What kind of life scene will a 40-year-old woman have after giving birth? The answers from people who come here are bitter and tiring

2020/01/0823:14:15 baby 2920

"Wen/Grandma Doubao (original article, personal reprint and sharing are welcome)"

For middle-age women, the life changes brought about by childbirth are huge, and for older women, this change is even more obvious. Part of the elderly mothers are fighting to have a second child in response to the policy, and part of the family concept that chose DINK back then has changed into a "repentant tribe."

Birth is a thing full of unexpected dangers, and choosing to give birth at an advanced age is naturally dangerous. The living conditions faced by the elderly women after giving birth are full of unknowns.

What kind of life is a 40-year-old puerpera going through? The answers from people who come over are bitter and tired.

I saw a discussion post on the Internet some time ago. The topic of the post was "What is going on for a 40-year-old puerpera? Life?" At the bottom of the post, many netizens participated. It can be said that a few are happy and a little sad.

What kind of life scene will a 40-year-old woman have after giving birth? The answers from people who come here are bitter and tiring - DayDayNews

Netizen Maomao said: "I was born when I was 40 years old, and my eldest daughter was already in junior high school. When I told her the news At that time, eldest daughter did not disagree with , but instead told me to pay attention to my body.

The intimateness of the child made me feel that the whole pregnancy was very easy. But after all, I am getting older, and I feel pregnant and pregnant. My daughter’s feelings are completely different. 身很慶, the index of pregnancy check is not very ideal, but at the end Maomao was born smoothly. After childbirth, the body is not as good as before, and I often feel qi deficiency. It is indeed true to take care of two children. Very tired , but fortunately two daughters are obedient and sensible, very heart-warming , always receive double blessings during the holiday."

Netizen Lie Ri Caihong said: "I After I got married with my husband, I decided to be a DINK, so I never had any plans to have children. In the 15th year after marriage, watching people around me were talking about my children, I was a little shaken, I felt that my life was a little short of regret, Silai I wanted to go and told my husband about the idea of ​​having a baby. I didn’t expect that my husband would have the same feeling, so the two hit it off.

And I finally became a mother when I was 40. Although I am used to it. In the two-person world, I am a little uncomfortable with my children's participation. I am often overwhelmed by my children's trivial matters, but the happiness my children bring to me is irreplaceable. Although my physical exhaustion feels clear, I am content with it."

What kind of life scene will a 40-year-old woman have after giving birth? The answers from people who come here are bitter and tiring - DayDayNews

In the eyes of people who have passed by, the arrival of children makes the family more tired and hard, but the happiness that comes with it has become a double share. From a medical point of view, women over the age of 35 have passed the optimal reproductive age in terms of physical condition and egg quality, so women over 35 are defined as advanced-age women.

What are the thorny problems that elderly women need to face after giving birth?

1: The body recovers slowly

Because of the optimal reproductive age, the physical condition of the parturient after childbirth will be much worse than before, and the disadvantage of the elderly parturient in the physical recovery can be clearly felt . For example, it is particularly easy to feel tired, and the body is obviously slow to recover after delivery.

What kind of life scene will a 40-year-old woman have after giving birth? The answers from people who come here are bitter and tiring - DayDayNews

2: The energy is not as good as before

The postpartum parenting life is very tiring, such as feeding night milk, changing diapers, and making trouble. Sleep, trivial matters on these children will consume energy greatly. For young people, staying up late can be full of vitality the next day, but for senior mothers, staying up late is extremely lethal, and the next day will be spent the whole day in a muddle. And this kind of day must last at least one year.

3: Parenting anxiety is obvious

There is an obvious generation gap between the childbearing age and the child, and the child’s education communication is also obvious.A little strenuous. Older parturients are also worried that their age will have a negative impact on their children, especially when their children go to school, their parents look older than their peers, which will also have a negative impact on their children’s self-esteem. Of course, this is also easy to change Senior Bao's mother is in an embarrassing situation of being misunderstood as the grandmother of the child.

Fighting for life at an advanced age should never be an impulse decision!

1) Parents must know how to be responsible for their children

Breeding life is not an easy decision. Parents should consider comprehensive considerations and make the final prudent choice. Fully prepare for the child's future upbringing. It is not the job of competent parents to give birth to but not raise. The idea of ​​giving birth for the sake of fertility is actually very dangerous, and a calm and rational decision will not regret it.

What kind of life scene will a 40-year-old woman have after giving birth? The answers from people who come here are bitter and tiring - DayDayNews

2) Economic stability and companionship are indispensable

If you sacrifice the current stable life for the sake of old age, you need to raise your children. Gathering less and more, then does it really make sense to be absent from the child’s growth? There was a news report that older women had to go out to feed the twins. They missed the growth of their children and made themselves very tired. If there is another chance to choose, I will definitely think twice.

Old-age childbirth is not only a change for the parturient, but also has a great impact on the whole family, and the bitterness and sweetness of this are even more familiar. Do you have any opinions on how to fight for the elderly? Any thoughts on this to share? Welcome to express your opinion in the message area below.

I am Grandma Doubao. I have rich experience in mother and child parenting. If you want to learn more about it, please follow me.

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