"The Voice that Stayed in My Heart" - Xu Changming's composition for the entrance examination. Steve Jobs once said that meditation is a way to communicate with nature and the world. I was lying on the bed meditating. At this moment, there was no looking back on the past and no f

"The Voice that Stays in My Heart"

- Xu Changming's Entrance Examination Essay

Steve Jobs once said that meditation is a way of communicating with nature and the world. I was lying on the bed meditating. At this moment, there was no looking back on the past and no fear of the future. I was just lying on the bed, thinking without a goal. It was precisely because of meditation that it was difficult for me to fall asleep that night.

It was a thunderstorm night, and my thoughts were flying to every corner with the breeze. I was relaxed, because my thoughts were now flying freely to everything in the world with the wind.

I feel the sounds of nature, the ticking sound of rain hitting the ground, the sound of wind blowing through trees, and the sound of people urging to collect clothes because of the rain. These sounds are so beautiful.

At this moment, my body seems to be broken down into molecules and integrated into every cell of nature. As the sound of nature continues to shuttle, sometimes it turns into undefined sand, blowing in the wind, constantly Floating, sometimes I turn into the wind, leading the sand to keep flying. I listened to everything in the world, and I kept thinking, but I felt extremely free, extremely relaxed, and without any pressure. At that moment, I seemed to have lost the influence of gravity and gravity, and flew into the sky with the sound of wind.

When I was about to fly to the universe and listen to the sounds of the universe, I heard that the rain seemed to stop falling. I also heard the knock on the door just after returning home because I was hiding from the rain. I also heard the animals urging me. The sound of a child coming home. Only now did I realize that I should be back. Although I felt sorry, the sound of nature had been received in my heart and buried there forever.

From then on, whenever I felt stressed about something and couldn't relax, I would dig out the voice buried in my heart again and listen to it freely, like a typhoon, hanging on me from beginning to end. All the worries and stress were uprooted. This is the voice that remains in my heart but will not disappear.