Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away

2021/09/0918:55:12 baby 451

When you are in confinement, you are most afraid of catching cold. This is a "monitoring" left over for many years.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

After Kiki gave birth, she hesitated whether she would go to the confinement center like her best friend Xiaogu, or go home to confinement, just when Kiki hesitated, The mother-in-law came, and Kiki felt very pleased to see her "reloading" appearance, so she decided to confine her at home, so she can't waste her kindness, right?

So, Kiki chose to confinement at home, because Kiki felt that she went home to confinement, and her mother-in-law would take care of her. would definitely have a better life than Xiao Gu. But the facts made Qiqi feel particularly depressed.

Although it is now in autumn, the temperature is still very high. Therefore, Qiqi prepared to turn on the air conditioner the first day she went home after giving birth, but she couldn't find the remote control for the air conditioner at home. The mother-in-law knew that it was put away by the mother-in-law. The reason given by the mother-in-law was: The air conditioner is too cold, and it will cause confinement sickness.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

Qiqi was very depressed about this, because before communicating with Xiao Gu, Xiao Gu said that he turned on the air conditioner 24 hours a day in the confinement center.

So, Qiqi told her mother-in-law about Xiaogu's air conditioning in the confinement center all day long, but the mother-in-law told Qiqi that it was because the people in the confinement center were unprofessional and irresponsible, just to make money. Of course, you have to make you feel comfortable, and they don't care about confinement diseases in the future.

and the confinement center is one person taking care of several women,Where will you notice whether you turn on the air conditioner or not? Qiqi thinks about it, can it be said that the reason why Xiao Gu can turn on the air conditioner all day is because the confinement center is not responsible?

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner during confinement?

Later, Qiqi contacted Xiao Gu and told Xiao Gu that the reason why she was able to keep the air conditioner in the confinement center might be because the staff were unprofessional and irresponsible, and Xiao Gu had to pay attention to his body. As a result, Xiao Gu When I heard it, I laughed helplessly because I asked the nursing staff about this. They said: The air conditioner can be turned on during the confinement period .

Qiqi is a little bit confused about this, Xiaogu tells Qiqi about the with the air conditioner on for confinement:

_ You can turn on the air conditioner, but you should pay attention to the temperature setting. Generally speaking, the most suitable temperature is 26℃~28℃ , Baoma can adjust it according to its own body feeling.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

When using air conditioning,Pay attention to the air humidity: It is not only the temperature, but also the humidity that affects Baoma's body feeling and health. When using an air conditioner, the air conditioner will slowly take away the moisture in the air, causing the humidity of the air to drop. Therefore, pay attention to the air humidity when using the air conditioner. The appropriate humidity is 50-60 If it is lower than 50, Bao Ma may feel dry, and if it is higher than 60, Bao Ma may feel very bored.

Do not directly face the air-conditioning outlet: During the confinement period, blowing is strictly prohibited, especially cold wind. Therefore, when using the air conditioner, do not direct the air-conditioning outlet to blow directly to Baoma, or let the cool breeze blow to Baoma. The only thing Baoma can touch is cold air. It's not cold wind.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

As long as these points are mastered, there is no problem in turning on the air conditioner during the confinement period, and it will also improve the maternal confinement recovery effect and help Bao Mom's physical recovery and mental health. After all, it is comfortable Environment Baoma will be in a better mood, and her body will naturally recover better.

After listening to Xiao Gu's words, Qiqi felt lost. It's better to go to the confinement center at home. After all, the feeling of being heated is really bad.

Immediately, Qiqi thought of a few things that her mother-in-law would not allow, so she asked Xiao Gu for advice, whether these things could not be done either.

For many older generations, many old ideas have been deeply rooted, so they tend to stick to their previous ideas.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

But in fact, many previous methods of confinement are no longer applicable. Take the following "bad habits" of confinement, many silly girls don’t know and still listen. If you are in confinement, if you see it, please throw it away quickly.

There are some "bad habits" of confinement. Many silly girls are still insisting on it. Throw it away!

1) You can’t wash your hair, let alone take a bath—the times are different, you can’t generalize

This custom can be said to be popular in the north and south. Almost all parents of the older generation will restrict Mom’s confinement During the shampooing and bathing, because they think shampooing and bathing will cause confinement sickness.

But this is not the case.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

The reason for this concept is actually because in their era, people’s living conditions were very ordinary, they did not have good indoor warming ability, good water temperature control ability, and neither Clean cleaning conditions, etc.

If you wash your hair and take a bath during the confinement period of that era, it is very likely that you will get confinement sickness due to cold.

But now it’s different, the times have progressed, and people’s living conditions have improved.Not only the indoor temperature can be guaranteed, the water temperature can also be adjusted at will, so you can wash your hair, just pay attention to:

one week after production, you can wash your hair and take a shower, but pay attention to warm room temperature , The water temperature should not be lower than 35℃ , and should dry in time after taking a shower, bathing should be using shower span Pay attention to dressing in time.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

2) Lying down and resting, not to exercise — You need a reasonable rest, but you should also exercise

. During confinement, Bao's mother's physical condition is not very good. So you need to get a reasonable rest. However, it does not mean that Bao Ma can only lie in bed and stay motionless. If her own conditions permit, proper confinement exercises or housework are good for the recovery of the body. Promote the discharge of lochia, strengthen the body's recovery speed, etc. Of course, don't be tired at this time, and don't get too much activity.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

3) Can’t watch TV, let alone play on mobile phones-occasionally use, no problem

TV and mobile phones,It has almost become the only pastime of Bao Ma during her confinement period, but many elders forbid her to watch TV on her mobile phone during her confinement period. So, can be able to watch TV and play mobile phone during her confinement period?

◇About watching TV: It is not suitable to watch TV in the first half of the postpartum period, because at this time Bao Ma’s physical recovery state is not good, and watching TV will affect Bao’s physical recovery, such as retinal edema recovery, etc. Wait.

Therefore, you can usually watch TV only half a month after giving birth. At the same time, you need to pay attention to watching TV for no more than half an hour at a time, and no more than one hour a day. should not be too close to the TV Too exciting programs, Don’t make too much sound, but watch TV in a comfortable position.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews

◇About playing with mobile phones: After childbirth, it is not recommended for Baoma to play with mobile phones. After all, healthy people playing mobile phones can also cause various problems such as vision problems and cervical problems. Joint problems, etc., and the light of the mobile phone also affects the baby.

However, if Bao Mom is completely prohibited from playing on her mobile phones, it will also affect Bao Mom's emotional health.

When confinement is mentioned in the book "Your Life Should Not Be Concession to Pregnancy",It is possible to play with mobile phones as long as it is modest, and the same is true for watching TV.

Therefore, it is recommended that mothers have enough rest every day and after the baby falls asleep, they can play for a while to ease the boredom. Do not play for a long time. Each play time should not exceed 10 minutes , Do not exceed half an hour a day . If Bao Ma is really bored, she can do confinement exercises, read books, etc.

Can't use the air conditioner during confinement? Those bad habits during confinement, don’t hold on to them stupidly and throw them away - DayDayNews


The old "confinement concept" is based on previous experience, some are suitable for confinement now, some are not suitable. Therefore, when Bao Ma absorbs the confinement concept of the old generation, she must pay attention to "why not", so as to choose the most correct way to confinement, so that her body can get a good recovery.

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