Day 9 of Check-in and Copy Book "Parents' Language" Children, you can make your own decisions and be responsible for yourself. A little story to share. A French mother took her 7-year-old son to visit a Chinese friend's home.

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Check-in and copy book Day 9 "The Language of Parents" Children, you can make your own decisions and be responsible for yourself

Day 9 of Check-in and Copy Book

Be responsible for yourself

A short story to share

A French mother brought her 7-year-old son to a Chinese friend A guest at his home.

This Chinese hostess attaches great importance to the arrival of foreign friends, and especially learned how to make Western food. She said to the foreign mother and son: "Today I will cook Western food for you. How do you like the Western food made by the Chinese?"

When the little boy heard that the hostess wanted to cook Western food for them, he thought to himself: "Chinese people are definitely not good at cooking Western food." It's delicious." So, when the hostess asked him if he wanted to eat, the little boy replied firmly: "I don't want to eat it." When the hostess brought the Western food, the little boy was attracted by the burger in front of him. Such a good-looking burger must taste great! The little boy couldn't wait to say to his mother: "Mom, I want to eat a hamburger."

The hostess was very happy that the little boy liked the burger she made, so she happily brought the burger to the little boy and said: "Come on, baby, eat it." Let's go!"

Unexpectedly, the boy's mother said to the hostess seriously: "No, my son said that he does not eat Western food. He must be responsible for what he said. He can't eat hamburgers today!"

The boy was anxious! She burst into tears: "Mom, I want to eat a hamburger!" But the boy's mother was not moved at all, and just said to her son lightly: "You have to take responsibility for what you said."

The hostess looked at it and felt that the boy The boy's mother was too serious, so she said: "Give him food, children are always like this."

The boy's mother said to the hostess: "Dear, we have to cultivate the child's sense of responsibility."

In the end, no matter the boy No matter how he cries, his mother just doesn’t agree to let him eat hamburger .

This is indeed the case. Only when a child understands the consequences of his actions can he be responsible for his actions.

In real life, parents should try to put the responsibilities of their children's lives on their children and let them bear them themselves. For example, when a child is in trouble, parents should say: "This is your own choice. Think about why it is like this."

Parents need to pay attention to the following aspects to cultivate the good habit of taking responsibility in their children:

(1 ) Listen to your children’s advice about family life. Parents can appropriately talk to their children about household expenses, purchases, and personnel transactions, and ask their children to share their opinions or provide ideas and solutions. When parents often listen to their opinions and adopt their valuable suggestions, children will develop a sense of responsibility for the family in their hearts.

(2) Let children have love in their hearts, care about others, and be kind to others. If parents want to cultivate their children's sense of responsibility for society, they must ask their children to take the initiative to care for the elderly, patients, and children younger than themselves. When parents are sick, let children learn to take care of their parents. Let children know their parents' birthdays and encourage them to give their parents a birthday gift.

(3) Let children do housework within their capabilities and cultivate their sense of responsibility for the family. Parents should clearly explain everything they ask their children to do to ensure that they can fully understand it. Patiently guide your children to do housework, and give them positive feedback in the form of encouragement, praise, rewards, etc.

Confucius said: "How can we love children without working?" If we love children, let them

learn through labor.

Day 9 of Check-in and Copy Book

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