Struggle changes our lives, dreams make us different. There is no fixed formula for success, only a mentality and actions of struggle and unwillingness to admit defeat. The road to virtue is long and steep. You don’t have to be upright to be a human being, but you must be upright

Struggle changes our lives, and dreams make us different. There is no fixed formula for success, only a mentality and actions of struggle and unwillingness to admit defeat. The road to virtue is long and steep.

Being a human being does not necessarily mean being upright, but you must be upright. The greatest enemy in life is oneself, and the greatest failure in life is arrogance. The most puzzling thing about growing up is that I don’t know when it started. Success, failure, joy and sorrow no longer belong only to you.

People grow up due to self-awareness and fall due to complacency. Self-reflection is the ladder of personality sublimation. There are reasons to get together and excuses to leave. There are no ifs in life, only consequences and results. Growth is like a snake shedding its skin again and again. The process of molting is very painful, but it is accompanied by the joy of gain.

Success and failure in life are variables. The most important thing in life is to have a noble goal and use talent and perseverance to achieve it. Life is a mirror, no matter noble or despicable, they will look ashamed in front of it. Although life is not satisfactory, keep a strong heart and keep moving forward.