Today is the first day of July. June is over, and so is the first half of the year. The most memorable part of this half year is definitely spring. This spring, due to the epidemic, I was locked in school for more than 40 days. I wore a down jacket and came back in a singlet. I h

Today is the first day of July.

June is over, and the first half of the year has also passed.

The most memorable part of this half year is definitely spring.

This spring, due to the epidemic, I was locked in school for more than 40 days. I wore down jackets and single clothes when I went back.

I am fortunate to witness every spring flower from blooming to falling. Cao Mu doesn't understand people's affairs and is always as innocent as ever.

Whenever I feel confused and confused, I stand among the plants and just stand quietly without saying anything. When I turned around, I felt at peace in my heart - what they gave me was beauty, calmness, and seemingly weak persistence.

I have read more than a dozen books in the past six months. The joy of reading is hard to describe.

In fact, no matter how chaotic and chaotic the world is, as long as you can sit down and read a few books and gain some sporadic insights into daily life, then life will not be bad.

In the past six months, I have also written some words, which are daily life, trivial things and emotions of a middle-aged woman.

Reading and writing have filled up every spare moment in the day, and time is always scarce. Where can there be emptiness, boredom or loneliness?

originally didn't associate with "people of the time", but now he has even more reason to be alone. I will not deliberately please others, nor will I offend anyone unintentionally.

I am in my own world, always intoxicated and not knowing where to go. No need to be perfunctory and pandering, no hypocrisy and snobbery - sincerity and authenticity, this is what I want to live most in middle age.

Associate with open-minded people and make friends with kind-hearted people. I hope that the light we shine on each other will shine on each other. In the unknown front, we are all people working hard to live.

A person has to walk a long way to realize where he wants to go.

Of course, there are many people who just walk aimlessly in this world.

The sun is bright, everything grows wildly, and the days make a sound.