Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: "Don't run around, be careful of bumping into him!" But he never listens. If he should run, he should run,

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My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body.

Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: "Don't run around, be careful of bumping into him!"

But he never listens, whether he should run or run, whether he should hit or hit, no big deal. After you finish, cry a lot, then continue running, continue bumping, and continue crying.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him:

Therefore, I have long classified him as a "disobedient" child.

But after I participated in a group activity in a kindergarten, I found that he listened to the teacher very well.

He was also running around, and the teacher said to him: "The puppy Qiqi ran around, what happened?"

He replied: "The leg was broken."

The teacher continued: "So, what should we do? ”

He continued to answer: “Stop running around.”

Then he stopped.

This case of a kindergarten teacher convincing my child not to run around is simple, but it fully contains the four codes of persuasion:

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Persuasive content

The teacher did not use a negative method of stopping, but guided the child to choose to stop. Way down.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Persuasion channel

The teacher uses on-site persuasion instead of video or phone persuasion. This channel has the best persuasion effect.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Target of Persuasion

For children who lack the ability to think rationally, the teacher uses clues and hints in the story instead of the rational persuasion I used.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , The identity of the persuader

as a kindergarten teacher has a greater sense of authority in the minds of children than parents, and children are more willing to listen.

Once you have mastered these four codes of persuasion, you can probably persuade anyone from an 80-year-old man to a 3-year-old child.

Below, let us interpret these four passwords one by one.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: 1

Persuasive content

We have all heard the saying: one sentence can make people laugh; one sentence can make people jump.

This saying fully illustrates the huge difference in a person's persuasiveness based on different words.

So what words make people laugh easily, and what words make people jump easily?

Generally speaking, words of praise tend to make people laugh, while words of criticism tend to make people jump.

This is because we naturally like to be praised and hate to be criticized. Once you are criticized, you will involuntarily want to confront the critic.

Therefore, if you want to be more convincing, you must first learn to criticize others less and praise them more.

There are many persuasive content techniques similar to "praise more". I will share with you four more commonly used ones:

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Like attracts like

There is a problem with the project, and you need the other party to actively make corrections.

When speaking, if you use "what do you want to do", the probability that the other party is willing to make corrections is not high.

Because of this statement, you and the other party are divided into two distinct parties, and the other party can easily develop a rebellious mentality.

But if you change it to "what can we do", it will be easier for the other party to accept it, because "we" means that you and him are together.

The principle behind this is the "like attracts like" phenomenon in social psychology.

Like attracts like, We develop empathy for those who are similar to us and are more willing to help them.

Therefore, when we talk to the person we are persuading, we can use words like "we" and "us" more often to make the other person feel that you and him are on the same side.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Yes! And…

The company feels that the lunch break is too long now, and you need to convince your colleagues to accept that the lunch break should be compressed by half an hour.

This incident has harmed the personal interests of colleagues, and there will definitely be many rebuttals.

If colleagues raise their opinions, you directly refute: "You are wrong to say that!"

Or you can be a little gentler, empathize first and then deny: "Yes, I understand what you said! But..."

These two kinds of persuasion Is the effect of the content not very good?

But if you change it to the following persuasive content:

"Yes, you make a lot of sense! I agree 100%." ​​—— Yes! Part

"At the same time, during the half-hour break at noon, we can get two more valuable benefits..." —— And... Part

This way of speaking "Yes! And..." will make colleagues more Can you accept it?

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him:

Yes means acceptance, which means agreeing with what the other person said, and And means adding your own words on the basis of Yes.

The principle behind this is that, In addition to our natural tendency to like to be praised, we also naturally like to be recognized and hate to be denied.

Once we are denied by others, our brains will automatically activate the defense mode and start to find faults with what others say in order to fight back.

Therefore, if you want to persuade others, you must not let the other party feel rejected. You must make the other party feel recognized and then add the content you want to persuade them to accept.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Commitment to the principle of consistency

Some businesses with good sales will ask you when you order: "Do you want to add one egg, or two eggs?"

Most customers tend to think inertia, Even if you blurt out "Add an egg!"

and then react and regret it, you will continue to pay because you made a promise. The principle behind the success of

is the "principle of consistent commitment."

We humans have a common psychological mechanism : We do not allow ourselves to do something wrong, or something that is not worth it.

So, once we promise or do something, we will try our best to find various ways to make our perception (attitude) consistent with our own behavior, which is the so-called consistency of commitment.

This psychological mechanism and behavioral model is widely used in various types of persuasion because it can induce our behavior.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Threshold effect

I recently met a bank who promoted credit loans to me.

After the call was connected, the first sentence the other party said was: "Hello, sir! I am from xxx bank. Do you have a minute?"

Because I didn't know what it was, and it only took one minute. Time, I only have 1 minute to reply.

The other party continued: "We have a product with a 22% discount on the annualized interest rate. It can be introduced in 30 seconds. Let me explain it to you, okay?"

I had already agreed a minute ago, but now I can't say 30 Not even a second, right? And I was also curious about what products could offer such a low discount of 2.2% off, so I agreed again.

After that, she introduced it to me for 10 minutes, and I actually listened to it from beginning to end.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him:

Usually, the calls I receive usually start with "Hello, sir! We have a product with a monthly interest rate of 3%..."

I usually don't wait for the other party to finish, and just reply "Thank you, no need!" , and then hung up.

But this call, with a particularly easy-to-accept initial condition (1 minute phone time) , successfully broke through my defense line.

The principle behind this is the famous "threshold effect" (a similar saying is "slicing sausages").

Its core is to create a minimum starting point, making it easier for the other party to accept the initial conditions, and then gradually increase the amount until the other party accepts what the original reaction did not want to accept.

The above are 5 persuasive techniques that we use frequently in our daily work and life. They are also very effective. You can try them more.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: 2

Persuasion channels

If the persuasive content is improved, our persuasiveness will be significantly improved.

If you add the cooperation of persuasion channels, it will be even more powerful. Some people who usually cannot be persuaded by persuasive content alone will be persuaded by you under certain circumstances.

For example, when some milk tea shops open, they will spend money to find people to queue up.

Many people were not planning to drink milk tea, but when they saw so many people lining up, they felt that there must be something special about this milk tea shop, so they bought a cup out of curiosity.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him:

This is the value of channels to persuasion.

According to social psychology research, the persuasive effect of the scene is greater than that of images, the persuasive effect of images is greater than that of audio, and the persuasive effect of audio is greater than that of text.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, your choice of persuasion channels can be sorted by the default order of "live images, recordings and text".

This ranking has also been proven by countless marketing activities.

For example, for large-value products, on-site persuasion channels are generally preferred.

With the current property market downturn, some real estate developers have begun to pay people to pretend to be home buyers, creating a hot-selling phenomenon at the sales office to persuade real home buyers to quickly place orders.

Those who sell successful courses will prefer on-site sales
(conference sales) . Through the creation of a warm and sensational atmosphere on the spot, some usually rational people will impulsively pay hundreds of thousands or millions of tuition fees. .

For another example, why is the live streaming of goods, which is very popular now, so effective in increasing sales? Because it is a simulation of live channels.

Although live broadcasts are slightly different in terms of atmosphere compared to offline live broadcasts, they already have the core role of on-site persuasion, surpassing video, audio and text.

Therefore, taking into account the upgrade of technical means, the ranking of the latest persuasion channels should be: live broadcast video recording text.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the fact that some specific content is not suitable for the above channel sorting.

For example, for information that is difficult to understand, the persuasive effect of written expression is better than video and live broadcast, because text has its unique advantages:

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , is easier to review repeatedly

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , is more conducive to abstract thinking and in-depth understanding

Products like ours at YouCore fall into this category, which is why we insist on text-based communication.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: 3

Persuasion object

Persuasion content and persuasion channels are undifferentiated persuasion methods, that is, we will do this no matter who the persuasion object is.

This kind of undifferentiated persuasion method is effective because these persuasive contents and persuasive channels are developed based on the universal psychological characteristics, behavioral characteristics and thinking inertia of human beings.

Therefore, if you master the usage of persuasive content and persuasive channels, your persuasiveness will be very strong.

But different people are always different.

For example: some people are more rational, some are more emotional; some are more gregarious, and some are more independent.

Therefore, if we can adopt more targeted persuasion methods based on the characteristics of different people, your persuasion effect will be even higher.

So what characteristics should be analyzed for different people, and what targeted persuasion methods should be adopted?

I recommend the two most practical analysis methods to you:

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , processing path

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , interpersonal communication style

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Processing path

When people process information and draw conclusions, there are two main types of information processing. Paths, which are central processing paths and peripheral processing paths.

The choice of these two processing paths is strongly related to a person's motivation to participate and information processing ability.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: ) Different motivations for participation

A man and a beautiful woman were dating in a French restaurant.

When ordering, the beauty carefully checked the calories and fat content of the dishes, and confirmed them with the waiter one by one before placing her order.

The man barely looked at the menu, he was completely intoxicated by the beauty's beauty. When the waiter asked him what he wanted to order, he replied perfunctorily, "Just like her."

In this scene, the beauty is afraid of getting fat and is very careful about ordering. She adopts the central processing path method. She will comprehensively consider the price, taste, calories and fat content of the dishes, and finally select the most balanced meal.

Because men are obsessed with the beauty of women, they have almost no motivation to participate in ordering food. They use the peripheral processing path, which is purely triggered by the clue of the woman ordering food. As for what they order, they don’t care at all. .

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: ) Different information processing abilities

Some people who buy a house will collect all kinds of information, think deeply, and make comprehensive comparisons before making a decision.

When someone buys a house, they are simply inspired by one or two selling points promoted by the intermediary, such as "No. 1 Shenzhen Bay in Longhua" and "Out-of-print apartments with no purchase restrictions."

This is due to different information processing capabilities, resulting in different processing path choices:

is good at understanding. If you have professional knowledge and skills, you will mostly choose the central processing path.

◆ Insufficient understanding and technical knowledge of . If you lack sufficient ability, you will mostly choose the peripheral processing path.

Therefore, when we face the target of persuasion:

If the other party is motivated to participate and has sufficient information processing capabilities, then the central path persuasion method is preferred, that is, rational deduction and logic.

Like our personal training products, we use the central path of persuasion. By analyzing your goals and needs, presenting facts and reasoning, you will finally make a rational decision whether it is worth signing up.

If the other party has insufficient motivation to participate or lacks information processing capabilities, then the peripheral route of persuasion is preferred, that is, using hints and emotions to impress.

Almost all consumer product advertisements use peripheral path persuasion.

For example, Yuanqi Forest ’s drink hints to you with the clue of “zero calories” that this drink is green and healthy, and you will not gain weight after drinking it.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: , Interpersonal communication style

In addition to the differences in processing paths, another characteristic of the persuading target that deserves most attention is the interpersonal communication style.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him:

Picture, four communication styles

According to the different ways of influence and expression, we can divide the communication style of the target of persuasion into four categories: energetic, expressive, cordial, and analytical.

For motivated and analytical types, we should be task-oriented when persuading, talking less about feelings and more about how to do things.

Especially for the analytical type, it is best to give detailed figures and explain the analysis process clearly; for the motivated type, the results come first and a clear conclusion is enough.

For expressive and cordial types, when we persuade, we should not be task-oriented, but interpersonal-oriented, talking about feelings first and then talking about things.

Because these two types pay more attention to the harmony of interpersonal relationships, they may even lower their task requirements for the sake of interpersonal harmony.

In addition to differences in processing paths and communication styles, there are many other differences between different people, but as far as persuasion is concerned, mastering these two types of differences is definitely enough for you.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: 4


Persuasion content, persuasion channels, and persuasion objects are all aimed at the person being persuaded. To persuade people, there is another key factor: the persuader himself.

I am in my 20s. When I do management consulting projects for clients, although I am the fully responsible project manager and I take the lead in the consulting results and reporting PPTs, at every key reporting node, I will try my best to report it to my boss. Please come to the customer site.


Because I found that the same consulting results and report content were more convincing to the client if my boss told the client's chairman than if I said it myself. I can understand this behavior of the


After all, everyone would think that the consulting conclusion given by a experienced middle-aged consultant (who is also a leader) will definitely be more reliable than the conclusion given by a young man. The main principle of

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him:

is the " halo effect ".

The halo effect will allow us to believe or like a certain characteristic of a person, and then expand to believe everything this person says, that is, "one good thing makes a hundred good things."

This is why all kinds of advertisements like to find celebrities to endorse, and why small companies recruit employees who have resigned from big factories or well-known companies.

When we are persuaded by others, we should pay attention to avoid this kind of halo effect, but when persuading others, we can deliberately use the halo effect.

For example, pay attention to your appearance to make people feel friendly or professional at first glance;

accumulate personal reputation and lower the trust threshold of the person you persuade;

create a personal IP so that more people are more willing to believe in you. wait.

Of course, the most important thing is to practice your own internal skills and truly improve your personal professionalism. In this way, the content you speak will be easier to convince people.

Preface: My child is very naughty and a little reckless. He often gets bruises all over his body. Therefore, every time he runs around outside, I can't help but remind him: 5


Persuasive content, persuasive channels, persuasive objects and persuaders. If any of the above four persuasive factors is used well, your persuasiveness will be greatly improved.

If all four aspects are taken care of, unless the thing you want to convince others is too outrageous, you will definitely be unfavorable.

I am here waiting for your good news to convince others!

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