Text | Bepo In summer, the sun is directly exposed and the weather is hot, and the dog days of summer are even more unbearable. During summer confinement, on the one hand, you should pay attention to avoid the heat, on the other hand, you should also pay attention to nourishing t

2024/05/2206:54:33 baby 1479

text | Bepo

In summer, the sun is directly exposed and the weather is hot, and the dog days of summer are even more unbearable. During summer confinement, on the one hand, you should pay attention to avoid the heat, on the other hand, you should also pay attention to nourishing the mind.

Text | Bepo In summer, the sun is directly exposed and the weather is hot, and the dog days of summer are even more unbearable. During summer confinement, on the one hand, you should pay attention to avoid the heat, on the other hand, you should also pay attention to nourishing t - DayDayNews

In order to reduce the temperature and avoid the heat, you can use air conditioning to control the room temperature at around 28 °C. The bedroom needs to be away from direct sunlight (the gauze curtains should be closed), especially from 10 am to 16 pm, because this time period The likelihood of heat stroke is several times higher than usual.

You should also drink more warm boiled water to replenish the water lost in the body when sweating a lot.

Never drink ice water or consume large amounts of cold drinks because of the hot weather or fear of sweating. When the weather is hot and your appetite is poor, you can drink some heat-dispelling soup in moderation, such as hawthorn soup, mung bean soup, sour plum soup, etc.

It is hot in summer, and you may even suffer from collapse after sweating a lot. Especially in the sweltering heat of summer, people feel dizzy, not refreshed, and have symptoms such as difficulty in urinating and defecating, and thick and greasy tongue coating.

In view of this, the diet in summer should pay attention to clearing away heat, replenishing qi and promoting fluid, removing dampness, strengthening the spleen, and clearing the heart and nourishing the mind.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the heart governs the gods", so new mothers should do a good job in nourishing the mind and exercise, listen to some relaxing music, control their emotions, and do some exercise in the morning and evening.

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