Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts.

2024/07/0220:47:33 article 1113

Holographic Universe

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

Eckhart: A good life is to stay connected to inner tranquility

Silence is your truest nature. What is silence? Silence is your inner space or awareness in which these words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. Without that awareness, there is no good life.

When you lose touch with your inner peace, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest on it. They are so peaceful, so deeply embedded in being. Allow nature to teach you tranquility.

When you look at a tree and feel its tranquility, you yourself become tranquil. You connect with the tree on a deep level. Through stillness, you feel one with the object of your awareness, whatever it is. Feel the unity between you and all things, this is love, this is the beauty of life.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

  Krishnamurti: The true beauty of life is immortal

I know more definitely than ever before that there is true beauty, true happiness in life, which cannot be eliminated by any material event. Change, a greater force that cannot be diminished by any passing event, a greater love that is permanent, immortal, and invincible.

Do we need religion in order to live happily? Do we need temples in order to love? Truth is not to be found in the dark sanctuaries of temples, nor in the bright halls of organized societies, nor in the bright halls of organized societies. Impossible to find in books or rituals.

Go to the ocean, where the breeze blows and one wave breaks on top of another. Do you want to collect and fix all this beauty in a narrow temple? Don't let your heart and emotions be bound by anyone or anything. If you do that, you will build another religion, another temple. You cannot create little gods and worship them in little temples. Who needs to worship the light of a candle when you can have the sun?

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

Bishang: True wealth has nothing to do with bank balances, but a beautiful feeling

Wealth does not necessarily mean that I have thousands of dollars in excess savings in my bank account; wealth is not about greed or excess; it is also It's not about doing something to create something. In fact, abundance is about feeling worthy and deserving, being open to receiving, and knowing that whatever we desire is already there for us. A person who has millions of dollars is not rich if he has fear and confusion. Even though I only have a few hundred dollars in my bank account, I am truly wealthy. When we desire something, I can always get it.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

 Pamela: Creating a good life requires listening to your intuition

Creating a good life requires us to spend some time alone. Find a quiet moment and let go of all the thoughts and ideas you have absorbed from your social environment, and let go of all the fears and worries associated with them. Try to see those thoughts and emotions from a deep, peaceful place in your heart. See them as they are, they are just the dark clouds that surround the sun, not you.

Go into the sunny core of your heart and let your intuition tell you what is right to do at this moment. Don't base your life on outside opinions or social norms in the workplace. Social or collective consciousness in this area is based on fear: fear of losing your job, fear of social failure, fear of poverty.All of these fears may be blocking your intuition, an inner intuitive voice that will tell you how to create a beautiful life.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

  Sadhguru: Only by devoting yourself wholeheartedly can you understand the beauty of life

 If you always avoid life, will you understand life? Only by devoting yourself wholeheartedly to life can you understand life. If you can't commit, you won't know anything.

Engagement does not necessarily mean physical activity. Engagement is simply your willingness to embrace life—the process by which you become willing to experience life. If you are fully present in every aspect of your life—every breath you take, the ground you walk on, everything around you—then there will be nothing to struggle with.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

  Yang Lihong: Have fun in the theater of the world, just remember to remind yourself that this is a theater

A beautiful world both inside and outside is not just about thinking. We need to live vividly in the world and let the colorful life be filled with passion. Maybe it's a little tacky and cumbersome, but it's fresh, lively, interesting and vivid. Through the experience of spiritual practice, the secular world will allow you to return to your inner self from time to time, and you can see your own heart amidst the joys and sorrows, and the ups and downs of emotions. Through this, you can truly integrate the internal and external world. Compared with just looking outside, your true self is much richer and more interesting.

Living in the world, but not belonging to it. Enjoy yourself in the theater of the world, but remember to remind yourself: this is a theater. awareness. Presence. present. Ruru doesn't move.

The purpose of practice is to make you harmonious, free and easy to live an effortless life, allowing you to accept everything that happens, be more devoted, passionate, and keen to live with enthusiasm and motivation, and dance with joy, Crying with sadness, watching the clouds and winds are light, observing the high mountains and long rivers, enjoying the feasting and feasting, savoring all kinds of life, all experience, but not taking it seriously. Let go of rigid attachments and confrontations, avoidance and fear.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

  Master Yancan: A happy life is to face those sad existences with a sunny attitude

On the road of life, everyone is full of suffering, confusion, confusion and sudden awakening. Color lives, makes its own decisions, carries its own ups and downs, and accepts all the damage caused to life by its stubbornness and extremeness. It can be understood that the Zen method of life is a kind of self-understanding, and it is a reminder of life. It can also be understood as a kind of wake-up call for life.

Everyone’s heart is actually a small world. Unpleasant things are like turbulence, and troubles that disappear are like passing clouds. A happy life is a thinking mode of inner balance. Face those things with a sunny mentality. A sad existence.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

  Lierner: Living in the present, you can experience the beauty of life more

Living in the present will make your life and every aspect of your life colorful. Your past emotional wounds will be healed, and you will be freed from limiting beliefs you learned as a child; you will not overreact to emotions, and you will be free from blame, self-blame, and guilt. and the manipulation of resentment; you will be closer to your feelings and you will feel empowered.

Living in the wonderful experience of the moment, you will not criticize yourself or others, and you will not let yourself get lost in seeking acceptance and approval from others; you will no longer be full of fear of death, but embrace life more; you will You will become more and more natural and brave; you will become more and more open, more and more full of love, and experience more and more the beauty of life.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

  Paulo Coelho: When you really desire a better life, the whole universe will come to help you

 No matter who you are or what it is, as long as you really desire something, just let it go, because desire is the source. From the heart of heaven and earth, when you truly desire a better life, the entire universe will come to your aid.

The secret of happiness is to live in the present moment. In the present moment, you can see clearly that there will always be life in the desert, there will always be stars in the sky, and the reason why those tribes fight is just because it is part of life. Life will be a feast for you, a grand celebration, because life is in every moment of our lives. So, the secret of the future is now. If you focus on the present, you will improve the present. And if you can improve the present, the future will be better.

Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

  Amas: Creating a better life requires seven qualities

 1. Energy. Having energy means that you have enough ability, courage and endurance to transform yourself. With energy you will feel: "Yes, I can do it. I have the potential, perseverance and courage." This energy will provide you with the fuel to observe yourself and understand things.

 2. Determination. Without determination, energy loses its meaning. You need unwavering determination and an unwavering will to continue to face setbacks and disappointments.

 3. Joy. It is a specific sense of joy and relaxed attitude. It is a joy in knowing the truth, seeing the truth and realizing the truth. It's a bit like curiosity - a joyful curiosity about things.

 4. Kindness. Kindness brings a selfless attitude. Once you have this kind of kindness, you will naturally treat everyone and everything with kindness. Kindness enables you to withstand the pain of hardship and gives you greater trust in your own identity and mental abilities. 5. Peaceful. Once we develop this sense of tranquility that eliminates anxiety, intuition, insight, and subtle observation will naturally arise from this state of rest.

 6. Integration. It means being completely immersed in what you are doing, no matter what it is. You are completely focused on the experience at hand, completely involved in it, even to the point of forgetfulness.

 7. Awakening. You are full of awareness of what is happening in front of you. Under your clear awareness, things become clear and definite, just like a clear sky without a trace of cloud or fog. But this does not mean that you are looking at a clear sky, because you are the clear sky. Your heart is completely open and clear.

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Eckhart: A good life is about staying connected to inner peace. Silence is your inner space or awareness in which the words are being interpreted and then become thoughts. - DayDayNews

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