What is more legendary about her is not this, but that when she was 30 years old, she went to Thailand alone and gave birth to three mixed-race babies with the help of technology.

This woman named Li Xueke can be said to have a successful career. At the age of only 24, she has become a business owner with an annual income of tens of millions.

What is more legendary about her is not that, but that when she was 30 years old, she went to Thailand alone and gave birth to three mixed-race babies with the help of technology.

From then on, she became the most beautiful single mother in Shandong Province. Women who live for themselves are indeed the most beautiful. She breaks the worldly constraints, but who knows that behind all the scenery is sadness?

Childhood family misfortune

In fact, her perseverance was developed when she was a child, because her childhood experiences allowed her to grow up and understand life early, so that she could become herself earlier.

In 1989, Li Xueke was born in Heze, Shandong, an ordinary small mountain village. The conditions of her family were worse than those of other families in the same village.

Her father is not a generous person. He is always demanding, no matter whether he treats others or himself, so he often quarrels with his wife in this regard.

As time passed, the relationship between the couple became worse and worse. They had quarrels every now and then, and eventually even the neighbors got used to it.

Xiao Xueke was only three years old at that time. She was not old enough to be sensible yet. She just hoped to follow her parents and stay together every day, and she would be happy.

But her father and mother still divorced, and this poor little girl started her life as a single parent with her mother. Because she has not had her father around since she was a child, she longs for her father's love.

In fact, it’s not just Li Xueke. Which child in the world doesn’t want his parents to have a harmonious relationship? At that time, she looked at the gate of the yard every day.

She hoped that the next second, her father could walk in from outside the door, pick her up and kiss her cheek gently like he did when she was a child.

But Li Xueke's mother often sighed secretly. The mother also hoped to make her children happy, but in the mother's view, the father was by no means a good man, and he was not a kind person at the beginning.

In fact, after Li Xueke's parents divorced, her mother had been taking her with her, and her father had remarried early. Now his father already has his own remarried wife and a child who is about to be born.

But the young Li Xueke didn't understand this. She only knew that that was her father, and he must love her very much. At that time, her father was still very tall in Li Xueke's mind.

She feels that her father is an omnipotent superman who will protect her at all times, but everything must be experienced by oneself to understand.

There was a time when Li Xueke’s mother had to temporarily place her with her father due to work commitments. That was the first time she saw her father after she was three years old.

The moment she met her father, the father and daughter were supposed to stage a reunion scene after a long separation, but her father's face was not very happy and looked very dull.

At that time, Li Xueke was only in elementary school. When she saw her father being unhappy, she looked for her own reasons. She felt that she had not done well enough.

So she studied hard every day and was obedient, but this did not change the current situation. She usually does her homework as soon as school is over, and always finishes it on time before going to bed.

But one time, their teacher left a little too much homework. She was worried that she would be criticized if she couldn't finish it, so she stayed up for a while.

But this annoyed her father. Seeing that the light in his daughter's room was still on, the father didn't know where the anger came from, so he pushed the door open and entered.

was so angry that he scolded his daughter directly, scolding her for deliberately wasting the family's electricity bill and not knowing how to cherish the fruits of his hard work.

A young man who is self-reliant and self-reliant

Perhaps from the moment her father pushed in the door, Li Xueke realized that her father was indeed not worth entrusting to her, and she understood her mother very well.

On the other hand, her mother has not found a father for her because she is afraid that her stepfather will treat her badly.And her father was afraid that she would drag him down.

She was very considerate of her mother. From that time on, she secretly vowed that she would work hard and earn a lot of money when she grew up to repay her mother.

Later, my mother’s work was over and she was picked up to go home. On the way, her mother asked her how she was doing during this time, and she just smiled and replied: "It's not bad."

When she got home in the evening, Li Xueke turned on the TV as usual and learned to dance from the big sister above. In fact, this behavior was already evident when she was five years old.

When she was five years old, she started to dance to the beat, follow the rhythm, and dance in style, but how could her mother not notice?

But because her mother's salary was low, there was not much money left except for food and her school expenses. So her mother has to work harder.

Finally, the mother and daughter saved enough money to enroll in a dance class. In this way, Li Xueke started her dance career.

Because of her innate figure advantage and beautiful appearance, she soon became the school beauty, and her height also grew to 1.7 meters without her realizing it.

Once, Heze City was running for an image spokesperson, and they had to be selected through a model contest. Because Li Xueke has outstanding appearance and figure, her classmates encourage her.

Finally, Li Xueke signed up. But even though her name was in the application, she had never learned the steps of a stage show, so her mother quickly hired a modeling teacher for her.

After a period of tutoring on catwalk steps, she has almost learned it, but how to solve the dance skirt. Generally, when you go to a catwalk, you have to wear a very gorgeous dance skirt.

Many contestants have a dedicated designer to design a catwalk dress. She does not have a designer and does not have that much money to buy it, so she can only rent it.

In the end, her mother begged and finally rented her a beautiful dance skirt at a reasonable price, and her daughter also entered the competition.

And Li Xueke’s performance lived up to expectations. Her perfect temperament allowed her to advance all the way and finally entered the finals. I originally thought I could win the championship, but an accident happened.

Because she has come all the way, both the judges and the audience are very optimistic about this girl. Many people, whether they are friends or strangers, hope that she will win the crown.

However, because her skirt did not fit very well, an accident occurred during the final walk, and her show had to be terminated.

Once she found her dream of modeling career

, her temperament was deeply remembered by people. It was this competition that opened the door to her life, and she actually fell in love with this industry.

She feels that walking under the spotlight on the stage is like being in a fairyland, which makes her very intoxicated. Moreover, when walking on the stage, she feels relaxed and feels very confident.

Within a few years, she was waiting for the opportunity again. That time, and Shandong Satellite TV were preparing to launch a variety show and needed to find confident and beautiful girls.

She carefully looked at the requirements for participating in the program on the poster. She found that she could do it, so she signed up without hesitation.

She is also very lucky, the program team selected her. When she learned that she could participate in that variety show, Li Xueke was very excited and told her mother the news.

Her mother is different from other social women who are restrictive and conservative. Her mother is very open, very supportive of her ideals, and even encourages her to prepare.

That experience enriched her experience. When she appeared in front of the camera for the first time, she was dignified and generous without any fear. This made all the judges give her unanimous praise.

From then on, she devoted herself to the study of "how to be a good model". In order to study better, she works hard every day and never skips classes.

Soon, I learned more and more about the model. But on the contrary, her academic and cultural level has not improved much no matter how hard she works.

So in 2006, she failed to enter college after all, and from then on, only models remained in her world. But actually she was still very sad.

After all, at that time, many people in society had a subconscious thinking, that is, culture is the hardest bone.

She actually wants to be a "good student" with excellent grades, but unfortunately, her destiny is to be a successful strong woman in society.

From then on, her modeling career officially began. After graduation, I went to Shanghai alone and was successfully recruited by a well-known company in Shanghai. The salary package of

's company is very high, and she can earn a lot more money than her peers. Her temperament was also highly valued by the company, so they often took her to participate in competitions.

Li Xueke's ability is obvious, and she has won many championships in competitions. She even participated in a model competition organized by the central government, and her name is also resounding throughout the mainland.

But there will always be some adversities in life, and even personal efforts cannot compare to the power of nature. In 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake made her "unemployed."

Because of this natural disaster, all dances and catwalk competitions were suspended, and she suddenly became an idler with no income.

It was at that time that Li Xueke realized that the career of modeling could not support her for a lifetime, so she had to find a long-term and stable job before she lost this "innate advantage".

After much thought, she decided to return to her hometown to develop her career, because Shanghai was too expensive and if this continued, she wouldn't be able to survive for long.

Strong Female Entrepreneurship

When she returned to Shandong, she looked for business opportunities everywhere. Fortunately, there were no model training classes in the local area, so she seized the opportunity and set up a training class.

When I learned that Li Xueke was going to hold a model training class, many relatives and friends around her looked at the excitement and even ridiculed her for not being practical.

But in fact, those people are too conservative and will not accept such a self-reliant and self-reliant social woman. But soon, reality gave them a hard slap in the face.

Not long after her training class was established, many students came to sign up. The training class that had just started was on the right track and was very prosperous.

Li Xueke took advantage of such conditions and immediately invested in setting up a school. She personally worked as a model teacher, and the entrepreneurial process went very smoothly.

Since then, her career has been relatively successful. Later, she seized the opportunity of micro-business and started her own business. At just 24 years old, she could earn tens of millions of dollars.

But after her career became successful, many relatives and friends began to persuade her to get married. Some people even advised her not to set her sights too high, otherwise she would end up choosing the leftovers.

Li Xueke, who has both career and beauty, is surrounded by all kinds of men, but she finds that all men cannot accept a woman who is stronger than herself.

And their thoughts are also very conservative. They don't want women to be famous outside, and they just want to keep each other at home.

This is simply a joke. How could Li Xueke give up her career for such a man? But she couldn't bear the nagging of so many people around her, so she began to study test-tube babies .

If in vitro fertilization can be successful, then she can give birth to a child by herself without the help of a man. In addition, her classmates and friends around her were getting married and having children, and she also wanted a child of her own.

IVF, giving birth alone

After some inquiries, she rushed to Thailand alone. In the gene pool , a foreigner with excellent genes was selected to match and breed an in vitro fertilized baby.

In this case, no one will make irresponsible remarks to her about the child. The child born in this way will not only be healthier, but also have stronger genes.

Finally, she implanted triplets, two sons and one daughter, and gave birth to a baby in 2019. Who would have thought that this great woman would suffer from postpartum depression.

Fortunately, many of her classmates and friends helped her get back on her feet. Soon, she came out of the gloom and once again gave back to the world with a smile.

That year, the epidemic broke out. She couldn't go out and once again had no income, but it was at that time that she noticed the business opportunity of short videos.

So the mother and son started the short video journey. Her career path has always been smooth sailing. The first video became popular as soon as it was released.

More people have recognized this independent and self-reliant woman. Because of her obvious personality, people like her very much, and even more girls have begun to use her as a role model.

Now that she has a successful career, she has successfully fulfilled the promise she made to her mother. She allowed her mother to live in a big house and gave her mother better living conditions.

In fact, her success must be attributed to herself. Without her firm belief, how could she have made it all the way to where she is now? Behind all success is the power of persistence.

Later, many netizens asked her if she had ever thought about finding a father for her three children. She always smiled and said that she could support these children by herself, and that as long as she lived a happy life, it was enough.

In fact, everyone has their own way of living. You can choose two people to live together. In that case, there will be someone to share the happiness and sadness in life.

You can also choose to face life alone. In that case, maybe you can really live an unfettered self and become what you most want to be.

But no matter what you choose, only one thing will not change. No matter what you do, you must stick to your true heart. As long as you persist, you will be able to succeed.