Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a "height-touching tool" at home because her 12-year-old son was only 1.48 meters tall, and strictly urged her son to do 600 jumps every day. Unexpectedly, after jumping for ha

2024/05/2701:09:33 baby 1235

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Author | Erhe

Which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child?

A mother in Hangzhou installed a "height-touching tool" at home because her 12-year-old son was only 1.48 meters tall. She also strictly urged her son to do 600 jumps every day.

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Unexpectedly, after jumping for half a month, the child's knee joint began to hurt before he could grow taller. At first, the mother thought it was growing pains and didn't take it seriously. She didn't see a doctor until the boy couldn't even squat normally.

The child was diagnosed with "tibial tuberosity epiphysitis"!

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

I would like to remind parents that no matter how popular the Internet celebrity growth tool is, it cannot be directly "applied" to children! Improper exercise will not only not promote the growth of children, but will also have the opposite effect.

Remember one sentence, It is not the sports that choose the children, but the children who choose the sports.

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

It is very important to choose the right sports for your children

Many parents think that if their children do not grow taller, they will exercise less, so just increase the amount of exercise!

A boy in Wenzhou skipped 6,500 ropes at a time. His parents thought it was too little, so they added it to 3,000 in one breath! After doing this, the child was sent directly to the orthopedics department of the hospital.

Doctors say that each child’s exercise foundation and physical fitness are different. If you just choose any exercise for your child when you see it, and increase the amount of exercise all at once, it is not only unscientific, but also very easy to have side effects.

Among children who seek medical treatment for sports injuries, unreasonable exercise methods or excessive exercise intensity are the main causes of injuries.

If you choose the right exercise, your child will grow taller; if you choose the wrong exercise, you will be injured and unable to run.

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

These "height-growing tools" should not be used blindly.

Several height-growing tools have been particularly popular recently, and many people have followed suit. But before planting grass, you must be aware of the taboos of these Internet celebrity sports.

Rope skipping

Rope skipping is a physical education project in many schools. It is simple to operate and highly popular, but it is not suitable for all children.

When skipping normally, the soles of the feet are in a slightly inverted and internally rotated position.

Children with flat feet and will be in a valgus position. This force will have a great impact and damage to the structure on the inside of the foot, which will in turn aggravate foot pain.

So, children with flat feet are not suitable for a lot of skipping.

Some parents try to save trouble by letting their children jump rope wearing sandals or leather shoes. This is even more dangerous!

There are still many parents who only care about quantity and not at all about sports skills.

After jumping and landing, there will be an impact force on the knee joints and ankles. If the ground is hard, or the child does not wear sports shoes, and if the heel hits the ground hard every time he jumps, it is easy to cause damage to the knee joint and spine.

Therefore, the correct operation of rope skipping should be:

Action: Stand on tiptoes with your heels off the ground.

Shoes: Wear sneakers with strong wrapping power.

Venue: You can choose to use a plastic track, or you can use a larger mat for cushioning.

horizontal bar pull-ups

pull-ups are also a very popular tool for growing taller in recent years.

Many parents install this on the door frame, so that their children can stretch and grow at any time within the effective space. Is this sport really suitable for kids?

Putting aside the effect of exercise, safety needs to be considered.

There was news a while ago. A man was doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar at home. As a result, the horizontal bar fell off and his head hit the ground heavily. When his wife arrived, he had lost consciousness, was unconscious and convulsing, which was particularly dangerous.

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Children have weak hand strength and insufficient arm muscles. Once the grip is unstable, they are particularly likely to fall and cause accidents.

Moreover, horizontal bar exercise focuses on strength training. The main parts exercised are the back, shoulders and arms. It has a very limited effect on promoting children's growth.

Long-distance running

A neighbor's 7-year-old boy, because his father particularly likes running marathons, also requires his children to run marathons, starting at least 5 kilometers every time.

As a result, once, the child ran away crying and kept crying out in pain. After being sent to the hospital, he was diagnosed with cartilage damage, and the father was dumbfounded.

Long-distance running is a high-intensity exercise for adults and is not suitable for children at all.

Exercise selection must fully consider the child's age, tolerance and exercise foundation. The age requirement for participating in many 5-kilometer marathons is that they must be over 13 years old.

What intensity is suitable for children to run? Expert advice:

html, the running distance should be controlled below 400 meters;

5-8 years old, the running distance should range from 800-3200 meters;

8-12 years old, , train twice a week and must train continuously for 10-12 days Weeks later, I was able to complete my goal of running 5 kilometers in one go.

In normal times, it is recommended that children rest for 5-10 minutes every 30 minutes of running.

Only by allowing the muscles to fully rest can exercise be more effective.

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Help children choose appropriate sports

In addition to sports, are there any other ways for children to grow taller?

✔️ Pre-exercise assessment

Before exercise, it is necessary to understand the child's physical condition:

Is the child obese and how is his exercise ability? Is the basics of exercise good?

can comprehensively judge the child's condition, height, and weight based on China's 0-18-year-old height and weight percentile table.

Swipe to view the height percentile comparison table for boys and girls ⬇️

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Children who are overweight are not suitable for trampolines and other similar jumping sports. When jumping in this type of exercise, the knee joints bear too much weight and are particularly susceptible to injury.

can choose swimming, non-jumping and fat-reducing exercises for overweight children.

You can also let your children skip rope in place, or stand and do long jump . Based on the child's reaction ability and balance , we can comprehensively evaluate the child's athletic ability.

Children with poor athletic ability should not pursue difficult sports right from the start. Sports that are suitable for children are good sports.

✔️ You can choose more than 2 types of sports

Many parents are particularly superstitious about "vertical" sports. In fact, it is not only upward jumping sports such as skipping and playing basketball that can make children grow taller.

This is a misunderstanding.

Growing taller is a comprehensive function of muscles + bones. As long as the method is reasonable and the intensity is suitable for children, it is a good exercise.

The World Health Organization recommends that teenagers aged 5-17 years old should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to high-intensity training every day.

Is it difficult to fill 60 minutes with a single sport?

It doesn’t matter. You can help your child choose 2 different exercises to exercise muscles in different parts, which is more conducive to overall height development.

For example, if a child usually focuses on lower limb sports such as ball games, he or she can also assist with some core strength training and other sports at home. For example, tablet supports , etc., which strengthen the strength of the upper limbs, waist and legs at the same time, and the synergy of multiple muscles, and the effect of growing taller is better.

✔️ Sunbathing + sleep + nutrition must also keep up with

Although exercise is effective, it cannot play a full role in growing taller. There are also two major factors that cannot be ignored: nutrition and sleep.

Many parents believe that calcium supplementation = growth. In fact, this equation does not hold true at all.

Bone growth requires a lot of calcium, but it does not mean that you can grow taller by supplementing calcium! For children to grow taller, a single nutrient is not enough. In addition to calcium, there are also many nutrients such as , vitamin D, and protein.

In the book "Food Education: From Nutrient Intake to Attention to Eating Behavior", food is divided into three colors:

Red food : protein, fish eggs, milk , etc., which can strengthen bones and increase muscles;

yellow Food : carbohydrates categories, flour, rice, corn, potatoes, etc. These foods can increase physical strength and make you energetic.

Green food : It is a variety of fruits and vegetables, which regulate metabolism, enhances immunity .

You can take a comprehensive look at the child's diet structure to determine whether the child's diet is balanced and whether he is a picky eater.

In addition to diet and exercise, sleep time must also be paid attention to.

A while ago, a survey showed that more than 80% of primary and secondary school students in my country do not meet the standard for sleep duration, and 95.5% of primary school students sleep less than 10 hours.

Staying up late affects the secretion of growth hormone , and can also cause memory loss in children. Adequate sleep is also beneficial to the healthy growth of children.

Attachment: The amount of sleep children of different ages need

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

In short, Rome was not built in a day. If you want your children to jump up and down, you have to rely on sweat bit by bit and eat every bite to accumulate.

Growing taller is a long-term project. Once you find that your child has any discomfort during exercise, don’t leave it to chance and seek medical advice promptly.

Children’s growth and development is never a trivial matter.

If you find today’s sharing useful, don’t forget to forward it to your family members!

—— End——

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

Author: Erhe, journalist, pastry chef, likes fresh and interesting text, and prefers sweet and rich cream.

Reviewer: Yang Maowei, chief physician, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Orthopedics, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, and member of the Standing Committee of the China Foot and Ankle Surgery Society of the International Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Some pictures are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Author | Erhe, which parent doesn’t worry about the height of his child? A mother in Hangzhou installed a

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