In life, many things cannot be taken at face value. When one day, you turn from good times to bad times, you will finally see through the cruelty of this world and witness the ugliness of human nature.

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From ancient times to the present, snobbery has always existed. And snobbery has now become a trend in society.
In life, many things cannot be taken at face value. After all, this society is far more complex than you think. I don’t know how many dirty wishful thinking are hidden under the seemingly loyal appearance. Although sometimes we see some clues, so what? There are no permanent feelings and friendships in the world, only false faces mixed with purpose.

When one day, you turn from good times to bad times, you will eventually see through the cruelty of this world and witness the ugliness of human nature. The second before you step into adversity, you will find that the friends you used to have no longer exist; you will find that your so-called brothers and sisters have become strangers; you will be even more surprised to find that those who flattered you back then The way your subordinates look at you now has turned into contempt; in the end, you will be surprised to find that even the lover you swore to each other in the past has now changed his appearance.
friends, don't think that what you are seeing is a dream. If you think so, it only means that you are too naive and naive. Because this is reality, naked reality!
Maybe you will not understand until the day you die. In the past, you treated others like family members, but now they even treat you like a "dog".

Reality has become very real. When a tree falls, the evil spirits will scatter. The drum will break and everyone will beat them. People will leave and have tea to cool down. ----------After seeing through this, I believe you can die in peace.

After I graduated from high school, I went south to Guangdong and lived a three-point, one-line life. At that time in 2000, the cultural requirements in Guangdong were not as high as they are now. Although I work as a general worker, I do things that others don't do after get off work. I insist on studying every day, learning how to be a human being, and learning management. I don’t know whether it was God’s fate or my luck. After working for less than two months, I was noticed by the company’s vice president, who transferred me to the warehouse and started working as a warehouse keeper. Later, he was promoted to warehouse supervisor.

people, sometimes you really have to rely on a little bit of luck. Only when a person accumulates a certain amount of experience through continuous learning and practice, will he not miss the opportunity.
In the past 20 years, he has worked in foreign-owned private listed companies and served as warehouse manager, workshop director, production director, express delivery supervisor, and logistics manager. With 20 years of life experience, I have seen through the complexity of society and everything in the world, sincerity and hypocrisy, kindness and flattery...

As a leader, there will always be a group of people around you who will speak sweet words in your ears. , acting groveling around you. I even try my best to find out about your hobbies.

Stupid people live like gods in this environment, being praised by everyone and not making progress. Listening to those sweet words and the hypocrisy that flatters oneself to the heavens, I feel happy in my heart. Extremely stupid. Little do you know, under the cover of this beautiful coat, how many people are secretly trying to undermine you, mess with you, and interfere with you. When one day you are no longer in that position, you will eventually understand. All the good things before were like the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror.

Smart people are prepared for danger in times of peace in a superior environment. The compliments and flattery from everyone are certainly refreshing to hear. But smart people generally know people with a keen eye. They know how to analyze these sweet words, and are good at discovering each other's weaknesses in these so-called flattery, hoping to put them to great use one day. Smart people generally like to turn a blind eye. Even when listening to other people's conversations, listen in when it is useful, and when it is not useful, immediately go in with the left ear and out with the right ear. This is the wise man.
During the years when I was a production manager in Guangzhou, I met a lot of brothers. After get off work in the evening, they often invite me to drink, have late-night snacks, and sing karaoke. Anyway, it can be said that as long as they have activities, I will definitely be indispensable. As a person like me, I don’t like seeing others treat me well, and I always want to return their favor. So I also respond frequently.At that time, even I thought they were brothers enough. Of course, whether I was a brother enough in their hearts would have to be questioned in their hearts.

Let’s talk to each other, if you give me a foot, I will give you a foot in return. As the saying goes, save a little for everything so that we can meet again in the future. But some people don't think so. Some people are good to you because they are good for your position and the rights you hold. In the final analysis, they are good to you for their own benefit. To put it harshly, it is actually taking advantage.
I still remember that year because of my mistake, the wrong goods were loaded into the container sent to Canada, which caused great financial losses to the company. The state has national laws, families have family rules, and companies also have company regulations. I was notified by the company, and I was demoted from production manager to packaging team leader. Downgraded three levels in a row.
When my name was announced on the company bulletin board, I started to feel lucky, why. Because from this moment on, I saw clearly the indifference of the "brothers". Enough of seeing those ugly faces. When those brothers learned that I had been demoted, they looked at me differently than before. They even gathered together in twos and threes and talked about something. Maybe it's a joke. They no longer say hello when they meet me, and they no longer bark when they drink at night.

As the saying goes, if the tree falls, the hozen will scatter, and the drum will break, and everyone will beat it, and the tea will cool down when people leave. How well said this is. Right? It’s vivid, thorough, and amazing!

No matter how they ridicule, I am indifferent. As a person like me, my mental endurance is pretty good. During that time, I was indeed feeling very uncomfortable. From a manager level directly down to a production line leader. What a blow. But no one is perfect, and no gold is pure. There are always times when mistakes are made. What is commendable is that if you make a mistake, you must know it, and if you know it, you must correct it. Not only was I not discouraged, but I was working harder than before. Besides work is work. Without the feasting and feasting every night, I have made myself even better. For the beauty and expectation of tomorrow. Three months later, through my efforts, I was promoted to production director again. The former me of
has "died", and what followed was an indestructible factory director. Say goodbye to those sweet talkers and flatterers. Move forward bravely towards your goal... [About the author] The gold-digging prodigal, a native of Baoqingfu, Hunan, was born in the 1980s. He strives to write all aspects of life and society through the pen in his hand. Let more people avoid detours in a complex social environment. As long as I can gain something from my articles, I will be satisfied.