A person with a bright heart can treat life positively, face various setbacks in life with a positive attitude, decisively remove stumbling blocks on the way forward, and infect everyone around him with his full positive energy. .

Author: Years Like Water

There is a saying: if you are close to vermillion, you will be red, if you are close to ink, you will be black.

A person with a bright heart can treat life positively, face various setbacks in life with a positive attitude, decisively remove stumbling blocks on the way forward, and infect everyone around him with his full positive energy. people.

But a person with a dark heart will selectively not see the positive side in life.

Everywhere he looks is the dark side of life, and he will not actively solve problems. He can only vent his own negative emotions unscrupulously, and at the same time, it also brings down the mental strength of others.

The more dark-hearted a person is, the more they like to talk about these three topics. If you encounter them, stay away as soon as possible. Please do not have deep friendship with them.

01, full of lies

As the saying goes: the same rice can produce all kinds of people.

The most advanced emotion of a person is to keep his word and keep his word; and a person who often talks too much will gradually lose other people's trust in him as time goes by, and finally become a dispensable existence.

My colleague Xiao Xu has a good character and is always eager to help others at work. But beneath his honest and loyal appearance, he lies in sharp contrast to his appearance. The most terrible thing about

is that sometimes he heard a message due to lack of concentration, missed many things due to his misinformation, and was evaluated by the company.

It's not because he is bad, but he is the kind of person who seems to hear things but doesn't actually hear them clearly.

That's not all. In the company, I was in the same class as him. Due to different positions, his position was relatively easy to work. However, my position had many equipments and they were running frequently without interruption, which led to frequent failures, especially When I was working the night shift, I basically didn’t get any rest.

In order to reduce my labor burden, he sometimes helps me take care of it at night, but it also depends on his mood at the time, because he is an emotionally unstable person.

However, he also has a bad habit, that is, he doesn't even say hello when he helps me take care of me, which makes me unable to feel at ease during a short period of time. I am always afraid that he will not go to check on me in time and cause trouble, which will lead to The equipment was damaged, so I had to drag my tired body to check it myself.

In other words, he didn't actually help me, he just wanted to gain a reputation as a "helper".

Not only that, he also went behind my back and said in front of everyone that I was irresponsible and only focused on sleeping. When I inspected the equipment at night, he was the one who took care of me. He even talked nonsense and distorted the facts in front of my supervisor.

In fact, on the contrary, I am a very responsible person, but I am also a taciturn person who does not like to argue and lets things go as they are, thus providing him with the opportunity to "show off" in front of his supervisor.

For this reason, I was criticized several times by my supervisor who didn’t know the truth. After many times of forbearance, I finally got angry. After a quarrel with him, I decisively blocked his WeChat account.

As the saying goes, help others to the end and send Buddha to the West.

A person who is truly enthusiastic about helping others will appear in time when you need someone most and help you, and will not show off his merits in a high-profile manner in front of others.

rather than someone who blindly damages the reputation of others in order to establish their own "beautiful" persona in front of others.

02. Negative and pessimistic words

said this in "Avoid That Biting Dog":

"Some people are like garbage trucks. They are full of garbage and run around, full of annoyance, anger, and disappointment. "

For this "July 1st" red song performance, the company plans to select a small number of personnel from several departments to participate in the performance. Since Xiao Liu and I love literature and art, we were the two most suitable candidates for the company's production department. Unfortunately, we had no choice but to choose one, and the training period was only seven days.

The selection day was my day off, so my supervisor asked Xiao Liu to come to the company conference room for training in the afternoon.

But on the afternoon of the second day, he suddenly stopped going. There were three reasons:

First, because all the work in the production department was hard work, he, who was usually dressed casually and sweaty, did not want to go to training. Change into clean clothes.

Therefore, in sharp contrast with the clean and neat clothes of the laboratory and administrative departments, a deep sense of inferiority arose;

Secondly, because of the lyrics of the song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", "He persisted in the war of resistance" Over eight years, he has improved people's lives, he has built base areas behind enemy lines, and he has realized the benefits of democracy." Due to the fast tempo, these lyrics do not know how to breathe.

Therefore, because he was afraid that he would be embarrassed if he could not sing well during the performance, he did not have the perseverance to persevere;

Thirdly, he said that he was not the material to sing famous songs, so he easily gave up this opportunity to showcase himself and attracted many people. of ridicule.

However, nothing is achieved overnight. To be honest, there is nothing that is not difficult to do at the beginning. If there is no difficulty in doing anything, then it will not have anything to do with you.

I scoffed at his specious idea:

In order to avoid feeling of inferiority , just wipe your upper body a little and change into slightly cleaner clothes;

As for the four lyrics, as long as you practice more, Just practice and know how to breathe.

As for whether you like red songs or not, if you really like singing, just try it a few times and you'll be fine.

Because of the limitations set by his negative thinking, it restricted the comprehensive development of his various abilities.

In the company, because he is unwilling to use his brain when doing things and specializes in doing simple and repetitive physical work, his work is also relatively hard;

often complains to others when he encounters things that are not going well in his life. By resolving his own negative emotions, he can win a little sympathy from others at first, but later his colleagues will gradually stay away from him.

Being determined and then acting, I firmly grasped this rare opportunity to show myself, gradually overcame the above psychological obstacles and the difficulty of this song, and ended the performance with self-discipline and a high profile, thereby gaining a good reputation in the company. Be famous!

The right way is to not be negative when doing things, and to have good fortune and bad luck.

Negative and pessimistic people always like to vent all their negative emotions, which will also make people around them unhappy.

I once heard a psychologist say: "If a person often looks at himself in a negative light, it is very dangerous, and the result will often be to destroy himself."

In life, if you want to be rich and noble, you must first take care of yourself. As for wealth and wealth, as for the negative emotions of negativity and pessimism, it is best to stay away from them as soon as possible.

03. Self-righteous words

The ancients have a saying: He who knows himself is wise, and he who knows himself is wise.

Only when people are self-aware can they learn from each other's strengths and overcome their weaknesses. While constantly surpassing themselves, they will also win the respect of others.

Ideals are beautiful, but reality is very skinny. In life, especially in the workplace, there are often people who regard "self-righteousness" as self-knowledge. They are indifferent to other people's opinions and feelings and only worry about their own. Feeling bossy to others will cause dissatisfaction among many people.

I have a colleague who is an electrician in the company's machine repair class. He is low-key, pragmatic, professional, and conscientious in his work. Study hard and work hard to solve the difficult problems in the circuit.

In life, he is always available for other people's affairs and strives to help others solve their daily difficulties in using electricity. He is an excellent and inspirational electrician.

In the company, there is a supervisor who is his immediate boss. Unfortunately, this supervisor is a cunning villain who deceives superiors and deceives subordinates.

As the saying goes: A person is not as good as a thousand days, and a flower is not as good as a hundred days.

No matter how good a person is, he will inevitably make some small mistakes due to errors in judgment in his daily work.

Even if you complete 99% of your work impeccably, in the end he will seize on the small flaws in your work to magnify your shortcomings to show his "professional level" and boss you around. He strongly requires his subordinates to act according to his instructions, otherwise he will tell his immediate superior, which resulted in my colleague being innocently investigated.

For this reason, a co-worker who had always swallowed his humiliation and was young and taciturn innocently accepted the "bullying" from his supervisor over and over again in terms of language. As a result, his excellence in work was taken for granted by his supervisor, but his performance in work was not treated as such. Mistakes are severely criticized, causing their relationship to often become tense.

When you work with such a supervisor, you have to accept his "high profile" unconditionally. He doesn't do much, but takes the credit;

talks a lot, praises himself and belittles others wantonly; the salary and remuneration cannot be less, but the contribution is important. Responsibility is out of the question.

There is a very sad saying: "His advancement is based on your tolerance and acquiescence time and time again."

As the saying goes: If you hit with one punch, you will avoid hundreds of punches. It is rude to not reciprocate.

For such a person, either resign and find another good employer; or you can fight him to the death, catch his mistakes, decisively dispel his arrogance, and achieve deterrence. their purpose.

As the saying goes: When you meet a close friend, a thousand cups of wine is too little , and half a sentence is enough to avoid speculation.

Therefore, in the vast sea of ​​​​people, please cherish the people you are in love with; if you unfortunately meet someone who is at odds with you, it is best to either fight to the end or stay away as soon as possible.