Source: [Huasheng Online] Huasheng Online July 4 (Correspondent Zeng Cheng) Can skipping rope, leggings, and eating more help you grow taller? In fact, not only does this have little effect, but it will affect the health of your child. Hunan Women and Children's Hospital reminds

2024/05/2421:26:33 baby 1929

Source: [Huasheng Online]

Huasheng Online July 4 (Correspondent Zeng Cheng) Can skipping rope, leggings, and eating more help you grow taller? In fact, not only does this have little effect, but it will affect the health of your child. Hunan Women and Children's Hospital reminds that children's health care is a comprehensive project. Any neglect and neglect may affect the health of children. More scientific methods should be chosen to help children grow up healthily. As a parent, you must avoid the following misunderstandings.

Myth 1: Eat more = grow taller

Diet is an important way for children to absorb energy and nutrients. Many parents believe that eating more means they will grow taller. In fact, eating too little and malnourished will definitely affect your height, but eating too much may not necessarily help you grow taller.

Experts suggest that eating a reasonable diet, developing the habit of eating small meals frequently, and staying hungry properly can increase the secretion of insulin , which is beneficial to height growth. If you find that your child's height is growing slowly, you need to go to a specialist that diagnoses and treats children's development and behavioral problems as soon as possible and undergo a physical examination, bone age assessment, and targeted intervention based on the doctor's interpretation of the report.

Misunderstanding 2: Picky eaters and anorexia = deliberately naughty

Children only eat meat, eggs, fish, and no vegetables and fruits. Is it because they have a bad habit of being picky or anorexia, or is it caused by physical discomfort?

In fact, there are many reasons for picky eaters and anorexia in young children. It may be Deliberately being naughty and developing bad eating habits may be partly caused by a lack of trace elements, or indigestion, spleen and stomach disorders, eating disorders . Parents should find the real reason for their children's picky eating and prescribe the right medicine.

research results show that the lack of trace elements may lead to loss of taste or the reduction of digestive enzyme , thereby affecting digestion and absorption capacity and affecting children's appetite.

Dietary guidance based on syndrome differentiation, determination of trace elements, and traditional Chinese massage can trace the cause of the disease from the root and let the children eat delicious food.

Misunderstanding 3: Poor grades = low IQ

When their children’s grades fail to improve, many parents will choose to make up for their shortcomings with hard work, taking extra classes, or attending training classes. In fact, poor learning is not because children are stupid, but because they may have health problems such as inattention and hyperactivity.

can help parents find the real "crux" of their children's learning difficulties through testing methods such as the CONNERS Parental Symptom Questionnaire, ADHD Diagnostic Scale, Raven Intelligence Test, and trace element determination.

Myth 4: children's allergies = cannot be cured

Rubbing the nose, rubbing the eyes, getting eczema , diarrhea... When a child has the above symptoms, it is not necessarily gastrointestinal and skin discomfort. It is possible that he/she is just allergic.

The causes of allergies in children are different from those in adults, but essentially, most of them are because children’s immune systems are not strong enough. When external irritants come into contact with the skin or enter the body through food, a series of problems occur, thus affecting other normal physiology. mechanism.

It is worth noting that allergies in children are not incurable. Allergy symptoms can be effectively alleviated and improved through dietary guidance, allergen screening, and application of traditional Chinese medicine.

Myth 5: Snoring = sleeping well

Is snoring really a sign of sleeping well? From a medical point of view, snoring in children is considered a type of sleep disorder and is not necessarily a good thing.

According to different properties, snoring is divided into physiological snoring and pathological snoring.

Physiological snoring may be caused by temporary relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles due to excessive exertion or improper sleeping posture. Generally, it will not affect the quality of sleep, cause no harm to the body, and does not require interventional treatment.

However, pathological snoring is mostly caused by diseases of the oronasopharynx and pharyngeal cavity narrowing, such as tonsil hypertrophy, nasal polyps, obesity, secretory otitis media, adenoid hypertrophy, sleep apnea syndrome, etc. As a result, in severe cases, it can cause health problems such as facial discoloration and impact on intellectual and height development.

pays attention to the disease behind "Hulu Baby" and helps him have a good night's sleep.

Myth 6: Cough and stuffy nose = Common cold

The ears, nose and throat are closely related to the entire body. They include important functions such as hearing, balance, smell, breathing, vocalization and swallowing.

Although otolaryngology diseases are common diseases in children, many parents often do not fully understand these diseases due to lack of experience, resulting in missing the best treatment time, thus affecting the growth of their children.

For example, sinusitis and otitis media can cause various complications in the mouth and brain. Obstructive diseases in the nose and throat can produce sleep apnea syndrome, and adenoid hypertrophy can cause dysphonia and cough. Asthma, infection lesions in the pharynx and larynx may cause rheumatic fever, arthritis, heart disease, nephritis and other diseases.

Eyes, ears, nose and throat are minor problems, but they cannot be missed. Once symptoms are discovered, it is recommended to follow up in a timely manner and not to blindly take medication or delay the condition.

Be alert to children’s small problems and prevent big growth problems

Height development, diet and nutrition, learning status, disease screening, sleep quality, facial health... Focusing directly on the 6 key areas of children’s growth, Hunan Women and Children’s Hospital launched 6 “Happy Children’s Growth Check-ups” "Package, including "Height Boost·Sprint Package", "Goodbye Anorexia·Conditioning Package", "Learning Difficulties·Repair Package", "Allergy Screening·Care Package", "Good Night's Sleep·Safety Package", "Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat·Screening Package" , a one-stop solution to adolescent development confusion and help grow up happily.

Source: [Huasheng Online] Huasheng Online July 4 (Correspondent Zeng Cheng) Can skipping rope, leggings, and eating more help you grow taller? In fact, not only does this have little effect, but it will affect the health of your child. Hunan Women and Children's Hospital reminds  - DayDayNews

This article comes from [Huasheng Online] and represents only the author’s views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.


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