Zhou Guoping: Among all responsibilities in this world, the most fundamental responsibility is to truly become yourself and live out your unique personality and values. I used to like reading books by foreign philosophers, but then I accidentally read Zhou Guoping's book and coul

Zhou Guoping: Among all the responsibilities in this world, the most fundamental responsibility is to truly become yourself and live out your unique personality and values.

I used to like reading books by foreign philosophers, but then I accidentally read Zhou Guoping's book and couldn't stop for a minute.

makes people calm down instantly after reading it. In this impetuous era, it is really a luxury to be able to relax and calm down.

Only when you are free can you have time to think deeply. A person's ability to be alone determines how far he can go.

The following are 10 of Zhou Guoping's most classic sentences. After reading them, you will have an epiphany about life.

1. A person’s growth basically benefits from the books he reads.

"Business Wizard" Elon Musk is the idol of many people. Everyone is curious about how he made outstanding contributions in many fields such as automobiles and aerospace.

In an interview, Musk solved everyone's doubts:

There is no secret to my success, it is just reading a lot.

Whenever I encounter a problem, I will read a lot of books in related fields, then try to practice it, and discuss with many powerful people, so that I can master knowledge in many fields.

Zhou Guoping said: When you are at a good age and encounter a good book, your life may undergo a great change.

I myself started reading books because I was moved by "The Ordinary World".

Some books make people self-disciplined after reading them, such as "Why Elites Are Time Controllers".

Reading some books can improve people's thinking ability, such as Charlie Munger 's multiple thinking model and the book "Cognitive Awakening".

Some books teach you how to study, such as "Study Hard" and "Practice Deliberately".

Reading is to stand on the shoulders of giants and think about problems.

Many people have a limited circle, and everyone has very similar thoughts.

If you stay in this kind of solidified circle for a long time, it will be difficult to make a big change in your thinking.

Reading is to live in a circle of friends with great people and witness the greatest ideas. Over time, you will become a different person.

2. The way a person arranges his life can best reveal his temperament.

Zhou Guoping said: Being idle is not necessarily boring, only being idle and having nothing to do is boring.

When you are alone, are you bored and unbearable, or do you feel peaceful, fulfilled and satisfied?

Many people have nothing to do when they have free time. They are either watching TV series or playing games. They sit until they feel dizzy every day before going to bed. They are in constant panic all day long.

How you spend your time alone is how you spend your life.

When you are slacking off, you might as well think about this sentence Yu Hua said in "Living":

"Don't deceive yourself, when life comes to the end, only time will not lie."

How do you live a day? , just how to live a life. Why are

3. alive? This is a dangerous question. If we ask why we eat, drink and work, we clearly understand that it is to live, and what is the purpose of living? If this issue is pursued, no one will be confused.

Mr. Hu Shi said:

"Life has no meaning. As long as you can give it meaning, it will have meaning. Instead of meditating on the meaning of life all day long, it is better to try to do something meaningful in this life."

Put life into practice To improve the quality of life, to live happier and happier today than yesterday, and to be happier and happier tomorrow than today, that's all. This is the meaning of life and the true meaning of living.

There is an epitaph engraved in Westminster Abbey in the UK, which is thought-provoking:

"When I was young, I dreamed of changing the world, but as I entered my twilight years, even my family could not change.

In the end, I was lying in the hospital bed I suddenly realized:

If I had only aimed to change myself at the beginning, I might have changed my family;

With the help and encouragement of my family, I might have done something for the country, and maybe I could have changed the world."

What many people pursue all their lives, but in the end they will find that it is nothing more than that.

Therefore, the sentence in "Wulin Gaiden" is well written: No matter how beautiful the illusion is, it is always a dream, but cherishing it is always true.

4. People who are keen on social interaction often They claim to have many friends, but in fact they know in their hearts that friendship is not the dominant force in the social world, but interest or boredom. Because true friendship is never noisy. You don't have to build your reputation on it. You invite people to dinner .

Many people are keen to attend various gatherings and invite people to dinner. However, this kind of flattering behavior cannot bring two people closer.

It is always him who makes two people friends. Appreciate the bright spots in you and take the initiative to get closer to you.

5. How a person treats people with different opinions can better reflect his level of civilization than his own opinions.

People often ask: What is like? Only those who are more educated and knowledgeable ?

Zhou Guoping talked about a criterion: "How a person treats people with different opinions can better reflect his level of civilization than what kind of opinions he holds. . "

In other words, when getting along with others, you know how to respect differences and appreciate others.

Someone once did such an experiment. He found a group of people and asked them to write down the names and names of their favorite people on paper. The name of the most annoying person.

found an interesting pattern when he finally counted: the people you like are often the ones who like you; the people you hate are also the people who hate you.

likes the writer Ted· Jiang 's words in "The Story of Your Life": " maturity means seeing the differences, but realizing that the differences are not important.

Respecting differences and learning to appreciate others is a kind of tolerance, a kind of wisdom, and a state of mind.

6. Successful people will give in in front of idle people. It is not that successful people are cowardly and incompetent, but because their time is more Valuable.

Most successful people will not lose their temper over trivial matters, because their time is very valuable, and getting entangled with trivial matters means they will lose more opportunities to make money. Ding Yuanying was defrauded of money by a vendor. When he was given money for a meal, he said he had not given it and asked him to give it a second time, but he did it silently.

In his eyes, this kind of person is not worth the time to argue.

This is the principle of arguing with fools. When your horizons are opened, you will naturally not take these little things to heart.

7. The way to test whether a person has "self" is to see whether he can be alone.

Feng Jicai said: ". Mediocre people fill their emptiness with excitement, and outstanding people achieve themselves by being alone.. "

A person's maturity is not about how sociable you are, but how to get along with loneliness.

Only when a person calms down and is alone can he have the opportunity to think deeply.

The richer a person has inside, the greater his demand for the outside world. The less. Therefore, people with high IQs are not gregarious.

Those boring parties are like Shakespeare 's mockery of life: "Full of sound and enthusiasm, empty inside." "

Using time alone to improve yourself is much better than looking up to others.

As Tu Youyou said: Don't chase a horse, use the time chasing horses to plant grass. When spring comes, there will naturally be a group of horses. It's up to you.

8. Pain, just because you care, the more you care, the more painful it will be. As long as you don't care, others can't hurt you.

Lu Yao said in "The Ordinary World": "If you If you don’t worry about yourself, others will never be able to worry about you. "

People have too many worries in their lives, but most of the things they worry about never happen.

Dale Carnegie wrote in the book " Recovering a Happy Self":

In our lives, there are probably 90% of things are good, only 10% are not so good.

If we want to be happy, we must think more about 90% of the good things and ignore the 10% of the bad things.

9.Some pain cannot be shared. At most, the care of others can only divert your attention from the pain, but it cannot change the essence of the pain.

There is a great line in " Modern Family ":

"Sometimes, you will experience a moment when you are surrounded by everyone, but still feel very lonely. You just want to go back to your family to take comfort.

But sometimes even Your family can't give you this kind of comfort, because in fact they will also experience the same loneliness as you. "

When you suffer great pain, you must know how to endure it yourself and try not to upset others with your pain.

On the road of life, everyone is a lonely traveler.

There are thousands of situations in the world, including joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and there is nothing that others can do except to overcome them by oneself.

10. In the colorful modern world, let us remember an ancient truth: live simply to live freely.

There is a sentence in "Human World" by Liang Xiaosheng , which is very touching:

"The farther you go, the more you see, the more people you know, the more you can realize;

In this life, you really care There are only a few people who care about you at the same time.

These few people are your whole world.

A few close friends, a lover by your side, and healthy parents may sound ordinary, but they are already above average. The answer to life..."

There are actually very few truly precious and necessary things in life.

You should spend every minute and every second on "what you really want to do" and "what really matters".


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