1. The strength of life is not to expect every ray of sunshine to illuminate you, but to know how to open a window for yourself when you are desperate! I hope you will remain strong and brave as always, stand facing the light, and live the way you want. 2. No matter how bad the s

. The strength of life is not to expect every ray of sunshine to illuminate oneself, but to know how to open a window for oneself in times of despair! I hope you will remain strong and brave as always, stand facing the light, and live the way you want.

. No matter how bad the situation is, don’t complain, because that is the life benefits you have accumulated. Complaining will only make you appear irresponsible and will not improve the situation in any way. When you are living in the world, you should approach the world with a spiritual attitude. Whether it is your inner state of mind or your external situation, it will become better and better with continuous practice.

3. IQ may not be high, but you must be diligent; EQ may not be high, but you must be kind. You can have grievances, but you must be generous; you can have emotions, but you must succumb to the goal.

4. Face is actually not valuable until you have achieved something. Don’t be afraid of losing face. You don’t dare to say what you should say, and you don’t dare to do what you should do. Face is directly related to one's own value. If one has no value, he will have no face in his life.

5. Horses run faster than camels, but camels travel much farther in their lives than horses. What determines how far a person can go is not speed, but persistence.

6. If you are not lucky, then work harder. If your efforts are not effective, then work harder and be more patient. People's luck generally runs in the direction of exertion. If luck is not satisfactory, then you have to continue to work hard.

7. Life is a one-way street, there is only the way forward, there is no way back. Living in this world is actually very simple. Make your choice, persist in your efforts, enjoy your results, and never look back.

8. Looking at other people's shortcomings is not just to cause trouble for oneself, but to avoid others' shortcomings. Looking at other people's strengths is not just to make others look good, but to promote their strengths. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Only by knowing how to promote others' strengths and avoid their weaknesses can we get along with others better and gain more support from others.

9. If you only see problems but not opportunities, it is because you are not standing high; if you only see trivial matters and cannot see responsibilities and missions, it is because the structure is too small.

0. If you want to live an ordinary life, you will encounter ordinary setbacks; if you want to live a superior life, you will encounter difficult moments. The world is fair. If you want something, you have to bear it first. If you want to live a decent life, you have to go through the process of hard work and mental hard work. has more wonderful emotions, philosophies, and beautiful articles; please pay attention to the WeChat public account: 心成合