Many mothers may not know that food accumulation in their children includes many conditions, which can lead to fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms. These symptoms are actually similar to the common cold. Today I will teach you some ways to identify whether your child has

2024/05/2219:39:32 baby 1448

Many mothers may not know that there are many situations in which their children accumulate food , which can lead to fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms.

These symptoms are actually similar to the common cold . Today I will teach you some ways to identify them.

Whether the child has bad breath, whether the child tongue coating is yellow and thick and greasy in the middle, and whether there is blackness under the eyes.

whether the child turns back and forth during sleep and likes to lie down. If you fall asleep, even if you are asleep, you will grind your teeth

Do your children often have colds and coughs .

The above are common symptoms of food accumulation in children

The following are some massage techniques to treat food accumulation About times, in addition to treating hiccups also has good results.

Many mothers may not know that food accumulation in their children includes many conditions, which can lead to fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms. These symptoms are actually similar to the common cold. Today I will teach you some ways to identify whether your child has  - DayDayNews

Clearing the large intestine meridian

Clearing the large intestine meridian can achieve the effect of removing dampness and heat, treat children with illnesses eczema and treat constipation.

is to help the human body get rid of anger.

Many mothers may not know that food accumulation in their children includes many conditions, which can lead to fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms. These symptoms are actually similar to the common cold. Today I will teach you some ways to identify whether your child has  - DayDayNews

Rub the board door

Rub the board door, strengthen the spleen and stomach , digest food and resolve stagnation, treat children with bloated stomach, unwillingness to eat, poor digestion, and excessive sweating at night.

Many mothers may not know that food accumulation in their children includes many conditions, which can lead to fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms. These symptoms are actually similar to the common cold. Today I will teach you some ways to identify whether your child has  - DayDayNews

The Eight Diagrams are used for internal movement.

The Eight Diagrams are used for internal movement. Regulate qi and resolve phlegm, stagnation and digestion.

It is mainly used to treat cough, asthma and phlegm, vomiting and diarrhea

Many mothers may not know that food accumulation in their children includes many conditions, which can lead to fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms. These symptoms are actually similar to the common cold. Today I will teach you some ways to identify whether your child has  - DayDayNews

push small horizontal lines

push small horizontal lines, clear away heat and dissipate stagnation, regulate qi and reduce swelling, treat children with bad temper, oral ulcers, cough and other diseases.

Many mothers may not know that food accumulation in their children includes many conditions, which can lead to fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms. These symptoms are actually similar to the common cold. Today I will teach you some ways to identify whether your child has  - DayDayNews

Pinch and rub the four slits

Pinch and rub the four slits to eliminate accumulated food. It can treat abdominal pain, bloating, anorexia and other diseases.

I am Sang Mian, deputy chief physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics . I have been focusing on pediatrics for 20 years. I am good at treating 1 allergic rhinitis , sinusitis , turbinate hypertrophy 2. Adenoid hypertrophy, snoring with open mouth at night 3. Enlarged tonsils, Frequent throat inflammation, sleep with mouth open 4. Bronchitis, pneumonia, mycoplasma infection 5. Constipation, unable to pass stool 6. Short stature, can eat but not gain weight 7. Bone age is too big, or bone age is too small if If you have any of the above questions, you can talk about your condition and leave the rest to me.

This article refers to the Chinese Medicine Self-Study Network for some basic massage techniques.

You can also go to this website to learn parenting knowledge on your own.

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