born, so they could only take the eldest daughter to the hospital to have a second child.

The father of the child has to run up and down to go through the formalities, and the mother of the child is suffering from severe pain. According to her own words, "the whole body is so painful that it is better to live and die, and I can't control the baby." Dad could only tie her to the hospital stool with a rope. The eldest daughter of

is very good, so she doesn't cry or make trouble, she is humble like a little pet living in a corner. She is so young, at the age of crying and playing. She should have been very active. Even an introverted child would have wide-open eyes and full of curiosity about everything. What kept her chained all day without moving? Does she know crying is useless? Still sensitively aware of something? What kind of imprint will be left in her immature heart? Will you blindly cater to unfair treatment when you grow up?

The sister in the bed next door saw her elder daughter being pitiful and gave her an apple to eat. She ate it and ate it very fragrantly and sweetly. The painful mother could only cry in her heart. Others have family members taking good care of them, but this mother only has a two-year-old baby who is tied up. The other family members looked distressed and blamed the mother for tethering the baby there, but the mother could only choked and said: "The child's father is busy and no one takes care of it." The baby was tied for 4 days.

The mother said that her heart was twisted, but she couldn't get up, and she felt sorry for the baby .

But now she is pregnant with three children again, and the scene of no one to take care of is about to reappear, and she does not want the boss and the second to experience these again, she emphasizes that she is not patriarchal, she loves her daughter very much, and has given her heart. Give it to them.

she cried and asked herself: Is there a mine at

? Without

, is there a throne to inherit? Doesn't

have the ability to give them a good life? Does

have the ability to educate? Does your husband love you very much without

? Does anyone help bring

? There is nothing without

, why do we have to give birth? Fight son

Is son better than daughter? Still a good daughter

net map: the daughter waiting outside the delivery room

net picture: the daughter who is holding the baby with the mother

z0 Isn’t it good to raise two lovely daughters? As a mother, do you feel sad to see your baby’s little fleshy hands tied up? What do you think of your child? Why can't your own destiny be in your own hands, but be at the mercy of others like a puppet? The mother's words and deeds deeply affect her daughters. What should they do when they grow up?

You said your heartache? I think they are all fake, and my heartache will not continue to give birth. Then I chained the two girls to the hospital ward and waited for you to have a third child. You said that you love your child, but you love it so much that you can't even guarantee the most basic breastfeeding. If your second daughter is only 17 months old, you will have to give birth again.

Don’t talk about unintended pregnancy. Unexpected pregnancy refers to failure after taking correct contraceptive measures.The chance of pregnancy is very low.

also don't say that the older generation had 7 or 8 lives before, and there was no effective contraceptive measures before. Now it’s not that you can’t even eat rice in 1960. Now it’s in 2020, where science and technology are developing rapidly and people have some requirements for the quality of life.

Children cannot choose their parents. It is the parents' choice to let them be born. Now that they are born, will do everything possible to let the children get a better education and have a better life , isn’t it?