Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about "these foods can cause premature puberty in children" in their circle of friends, or among their family members. I call on everyone to come out and take a look, and then talk about the dan

2024/06/1916:34:33 baby 1460

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about


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Nowadays, we often hear some parents crazyly reposting "These foods can make children sexually mature" pictures and texts in their circle of friends, or forwarding them to family groups.

calls on everyone to come out and take a look, then talks about the dangers of precocious puberty, and then dissuades everyone from giving these foods to their children.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

But these foods are our most common fried chicken, fried dough sticks, and soy milk.

In this regard, many people said that they must keep their children away from these things, and they should not even let their children see these things.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

However, some people also have questions about why they grew up eating these foods but did not have any characteristics of precocious puberty. Even people who grew up like themselves did not have any characteristics of precocious puberty.

Do these foods really cause precocious puberty in children, or is there another reason?

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Can eating soy milk and fried dough sticks for hundreds of years cause precocious puberty? In fact, there is also the so-called precocious puberty due to

. In fact, it is because the sex hormones in the body are secreted too early, causing the child to start sexual development early.

Some of them are caused by inheritance or genetic mutations, etc., which cause the body's external sexual characteristics and reproductive organs to have already developed. True precocious puberty . This is an extreme case of precocious puberty.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

What we often call precocious puberty is generally pseudoprecocious puberty, which is precocious puberty due to acquired upbringing.

As for how to cultivate it, most people think that it is caused by the food they eat. But that's not actually the case.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

In many so-called health and parenting online articles, soy milk is said to be one of the culprits in causing precocious puberty.

The explanation is that the soy isoflavones in soy milk are a kind of estrogen that can cause precocious puberty in girls.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Here, soy isoflavones mean quit. He said that his own estrogen and human estrogen are basically two different things.

Although soy isoflavones are also estrogen, they are from soybeans and have basically no effect on humans. is not only that, it can also prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Besides, even if soy isoflavones can have an impact on the human body, what is the effect of just a small amount in soy milk? Therefore, Soy Isoflavone said that he was more wronged than Dou E.

In addition to soy milk, fried food is also a premature food that is often criticized by people. People believe that those oils will oxidize in the air at high temperatures and form some special substances, which will cause premature puberty in children.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

But in fact, these words have no scientific basis, and no organization has even conducted testing. These people who spread rumors did not even explain what is formed after the oil is oxidized, which can lead to premature puberty in humans.

However, the risk of repeated use of oil at high temperatures is indeed very great for health damage. Therefore, for those fried foods out there that use oil multiple times, whether you are a child or an adult, it is best to eat less.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

In addition to these, there are also those fruits that have been injected with hormones , which are often said to be foods that can cause premature puberty in children. But in fact this is also incorrect.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

First of all, the hormones used by plants are plant hormones . These plant hormones are like nuts and can only be paired with specific screws.

And the objects they matched were also the target cells of plants, not human target cells.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

After they enter the human body, if they are lucky, they will come out along the digestive tract. If they are unlucky, they will be broken down into small molecular substances directly in the gastrointestinal tract, then absorbed, and then turned into other substances.

Neither of these two processes will play any role in precocious puberty.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Secondly, the role of these plant hormones is either to promote cell division , or to promote the growth of cells , and they have no sexual effect at all.

So even if these plant hormones have an effect on us, they will not act as sex hormones.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Of course, when it comes to hormones, plant hormones are definitely not the only ones. Animal hormones are also often criticized by people. Natural animals have also become the culprits in the precocious puberty crisis.

Like chicken, duck, fish, etc., each one is marked with a sex hormone meat mark, and this really makes these animals and farm owners complain on the spot.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

In fact, whether it is chickens or ducks, through countless years of cultivation, our country has developed many poultry with very short growth cycles but still delicious meat.

But these poultry are always considered to be hormone chicken because they grow too fast. In fact, if hormones are really used to cultivate chickens, all the chickens may be sold and the costs will not be earned.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Secondly, there is fish, and you don’t even want to use hormones with this fish. The life of fish in itself is relatively fragile. As long as a few hormones are added, the physiological functions of the fish will be completely disrupted.

By then, all the fish had not been sold, so they all died at home. In the end, they had no choice but to go out and sell the dead fish on sale. Not only did they not make any money, but they also lost a lot of money on hormones, which was not worth the loss.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Of course, not all meat cannot take hormones. Pork will still use hormones to accelerate ripening, but what we need to know is that the ripening hormone used in pork is not a sex hormone, but adrenaline .

is a hormone that has absolutely nothing to do with sex. Even after a person takes it, it will never affect sex. Therefore, there will never be any premature puberty.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Therefore, it is purely a rumor to say that precocious puberty is related to what we like to eat. At least the foods we now think will cause us to mature prematurely are not likely to cause precocious puberty.

If this is the case, then does the precocious puberty of children really have nothing to do with eating? If you think so, you are totally wrong. In fact, precocious puberty and eating are not only related, but even have a big relationship. Because the real culprit of precocious puberty is eating too much.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

The culprit is eating too much?

In fact, the reason why those children develop precocious puberty is because they eat too well, which leads to this situation.

Seeing this, I believe many friends do not believe it. In fact, most people with precocious puberty develop this situation because of obesity or overnutrition.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

To give a simple example, suppose your leader gives you a piece of paper, and then he asks you to copy the entire content of a document.

Originally, the leader planned for you to copy everything on the first side, but after finishing the first side, the document content was still not finished.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

At this point you will think that the leader said that the entire content should be written on one piece of paper, so you start to use the second side of the paper to write.

But in fact, the second side of the paper should not be written on at ordinary times. Just because there is too much content, I have to use the second side of the paper to write today. The content of the

file is like what you eat, and the first side of the paper is like the energy consumed by people's daily digestion, absorption and exercise. The second side of the paper is where excess nutrients go.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

When you consume too many foods with excessive nutrients, it will cause you to obtain more nutrients than you need.

Then the excess nutrients will be transferred in other directions. Among them, obesity is one of the biggest destinations, but what most people don't know is that there is another important destination of excess nutrition in , which is precocious puberty.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Today’s parents are always worried about whether their children are not full and whether their children are eating less.

But in fact, there is no need to worry about your own children. Because parents are constantly worried, their children's diet has become very radical, and they eat almost whatever is nutritious.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

But these parents are indifferent to their children's sports. That is to say, because children do not exercise enough, the already excess nutrition cannot be vented.

In the end, we have no choice but to transport all the nutrients to another place, and this place is precocious puberty.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Of course, many friends disagree with this point, because they found that some tall and thin children also have the characteristics of precocious puberty.

In fact, another concept is discussed here, that is, poor eating habits lead to excess energy.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

For example, there is a family of children who particularly like to eat foods such as chicken, duck, and fish, but they basically do not eat whole grains such as rice and noodles.

Children at this time are taking in too many nutrients, but the nutritional ratio is very unbalanced. Proteins such as chicken, duck, and fish account for the highest proportion. And because these foods account for too much, they also occupy the part of other nutrients.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

These same excess nutrients can also cause precocious puberty in children, but they do not necessarily cause them to be obese. And these conclusions are not groundless. It is the result of a large number of scientific experiments conducted in foreign countries.

I have also conducted a survey on this and found that obese children are indeed more likely to suffer from precocious puberty. Among these children with precocious puberty, the most common type are children raised by grandparents.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Grandparents belong to the older generation. They know more about social poverty, so they also hope that their children will eat well and wear warm clothes.

gives the children a lot of nutritional supplements every time, but they can't overcome the laziness of the children, so the children don't want to exercise, and the grandparents don't persuade them.

In the end, all the children gained weight, and some even developed precocious puberty. In the end, the grandparents felt extremely guilty about this.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

The huge harm of precocious puberty

However, many people do not understand that precocious puberty is not a serious disease, but it means that sexual development occurs earlier than other children. Is there anything wrong with it?

Actually, if you think so, they are totally wrong. The harm caused by precocious puberty is actually a double harm both psychologically and physically. It could even be so harmful that it could destroy your child.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Xiaoxin is an 8-year-old girl. She is very pampered by her family. Because she is always on business trips, she spends money to hire several nannies to take care of her food, clothing and daily life.

At the same time, basically everything delicious and fun is given to her, including studying. Originally she had been living a carefree life.

But for some reason, she recently found that more and more classmates began to stay away from her, and even talked about her behind her back. Even his best friend, Xiaomei, is drifting away from him.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Xiaoxin was very puzzled when she saw this. She had done nothing wrong, and she had not done anything to make anyone sorry. Why was everyone hostile to her? This made her very confused.

So she asked her best friend Xiaomei. Xiaomei looked at Xiaoxin and said: Don’t you think you developed too early? It doesn't feel like you are the same age as us.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Xiaoxin's development is indeed much faster than that of the people around her. At the age of 8, she is already as tall as a 10-year-old. The important thing is that her breasts are also much bigger than girls of the same age.

At such a young age, she had already started wearing underwear. She didn't expect that these would become obstacles for her to make friends.

But after she was 10 years old, she found that her body had stopped growing taller. She felt very disappointed when she saw a classmate who was shorter than the other around her gradually surpassing her.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

But what makes it even more difficult for her to accept is that although she is not as tall as others, her development in other aspects is far beyond that of girls of the same age.

This greatly intensified the discrimination against her by her classmates. Many classmates even said that she was kept by an old man at a young age. It was under the special care of that man that she developed so well.

Xiaoxin had no choice. Even after explaining it countless times, her classmates didn't believe it. In the end, she could only swallow all the pain and bear it silently.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Fortunately, her parents had time to return home during this period and saw their little princess so unhappy.

They are also worried. So after making some inquiries, I felt that something was wrong, so I went directly to the hospital to sign up for a specialist number for treatment. Finally, I discovered that my child turned out to be a precocious puberty.

Experts said that this is a disease that causes early sexual development in girls. Although this disease does not cause life danger, it will prevent children from growing taller when they grow older. You may even stay at this height your whole life.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Fortunately, Xiaoxin is not too old yet, and can still be suppressed and treated with drugs. If she were older, Xiaoxin would not be able to grow taller in this life.

We all know that the fastest period of human development is adolescence. At this time, children not only begin to grow physically, but also begin to develop sexually.

But when the human side is fully developed, the body begins to stagnate in growth.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

Precocious puberty also follows this process. During sexual development, children with precocious puberty also begin to accelerate their development. At this time, children of the same age have not yet reached the developmental stage, so they will be surpassed in height by children with precocious puberty.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

But these are only temporary. When normal children reach puberty, children with precocious puberty can no longer grow taller, so they can only watch themselves being surpassed by children one after another.

Children with precocious puberty at the same time are always considered bad children because their sexual development is faster than that of children of the same age. Coupled with the emergence of some rumors, these children are always considered bad children. This also puts great psychological pressure on them.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about


Precocious puberty does great harm to children, not only physically, but also psychologically.

Therefore, for the healthy development of children, we are also indispensable for the prevention and treatment of precocious puberty.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

In a child's life, in addition to supplementing him with nutrients, he should also be given appropriate exercise to transform this nutrition into his physical health, instead of just letting the children be lazy and lying down as long as they are not in school. Lie down for a day.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about

At the same time, we must correct the children's picky eating habits and enable them to achieve comprehensive nutrition and healthy eating.

So that our children can reduce the risk of precocious puberty. Only in this way can we grow up healthily.

Nowadays, it is common to hear some parents frantically forwarding pictures and texts about


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