Do you think this is just a joke, but do your children think it is a joke? Children and adults have different cognitions, especially the words of their parents. Parents are everything they say, and children will take everything they say seriously. Here There is no ability to disc

"Mom doesn't want you anymore"

Does this sentence sound familiar? Do you think this is just a joke, but will your children think it is a joke?

Children have different cognitions from adults, especially the words of their parents. Parents are everything to them, and children will take everything they say seriously. There is no discernment here, because the trust in the blood makes children default that everything their parents say is correct. of.

"Guangzhou Daily" once conducted a special survey on "Chinese-style funny babies":

The number one ranking is "Mom doesn't want you anymore", accounting for 38.14%;

This sentence is really hurtful, I hope everyone Parents should stop using this sentence to scare their children, it is not funny at all!

A previous piece of news was that parents frightened their children and said that if they disobey, they would be sent to the police. This caused the children to mistakenly think that the police were not good people, which had the opposite effect. The consequences were very serious. If the children get lost in the future, they will not trust the police. Parents will pay a heavy price.

In fact, don’t let others kiss your child casually!

Direct kissing can spread diseases through the mouth, droplets and saliva, such as influenza , herpes and Helicobacter pylori , etc. Children's resistance is inherently weak and they will be infected if they are not properly protected. Don't think it's making a fuss, there are many The child suffered serious consequences.

"Teasing" children is a bad habit

"Teasing" children should be based on the premise of making children happy, and create events that make them happy in a way that they can understand and accept. You must never condescendingly take advantage of a child's naivety, deliberately make the child make mistakes or be afraid, and bring humiliation, worry, fear, and loss to the child.

There is another piece of news that I hope will arouse the attention and thinking of parents. It is a short video some time ago. In it, a mother went to a deli and told her child about the braised pork head, pig's trotters, and pig's nose. : "Look, this is Peppa Pig's nose, this is his mother's nose, this is his father's, and this is his brother's. All four of their family have been made into pig heads. And you see, This is his mother’s pig’s trotters, which were also chopped off. ”

To be honest, when I first saw this video, I was very confused. What kind of weird parent would intimidate an immature child like this. , is this fun? How is this different from a nightmare for a child?

Children usually fantasize about being friends with the characters in cartoons, but what this mother does is she wants her children to understand something? In my opinion, this mother just wants to amuse her baby, but this is for the purpose of pleasing herself.

is very puzzled. This is a wake-up call for parents to stop this boring and hateful behavior of "entertaining their children".

Teasing children ≠ teasing children: "Chinese-style teasing" can cause harm you can't imagine

Psychologist Wu Zhihong once said: "The 'teasing' children that are widespread in China are children who are still open-minded and simple and sensitive. It makes them as desperate, rough and vulgar as adults. "

Children are really not as naive as adults think. As their parents, we must always regulate our own behavior. Only in this way can we do the best for them. Good role model.

What is your opinion on this?

I am Xiaoshu, I wish you happiness.