What is the law of language development for babies aged 0-2

2021/10/0918:49:15 baby 654

What is the law of language development for babies aged 0-2?

Language is a high-level neural activity unique to humans. Normal babies like to listen to their mother's voice when they are born, and associate their mother's voice with warmth, food and comfort. Language is a form of expressing thoughts and consciousness, and it is directly related to children's intellectual development. The development of language must function normally in the auditory, articulatory organs and the brain. Abnormal development of any of the three will affect the development of language.

What is the law of language development for babies aged 0-2 - DayDayNews

So what is the language development process of 0-2 year old babies, leads the right brain. Experts from will take you to find out today!

Newborn: Can cry, and use crying to express hunger and pain. The reflected crying sounds are different in acoustics, time, and pitch. Mothers can often distinguish the differences.

2 months: make harmonious guttural sounds such as "Ah, 咿, Wu".

3 months: babble pronunciation; turn your head in the direction of the sound.

4 months: Start to model some voices; laugh loudly, smile when you hear your mother's voice.

5 months: able to mutter monotonous syllables.

6 months: Able to pronounce single sounds "Mom" and "Dad", react to my own name, and start to react to "No".

7 months: able to make polyphonic sounds such as "dad" and "mother", recognize emotions through tones, make sounds when responding to sounds, and use sounds to express joy and unhappiness,Start a series of syllables of babbling.

8 months: able to repeat simple syllables uttered by adults, able to pronounce double accents "mother" and "daddy", but unconsciously.

9 months: able to understand phrases such as "goodbye, give me your hand".

10-11 months: can use many words to express all kinds of consciousness.

12 months: can call out the names of objects, such as teeth, eyes, lights, bowls.

What is the law of language development for babies aged 0-2 - DayDayNews

When I was 1 year old: I only called "Mom" and "Dad", and he became more attentive to speaking, able to understand the instructions of adults, and respond to simple language requirements. There is a reaction to the word "no". You can use simple gestures such as shaking your head instead of "no" to start reflexive babbling.

15 months: able to name oneself.

18 months: able to recognize and point out the names of various parts of the body, able to speak 2-3 word phrases, able to recognize and point out the names of various parts of the body, identify familiar people and objects, how many words can be said A single word, can use the pronouns you, me, etc., use familiar words repeatedly when speaking.

2 years old: Able to use sentences composed of 2-3 words, can identify when hearing the name of an object or picture at the end of 2 years old, and can understand simple commands.

What is the law of language development for babies aged 0-2 - DayDayNews

Leading the right brain Warm reminder: The baby's language development must go through the three stages of pronunciation, understanding and expression. In other words, it first goes through the language understanding stage and then develops into the language expression stage. When learning to speak, speak a single tone first,The polyphony is pronounced later; the words are spoken first, and then the sentence is formed, gradually improving.

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