High IQ is closely related to the brain

As parents, they all hope that their children have high IQs, because a high IQ of a child means that the child will be smart in the future, so that the child will have a very good performance in learning and good academic performance. We all know that a child's high IQ is closely related to the brain. If the child's brain develops well, naturally the child will not have a low IQ in the future.

We all know that the human brain is divided into left and right brains, and the left and right brains have different functions. In the 1950s, in the split-brain experiment conducted by Professor Rogers Perry of California, USA, it was found that the left brain and the right brain were surprisingly different. In experiments, Rogers Perry found that the left brain is better than the right brain in processing language, and the right brain is better than the left brain in processing space.

And there are many differences in the division of labor between the left brain and the right brain. For example, the left brain is more inclined to emotion, imagination, rhythm, and so on. The right brain is an academic brain, good at logical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and text analysis capabilities, so the right brain is also called the "abstract brain." Therefore, we have said that if a child learns wisely, then the right brain of the child must be more developed.

For example, Einstein , Leonardo da Vinci, Madame Curie , etc., famous geniuses in history, they are all people with very developed right brain. Therefore, parents now attach importance to the cultivation of their children's right brain and hope that their children will have a higher IQ in the future. First of all, let's take a look at the situation of children's brain development at different stages.

When a child is 3 months to 6 months old, the completion rate of brain development is about 50%-60%. At 6 months to 3 years old, the completion rate of brain development is about 80%-90%. At the stage of 3-6 years old, the completion rate of brain development basically reaches the adult level. Therefore, if you want your children to have high IQ and smartness, and develop their right brain, leads the right brain. Experts suggest that parents should seize the golden time before the child is 6 years old. and. The underdeveloped right brain of a child has traces to follow when he is young, and it is very likely that he will become a "student master" if he cultivates it carefully.

Harvard University once did a survey on the academic bullies. After investigating 1,000 academic bullies, it was found that the right brains of the academic bullies are more developed, and more than 80% of them Usually there are these 3 kinds of performance.

1. Strong and strong memory

If your child has a strong memory since childhood, such as teaching children to recite ancient poems when they were young, they can remember them after reading it a few times, then such children usually have more developed right brains. Because the right brain uses the "image memory" method, such children not only remember things quickly, but are also very strong and not easy to forget, which proves that the child's right brain is better developed and more developed.

2. Left-handed habitually

Children with developed right brains often have developed left limbs, just like left-handed people, which are more comfortable than right-handed children writing with left hand, eating with left hand, etc. The reason why the left side limbs are flexible and the right brain is more developed is because the left side of the child is controlled by the right brain. Therefore, we think that left-handed people are often smarter.

3. Abundant imagination

Children with developed right brain often show rich imagination, because the children's imagination is rich, it is possible to create things that others can't, and many things in the future will be children Imagination is the first to have the motivation to create. The child’s right brain is what controls the child’s imagination, so parents will let the child learn to paint and so on. In fact, this plays a role in developing the child’s right brain.

To make children have high IQ and smart, it is essential to develop children's right brain. Leading the right brain suggests that parents can exercise the flexibility of the child's left limb more often, and they can also play educational games with the child. For example, like building blocks, mazes, jigsaw puzzles, etc., when children are playing these games, their right brain can be well exercised. Parents have been paying attention to their children's brain development since they were young. In the future, they will be smart, learn well, and become a schoolmaster.

Education is on the way, we never stop! For more exciting content, please pay attention to lead the right brain!
