Will black spots on the whites of my child's eyes affect his vision?

Take good care of children’s eyes together

Let them have a bright future

Have you ever looked at your children’s eyes carefully? Children's eyes are generally black and white, smart and cute. But some children have obvious small black spots on the whites of their eyes, and some have flake gray spots that are not dark in color, which look strange and a little garish.

If the child has one, don't be careless and pay attention to whether the black spot has changed in size. I believe that many attentive parents have long discovered that there are small dark spots on the whites of their children's eyes. Only a few people take their children to the hospital for an eye examination. The big ones think that this is just a bug in the child's stomach. it is good. But is this really the case? If there are parasites in the child's stomach, most of them will have stomach pain, restless sleep, vomiting, diarrhea, anal itching and other symptoms. You can't just judge by the spots on the white of the eyes, just buy some insect repellent.

There are also many parents who worry about whether the appearance of dark spots on the whites of their eyes will affect their eyesight, so they take their children for examination, let alone other things, this attitude is worthy of recognition.

Peking University People’s Hospital doctor Yu Wenzhen said: Black spots on the whites of children’s eyes are actually normal, just like moles on the human body. Some only affect the appearance, but some do affect the body. In addition to pigmentation, there is a special situation, do not be careless, you must be vigilant.

The whites of the eyes of children should be clear and translucent under normal circumstances, and the appearance of dark spots is related to poor development in the fetus or childhood.

Physician Yu Wenzhen also said: Such spots are called "pigmentation" in medicine. As for the need to see a doctor, it depends on the specific situation.

Why do children have black spots on the whites of their eyes?

1. Childhood scleral development is imperfect.

The organ development of the body takes a long time. The fetal period is only the forming stage, and the development of various parts including the eyes is not perfect. The thickness of the eyeball and sclera is only 2/ compared with that of adults. 3 or so. Below the sclera are blood vessels, through the thin sclera of the child, you can see the dark meridians and small blood vessels below. This is most obvious in preschool children. As long as the parents are careful enough, they can see blue-black spots or spots on the whites of the eyes. The color is lighter and bluer. This is a large amount of pigment deposition in the choroid and blood vessels. colour. This is normal and does not need to be dealt with. As the child grows up, the color will become lighter and lighter.

2, melanin deposits become pigmented moles

Everyone has melanin in their body, and the deposition rate is not even, and in some places it is more concentrated, forming stains, moles or birthmarks. There is also melanin in the whites of our eyes, or melanin deposits. In some children, melanin deposits on the eye mask, forming black spots or dark spots on the white of the eyes. The location is either very close to the black eyeball or far away, no one can tell. This kind of spot is the same as an ordinary mole on the body, it is neither painful nor itchy, and has no effect on vision. There are many reasons for the formation, which may be related to sunlight or endocrine disorders, but this is only the child's own cause, but the melanin just happens to be deposited on the conjunctiva.

As long as no other obvious changes are found within a short period of time, no special treatment is usually required. If the child’s dark spots belong to the first two types, then parents need not worry. But there is an abnormal situation that you must be alert to. Peking University doctor Yu Wenzhen said that if the dark spot suddenly becomes larger or bulges or breaks, it is likely to be caused by a malignant lesion, and you must take it to the hospital for examination in time.

protect children’s eyes in different stages:

Fetal period: ensure nutrition and developmental environment

One of the main reasons that affect eye development at this time is nutritional problems. Insufficient nutrition or malabsorption of the fetus can easily leave the eyes with defects. Therefore, expectant mothers should pay attention to a scientific diet during pregnancy, stay away from cigarettes, alcohol and other harmful substances, and be careful not to get injured by collisions, and do not miss the birth check.

From birth to adulthood: pay attention to eye health

At this stage, you must still pay attention to the nutritional balance of the child. Chinese wolfberry, spinach, bananas, carrots, etc. are all foods for improving eyesight, so you can eat more. In addition, don't let your eyes get too tired. Various electronic products are prevalent in the information age. Both learning and entertainment are inseparable.If you do not pay attention to eye hygiene, the blue light of electronic products will make children wear thick glasses early, which will affect the appearance and learning experience.

Another point that cannot be ignored is that myopia is inherited, and it is inconvenient for children to wear glasses when they grow up, and surgery is more or less risky, and it is better to prevent it early. Remind children to relax for half an hour after using their eyes for 1.5 hours a day. The total time to play with mobile phones and computers should not exceed 2 hours a day, and pay attention to regular eye exercises to ensure adequate sleep, proper light and daily exercise