Confinement is the most important time in a woman's life. If you sit well during confinement, you will feel like you are reborn, and your condition will even be better than before giving birth. But if you do not do a good job during confinement, you will easily suffer from confin

Confinement period is the most important time in a woman's life. If you sit well during confinement, you will feel like you are reborn, and your condition will even be better than before giving birth. But if you do not do a good job during confinement, you will easily suffer from confinement disease, which will torture you for half your life. Confinement is so important, so there are many taboos! The following four taboos are the most easily overlooked, let’s take a look!

  • Staying in bed for a long time

Perhaps in the opinion of the older generation, confinement means lying on the bed and trying not to move. But now it seems that this statement is very wrong. If you lie in bed for a long time after confinement, it is not conducive to the discharge of lochia, and it may also cause venous thrombosis . In addition, maternal bones are affected. Long-term bed rest will lead to greater calcium deficiency and affect bone recovery.

Therefore, during the confinement period, you should try to get out of bed and move around as much as possible, which has many benefits. Under normal circumstances, after and are discharged from the hospital, they can get up and walk around every day. Note: caesarean section requires doctor’s advice before getting out of bed.

  • Nourishing method - start with a big boost!

What can and cannot be eaten during confinement? Maybe many people will have this survey. But how to eat it, I am at a loss. If you blindly nourish, it will be counterproductive. It is easy for the mother's gastrointestinal burden to be heavy, and nutrients cannot be absorbed and can only accumulate in the intestines, causing health problems.

The nourishing methods during confinement include first row, second nourishing, third minor nourishing and four major nourishing. This means that you should eliminate lochia in the first week, do not take any supplements, and eat mainly light foods. Then in the second week, you need to nourish, but you can only eat milder foods. Then officially start nourishing the body in the third and fourth weeks, so that the body can recover better.

  • Neglect of protection, catching cold from the wind

Many people ask whether air conditioning can be used in summer. Although it is possible, many people lack protection. Some mothers face the air conditioner or fan and even sleep while doing so. Maybe I did this often before, but it’s different after giving birth. After childbirth, your resistance decreases and you will get very cold.

So even in summer, you should wear long sleeves and a headscarf, and don't blow it into the wind, and don't blow it all night. Be sure to pay attention to protection and don't catch a cold yourself.

  • I didn’t pay attention to personal hygiene

I couldn’t wash my hair or take a bath during confinement. Maybe until now, some people still believe in this concept. However, if you don’t wash your hair or take a shower for a month, it is very easy for bacteria to breed. And not taking a shower for a long time is psychologically unbearable for people nowadays.

Under normal circumstances, mothers who give birth naturally can take a shower and wash their hair a week later. But be sure to note that whether you take a shower or wash your hair, the temperature should be adjusted to about 40 degrees, and you should dry it immediately after washing. Because the conditions in the past were not good, there were no hair dryers or water heaters, so it was easy to catch a cold when bathing and washing hair. But now that this kind of equipment is available, as long as you pay attention to protection, you can take a shower and wash your hair with confidence.

Of course, in addition to this, there are many things to pay attention to during confinement. If you have any other questions, please leave a message in the comment area and let us discuss it together!