Around four o'clock this afternoon, my daughter and I took our two children to the swimming pool when we encountered an animal (picture 1) crawling slowly on the green grass of the community. I said, "Look, such a big conch!" My daughter didn't say anything. However, our granddau

2024/06/0820:05:32 baby 1057

Around four o'clock this afternoon, my daughter and I were taking our two children to the swimming pool when we encountered an animal (picture 1) crawling slowly on the green grass of the community.

I said: "Look, such a big conch!" My daughter did not make a sound. However, the granddaughter walking beside us said: "It's not a conch, it's a snail. Look, it has horns."

Around four o'clock this afternoon, my daughter and I took our two children to the swimming pool when we encountered an animal (picture 1) crawling slowly on the green grass of the community. I said,

My granddaughter is now five and a half weeks old. Can you believe what she says? She made so much sense that it made me question my opinion. But I can't believe that what such a child said is true.

Maybe my daughter didn’t know what it was called at the time. After dinner, my daughter checked the Internet on her mobile phone for information about the little animal. I just heard my daughter say: "The one we saw was not a conch, but an African snail." She also continued: "African snails carry germs in their bodies and are intermediate hosts for many human and animal parasites and pathogens. They can spread tuberculosis and eosinophilic meningitis. It is an alien creature that eats ferociously and can even eat and digest cement. ”

Around four o'clock this afternoon, my daughter and I took our two children to the swimming pool when we encountered an animal (picture 1) crawling slowly on the green grass of the community. I said,

Wow! So scary. In the past, we saw such a small animal in the community where our relatives lived. Seeing that its shell was very beautiful, we took it home to play with and fed it for a few days. Later, the little animal died. At that time, we took it It was raised as a conch. Now that I think about it, I feel a little scared. The ignorant are truly fearless!

In order to make sure that the small animal my daughter mentioned was an African snail and not a conch, I also checked online. It turned out that I was really wrong, it was not a conch, it was really a snail as my granddaughter said!

This is the first time I have seen such a big snail. It turns out that the small animal is really a snail. Its name is and the African giant snail is the largest land snail in the world. It can weigh up to 800 grams and have a shell up to 20 centimeters long. The African giant snail is diurnal, nocturnal, gregarious, and prefers a damp and damp environment. They burrow in the soil and live in the soil, hiding during the day and coming out at night. It just rained here today, so they must be out and about.

It seems that I know too little knowledge. I am over fifty years old, but I am not as good as a five-year-old child. I feel very ashamed.

Around four o'clock this afternoon, my daughter and I took our two children to the swimming pool when we encountered an animal (picture 1) crawling slowly on the green grass of the community. I said,

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