Impermanence in life is the norm. Tomorrow or accident, no one knows which one will come first, and no one knows what will happen in the next second. Once, when I was shopping, I saw a middle-aged man suddenly fell to the ground, twitching all over and unconscious. The woman who

Life is impermanent, which is the norm. Tomorrow or accident, no one knows which one will come first, and no one knows what will happen in the next second.

Once, when I was shopping, I saw a middle-aged man suddenly fell to the ground, twitching all over and unconscious. The woman who was walking with him was frightened out of her wits, and she was helpless and yelled. No one at the scene knew first aid, so they could only call 120 quickly. But soon the man's limbs became stiff and his breathing stopped. When 120 arrived, the doctor rushed to give first aid, but it was too late and there was no way to save him. The rescue was declared failed on the spot. The woman suddenly had a nervous breakdown and burst into tears. The crowd at the scene was also greatly frightened.

I was also so frightened that I had insomnia for several days and would always recall the scene. You talk about a good person, just for a few minutes, and then he is gone without leaving a word. Life is too fragile. The king of hell wants to take people in and never says hello.

Someone later analyzed that the man might have suffered from acute myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, , or acute cerebral hemorrhage, which was why he died in such a short period of time, and there was no time for rescue. We often see news in some media that some people suddenly fell ill and died at work. It is really a pity. Some celebrities, including doctors, died suddenly in their forties and died young, which is lamentable.

Life is a constant farewell. There are always people getting off the bus early. There are no young or old on the road to hell. The king of hell wants people to leave at the third watch, but will not keep anyone until the fifth watch. Seeing more and more of this happening will always make you feel a lot.

Life is short, you still have to cherish the present and live every day of your life well. No one knows whether they will be able to see the sun tomorrow. Let’s talk about tomorrow’s affairs tomorrow. Let’s live well today first. Some people are always worried about tomorrow and the future. They are burdened with their thoughts and make themselves very anxious. Many people even suffer from depression and their future is ruined. It is really sad.

Cherish the present, take everything as it comes, put down those burdens that cannot be carried, and live a more relaxed life! Being physically and mentally healthy, free and happy is the greatest happiness!