Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for

2024/05/2614:47:33 baby 1688

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects.

Although Xiaozhi’s parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi’s parents are very worried about Xiaozhi’s development. Especially in the aspect of Xiaozhi's foreskin being too long the glans has not been exposed, Xiaozhi's parents are extremely anxious.

Subsequently, Xiaozhi’s parents asked their neighbors, and learned from their neighbors that their child had discovered that the foreskin was too long and the glans was not exposed when he was 5 years old, so he underwent circumcision. .

After hearing that other children were circumcised at the age of 7, Xiaozhi’s parents also wanted to circumcise their children.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

So, after the weekend, Xiaozhi’s parents took Xiaozhi to the hospital for circumcision surgery. Then Xiaozhi’s parents told the doctor about the situation of their child’s glans not being exposed.

After hearing this, the doctor gave Xiaozhi a routine examination of urethral secretions, external genitalia and urine routine . After the examination, the doctor found that there were no problems with Xiaozhi's various examinations.

After hearing that Xiaozhi’s various examinations showed no problems, Xiaozhi’s parents were confused. Since there were no problems in the examinations, why wasn’t the child’s glans exposed? Faced with the questions from Xiaozhi’s parents, the doctor explained that Xiaozhi is only 7 years old, and it is normal for the foreskin to be too long so that the glans is not exposed at all.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

In addition, the doctor also said that Xiaozhi is currently too young and is generally not suitable for circumcision.

If after the age of 10, Xiaozhi still cannot expose the glans due to the foreskin being too long, it is recommended that the child be circumcised at this time.. In this way, Xiaozhi's parents listened to the doctor's advice and did not perform circumcision on their child.

In addition to Xiaozhi’s case, I believe there are many parents who have worried about this matter in their lives. So whether children with excessive foreskin should undergo surgery, and whether it will affect the child's future development, today I will give you an in-depth understanding based on Xiaozhi's case.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

1. Is it normal for a child’s foreskin to be too long?

For parents, not only should they care about their children's learning problems in daily life, but also their children's growth issues are also worthy of their attention. Especially for children in the growing stage, many parents should not only care about learning, but also pay more attention to whether their children have developmental problems.

In daily life, a developmental problem that many parents of male children are more concerned about is that their children’s foreskin is too long. The so-called foreskin is too long actually refers to a situation where the glans of a male child is partially wrapped by the foreskin. For male children who are in the development period, if the foreskin is too long, it is likely to cause the glans to be completely wrapped, thus affecting normal health. Life.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

However, if the child's glans can be fully exposed when erect, parents generally do not need to worry too much.. Usually this situation is false foreskin. Children only need to pay more attention to personal hygiene in daily life, and there is basically no need for surgical circumcision.

On the contrary, if the parents find that the child's glans cannot be fully exposed or only partially exposed when the penis is erect. Then parents should pay attention to it at this time. Generally speaking, this condition is true foreskin. Once it occurs, it needs to be treated by surgery. Otherwise, it may greatly affect the child's normal life. .

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

In addition, parents also need to understand that male children are generally more likely to develop foreskin before the age of 8, but this situation will gradually decrease by about the age of 10.

As the child enters puberty, the penis will continue to develop. At this time, the glans inside the foreskin will gradually begin to be exposed.

Therefore, if a male child has foreskin before the age of 8, it is basically a normal phenomenon, and parents do not need to worry too much. But if parents find that their children still have foreskin after they are over 10 years old, they should be more vigilant at this time. They must take their children to the hospital for relevant examinations. It is best to let the doctor judge whether it is necessary. Circumcision.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

2. If your child has the following 3 conditions, surgery is recommended!

During the development of the child, if possible, avoid circumcision surgery. However, if the child has the following three conditions, it is recommended that the excess foreskin should be removed as soon as possible.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews. Inflammation

For adolescent boys, if they do not pay attention to personal hygiene in daily life, it will easily lead to bacterial infection of the overlong foreskin, resulting in inflammation such as bacterial balanitis. Therefore, in order to avoid inflammation, it is recommended that parents bathe their children frequently and pay attention to personal hygiene in daily life.

In addition, if parents find that white dirt or a more obvious unpleasant smell has appeared when the child's foreskin is everted. Then it should be paid attention to in time. This is most likely because pathogenic bacteria have grown. At this time, the white dirt should be cleaned in time.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews. Urinary tract infection

Generally speaking, urinary tract infection is an infectious disease caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. The main manifestation of this disease is that patients will experience frequent urination, urgency, painful urination or hematuria. Therefore, if parents find that their child's foreskin is too long, resulting in frequent urination, urgent urination, painful urination and hematuria, they should pay attention.

In addition, once a urinary tract infection occurs, it will be accompanied by the emergence of radiating pain , such as low back pain. Therefore, in order to prevent the possibility of urinary tract infection causing pyelonephritis , it is recommended that parents should remove the excessively long foreskin in time.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews. Pain during eversion

In daily life, if parents find that their children have obvious pain when the foreskin is everted, then they should pay attention to it. However, for children under 10 years old, if there is pain when the foreskin is everted, it is most likely due to developmental problems. However, if it is a child over 10 years old and there is obvious pain when the foreskin is everted multiple times, then you should consider whether to remove the too long foreskin.

In addition, If the child also has difficulty in eversion of phimosis, parents should also consider whether to remove the child's foreskin at this time.

In summary, if a child has the above three conditions, then parents should carefully consider whether to remove the child's excessively long foreskin.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

3. When parents bring their children to be circumcised, they must pay attention to the following three points!

In daily life, many parents do not know what they should pay attention to before the operation when taking their children to be circumcised, let alone how to take care of them after the operation. So what should children pay attention to when circumcising? Let’s take a closer look at it.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews. Do a good job in comforting your children.

For children who have just entered puberty, circumcision will have a certain degree of psychological resistance to them..At this time, in order to avoid causing anxiety and tension to the child, parents should do a good job of comforting the child in time, so as to ensure that the child's circumcision operation can proceed smoothly.

After the operation, parents must comfort their children in time. In addition to giving the child painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, the child should also be kept in a happy mood, which is more conducive to the healing of the child's wounds.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews. Ensure that the child’s private parts are clean

For children who have just undergone circumcision, care of the private parts is very important. Since circumcision means weakening the protection of the glans, if it is not handled properly, it will inevitably lead to infection or bleeding in the child . Therefore, as parents, you should ensure that your child's private parts are clean after circumcision.

In addition, after the operation, it is recommended that parents use iodophor to wipe their children's private parts. At the same time, if there is secretion or residual urine, it should be removed in time.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews. Eat a light diet

For children who want to be circumcised, parents should eat a light diet before and after the operation. In addition, it is not advisable to eat spicy food before surgery, otherwise it will easily increase the amount of bleeding during surgery due to blood circulation.

Not only that, after circumcision surgery, parents should also ensure that their children have a balanced nutritional intake. It is recommended to eat more foods rich in vitamins and collagen, which is more conducive to the recovery of children's wounds.

In summary, whether the child is planning to be circumcised or has already been circumcised, parents should pay attention to the three points mentioned above . Not only that, parents should also pay special attention to prevent their children’s private parts from being rubbed after surgery, and be sure to wear looser pants. In addition, in order for the wound to recover faster, parents must prevent their children from sitting for long periods of time.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

I believe that through the introduction of this article, many parents will understand at what age their children should have surgery for circumcision. If a child is in a situation like Xiaozhi's, it is recommended that parents ask the doctor for advice in time and never make decisions privately.

Xiaozhi is 7 years old this year. He is usually quite active and his physical fitness is very good in all aspects. Although Xiaozhi's parents have not worried too much in this regard, Xiaozhi's parents are very worried about Xiaozhi's development. Especially because Xiaozhi's for - DayDayNews

Generally speaking, children before the age of 10 generally develop relatively slowly, so parents with excessive foreskin do not need to worry more. For children of this age, if the foreskin is too long, parents should clean the child's private parts, and wait until they are 10 years old before considering whether to undergo circumcision surgery based on their development.


Research progress of circumcision [J]. Chinese Clinical New Medicine, 2016.7: 655~658

Circumcision stapler and commercial ring, traditional circumcision in the treatment of foreskin or phimosis clinically Efficacy analysis [J]. International Journal of Urology , 2019.39 (2): 277~280

Clinical application evaluation of disposable circumcision suture device (with 1452 case reports). Chinese Journal of Andrology (Chin) 2016;30(4) ):60-62

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