Different ages, different choices, different years, different lives, there is no need to weigh too much. How to complete this life and live well at each age? Listen, the wind is blowing across your eyebrows, and look, the leaves are falling in winter. Good night~ Let’s figure out

Different ages, different choices, different years, different lives. Don’t weigh too much. How to complete this life and live a good life at each age? Listen, the wind is blowing across your eyebrows, and look, the leaves are falling in the depths of winter. . Good night~

Let’s live a person’s life clearly first, and we’ll talk about the rest later. Good night~

Later, I finally found the most comfortable sleeping position. Lying in the gap between two pillows is the most comfortable, like falling into a dream. Good night~

When people smile for no reason, they are either bored or in unbearable pain. —— Wang Xiaobo

The outside world is very exciting, but my world is very ordinary. Good night~

I want to be a sunflower. When I am happy, I face the sun, and when I am unhappy, I eat melon seeds. Good night ~

See you next time. If we still have a chance to meet, we will not be the same. Falling in love requires courage, but in fact, leaving does too! Good night ~

"Don't interfere with other people's lives with your own words. Don't rely on other people's brains to think about your own life. Wherever you want to go, take the first step. It will be a matter of time before you arrive. Life is long, and there are only two things waiting for you. Choice, a road and a person, a road is called destiny, and a person is called recognition. Good night~"

I would like to spend the rest of my life making wine, and I wish you a hundred years of peace of mind. Good night ~

"I don't know whether it is the sudden coldness of this season that makes people depressed, or whether there are many unsatisfactory things in my heart. Good night ~"

Before a person becomes hard-hearted, he has given all his tenderness and trust. Once your sense of security explodes, you will feel like everyone you meet next comes with a knife. Good night ~

What many people need is not practical advice, but warm agreement. You can make trouble for small things as you please, and lean behind him for big things. Each one rides on the current and makes the world happy for each other. Good night~

There are three conditions that determine a person's wealth. The first is birth, the second is luck, and the third is hard work. And of the three, effort is the least important. ——Nate