In reality, some children lack imagination, and there is usually an obvious external manifestation, which is that they are stuck in thinking. Imagination refers to a person's ability to create pictures through the brain, through exploration of the outside world, and by maintainin

In reality, some children lack imagination, which usually has an obvious external manifestation, that is, they are stuck in thinking.

Imagination refers to a person's ability to create pictures through the brain, which is obtained through exploring the outside world and maintaining curiosity about unknown things. Imagination is crucial both in children's studies and in their future careers.

So why do some children lack imagination? I think we should start with our family education method, and maybe we can find the problem.

In family education, if children are allowed to receive education too early, such as learning literacy, learning painting from teachers, etc., it will hinder the development of children's imagination.

In addition, if parents let their children play with electronic products and watch TV from an early age, it will consume their children's imagination.

In order to solve the problem of children's lack of imagination, we can start by cultivating children's "story thinking" ability to activate their imagination.

The so-called "story thinking" refers to a self-inspired thinking process that focuses on the description of the process of things and helps children use their imagination in the process of finding and telling stories.

If you want to cultivate children's "story thinking" ability, the following four principles can usually be used as a reference.

01 Don't stifle children's imagination

In many cases, children's imagination is stifled by the unconscious actions of their parents.

This is because, in the eyes of children, parents are the authority, and their words and deeds will have a great impact on their children. If parents always pass on the so-called "standard answers" to their children, then the children's imagination will be out of the question.

Parents should try their best to encourage their children to understand the multi-faceted nature of things from different angles, and not to be affected by "thinking stereotypes". Parents should let their children's imagination fly, think and create according to their own different ideas, and let their imagination Get exercise and sublimation.

When children ask us questions, don’t be perfunctory, but respond with a positive attitude, encourage, respect the children’s ideas, and don’t let the children lose the motivation to share and seek knowledge.

02 No family norms or rules Too harsh and old-fashioned

Good family rules can regulate children's words and deeds, which is its positive side. But going too far is not enough. Overly strict family rules often cause children to follow the rules and not dare to have any transgressive behavior. This can easily lead to a negative problem - children lack creativity.

If we appropriately improve the overly strict family rules, we can make the child's growth environment more relaxed and liberate the child's mind.

For example, we set some open work and rest times for children, balance study and leisure time, and relax in an appropriate way to reduce children's sense of urgency and pressure, which can make it easier for children to create imagination.

In addition, we can also play role-playing games with our children. Such games can stimulate children's imaginative thinking and shorten the distance between parents and children. Parents should show sufficient attention and appreciation for their children's imagination and initiative when participating in games. A perfunctory attitude and absent-mindedness will reduce the educational effect.

03 Interact more with children on a daily basis, respond positively, and ask some inspiring questions.

Parents should respond seriously to questions raised by their children. It needs to be emphasized that when children ask questions to their parents, it is the best time for parents and children to interact. It is also a good opportunity for parents to help their children open their minds and expand their horizons.

If the child is relatively introverted and reluctant to ask questions, in this case, we as parents need to take the initiative, interact more with the children, ask some enlightening questions, arouse the children's curiosity, and stimulate their creativity. .

Nature in various forms can help children open up their imagination. We can cultivate children's imagination by guiding them to have close contact and interaction with nature.

In addition to walking into nature, we can also take children to visit various exhibition halls such as science and technology museums, museums, etc., which can help children broaden their horizons, increase their knowledge, and activate their thinking.

04 Parents play creative games with their children to stimulate them to generate more ideas.

Children’s ideas are often wild and unconstrained. All we parents have to do is to use clever methods, such as playing creative games with our children to stimulate them. Children generate more fantastic ideas, thereby stimulating children's imagination and creativity.


If children lack imagination, in fact, most of it has something to do with the wrong education methods of our parents. Therefore, changing the education methods of our parents is an important prerequisite for solving such problems.

starts by cultivating children's "story thinking" ability, creating a good growth environment for them, and maintaining their curiosity and desire to explore the world. This is an important guarantee for activating their imagination.