The weather is getting hotter and hotter. I wonder if you have received a piece of "advice" recently: Don't take ice cream you don't recognize, as it will become "unlucky". After all, you never know how outrageous the price of the ice cream you pick up is... In addition to the pr

2024/06/2604:58:33 baby 1488

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. I wonder if you have received a piece of "advice" recently:

Don't take ice cream that you don't recognize, as it will become "unlucky".

After all, you never know how outrageous the price of the ice cream you pick up is...

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. I wonder if you have received a piece of

In addition to the price, another factor that dissuades many parents from purchasing is -

With such a young child, will it be harmful to eat ice cream? Hurt the spleen and stomach?

So can children eat cold drinks? When can I eat it? How to choose?

Can children have cold drinks?

Children html under 41 years old cannot eat !

Most commercially available ice creams contain sugar, and a small number of them add salt during processing. It is recommended that babies under 1 year old be fed with breast milk or formula milk, and natural foods should be used as complementary foods. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that children under 2 years old should not add sugar in complementary foods.

Therefore, when the baby is 1 to 2 years old, do not give commercially available ice cream to the child. After the child is 2 years old, try to pay attention to the principle of and occasionally , and a small amount of . does not actively provide .

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The health concerns of ice cream are high in sugar, oil and calories. . It is best for babies over 2 years old not to exceed 25g of free sugar intake per day.

From the perspective of diet or nutrition, any health risks or benefits are a process of long-term accumulation. If the child only eats it once in a while, parents do not need to be particularly entangled.

Will children get diarrhea after eating cold drinks?

Although children can eat it once in a while after the age of 2, there are indeed many children and even adults who will have some uncomfortable reactions after eating cold food, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

In fact, sometimes you will feel uncomfortable after eating iced drinks, which may not be caused by "coldness". There may also be the following reasons:

Food is contaminated by germs

You will have diarrhea after eating. It is more likely that the food has been contaminated by germs, Toxins pollute .

If food materials are stored unreasonably, hygienic work is not done properly when making ice drinks, and kitchen utensils used come into contact with raw food... it may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea in children.

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Food intolerance (or allergy)

For children, food allergy is also a major cause of gastrointestinal discomfort. Cold foods eaten in summer often contain allergenic foods such as milk, mango, and pineapple..

In addition to allergies, there may also be food intolerance. Some children's intestines and stomach cannot digest and decompose certain foods, which will cause symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Eating too much at one time

Eating ice is very comfortable on a hot day, so children tend to drink and eat too much if they are not careful.

But in fact, has nothing to do with whether it is warm or cool. Eating too much can easily cause indigestion .

Personal constitution

Some children have very fragile gastrointestinal tracts. If they have irritable bowel syndrome or , they are prone to gastroenteritis . Eating cold food may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Ice cream that has just been eaten (especially when eaten quickly) will constrict the blood vessels in the stomach, reduce the secretion of digestive juices and the speed of gastrointestinal motility. For children with poor gastrointestinal conditions, it may indeed affect digestion in a short period of time.

How to choose a qualified cold drink?

Today, there are countless “Internet celebrity” cold drinks on the market.

In addition to "Don't take ice cream you don't recognize", when buying cold drinks for your children, you should also choose the following carefully.

Ice cream containing invisible trans fatty acids

According to my country's "Frozen Drinks Ice Cream" recommended standard GB/T31114-2014, ice cream is roughly divided into three types: full milk fat, half milk fat and non-dairy fat .

"Full milk fat ice cream" refers to ice cream with a milk fat mass fraction of more than 8% in the main part (excluding non-dairy fat). This means that all the fat in ice cream comes from milk, and milk fat accounts for at least 8% of the entire ice cream.

If the milkfat content is ≥2.2% and <8%,> "half-milk fat ice cream" .

If the milk fat content drops below 2.2%, it is "non-fat ice cream" .

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However, if the ingredients contain " non-dairy creamer ", you should be vigilant!

non-dairy creamer also comes from vegetable fat, but it is obtained through hydrogenation process and belongs to hydrogenated vegetable oil . During the hydrogenation process of vegetable oil, it is easy to produce trans fatty acids as a by-product.

It is scientifically believed that trans fatty acids are very harmful to the human body and are easy to form blood clots , affect the development of children, affect fertility, reduce memory, and make people more likely to gain weight. Countries around the world strictly control it.

In order to avoid the "invisible" accumulation of trans fatty acids, especially for growing children and teenagers, recommends that parents do not allow their children to regularly consume formulas containing ingredients such as non-dairy creamer, margarine, vegetable butter, shortening etc. Ice cream .

"Internet celebrity" ice cream

A few days ago, Nanjing randomly inspected 38 Internet celebrity ice creams and found that 2 batches were unqualified, and the most serious colony exceeded the standard by as much as 24 times.

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The weather is getting hotter and hotter. I wonder if you have received a piece of

Even before that, a smoking ice cream with its own "wonderland" was popular. The liquid nitrogen component contained in it has the risk of frostbite on children's skin.

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Machine-made soft-serve ice cream

Some street-made soft-serve ice cream is likely not pasteurized and may accumulate bacteria that can lead to digestive system infections in young children, including Campylobacter or Salmonella.

In summary, when we buy ice cream for our children, we must pay attention to:


Look at the ingredient list

Pay attention to the order in the ingredient list. Generally, food ingredients are arranged in order from most to least, with the higher the content at the front.

If milk or dairy products are ranked first in the ingredient list, then the milk content in the ice cream is more guaranteed.


Look at the nutritional content

Mainly look at the protein content in the nutritional label. Ice cream and ice cream with high protein content are generally better quality.

If ice cream contains more than 3 grams of protein per 100 grams, it means that its protein content is comparable to that of milk!


Buy regular products

The most important thing is to buy regular products. It is best to go to the supermarket to buy. When buying, pay attention to the production date and shelf life. Unqualified cold drinks may have microbial contamination problems and affect the health of your family.

In fact, in addition to choosing cold drinks according to the above choices, parents can also make healthy cold drinks for their children at home.

Homemade "little ice cream"

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40g strawberry biscuits, 40g milk powder, 200ml pure milk; 2160g light cream, 15g corn starch, 5g white sugar.

Step 1: Crush the strawberry biscuits.

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Step 2: Pour milk, light cream, milk powder, corn starch, and sucrose into the pot in sequence. Reduce heat to medium-low and stir until thickened.

Finally, use a shovel to lift it into a slow dripping shape.

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Step 3: Take out the cooked milk paste, let it cool, add crushed strawberry cookies, and stir evenly.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. I wonder if you have received a piece of

Step 4: Stir well and pour into the ice cream mold, put it in the refrigerator and fix it into shape. After four hours, the ice cream will be frozen solid and it is complete.

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Source: Capital Education, Consumer Guide Magazine

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