1. You cannot meet the people in your memories. If you do, the memories will be gone. 2. Because I love that person so much, I didn’t dare to tell him that I really missed you after you left. And because you won't come back, I have to work hard to restrain myself and be a decent

2024/06/3021:17:32 article 1908


You cannot meet the people in your memories. If you do, the memories will be gone.


Because I love that person so much, I didn’t dare to tell him that I really missed you after you left. And because you won't come back, I have to work hard to restrain myself and be a decent person in my memories.


We always think that the stars that cannot be reached are the brightest, and the small fish that escape are the most delicious. The missed movies are the best, and the lost lovers are the favorites.


In fact, love is not that complicated. Since we like each other, we are together. Even if we can't make it to the end, we can have a memory together, no matter good or bad, it is already a blessing for three lifetimes.


Reminiscing is a tiring thing, just like when you have insomnia and you can’t lie down the right way.

1. You cannot meet the people in your memories. If you do, the memories will be gone. 2. Because I love that person so much, I didn’t dare to tell him that I really missed you after you left. And because you won't come back, I have to work hard to restrain myself and be a decent  - DayDayNews


Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness, bad people give you experiences, the worst people give you lessons, and the best people give you memories.


Memories are things that stretch out big hands in people’s memories to grab back the past. Until the camera is turned off, thoughts return to the present. Things are different, people are different, and the silence is as usual. It’s so interesting and cruel. Look at the woman in the old photo, her face is like a lotus, and her face is like a willow.


I protect it. It's not you but all the things in your world that I have lost. I look up to them like a redemption.


The setting sun is drowning in the clouds. The Milky Way slips and falls into the sea. The moonlight is scattered in the forest. I should walk hand in hand with you. The wound in this romance is just like me, a stubborn child who refuses to heal, because the heart is a warm and moist place suitable for anything to grow.

1. You cannot meet the people in your memories. If you do, the memories will be gone. 2. Because I love that person so much, I didn’t dare to tell him that I really missed you after you left. And because you won't come back, I have to work hard to restrain myself and be a decent  - DayDayNews


We smile and say that we are staying at the same place in time, but in fact, we have already been swept away silently by the torrent.


Tears flowed turbulently. As long as I touch your memory, my longing becomes a glass of strong wine. The more I think about it, the more drunk I become and the more bitter I feel. The little treasured memories have broken my heart. The ones that can’t be opened can’t be let go. The complete longing makes my heart ache, and that is the pain you gave me.


Anticipation and longing are often the most fascinating, but memories are like the moonlight that cannot be grasped and turns dark when held tightly.


It’s probably because I’m chasing after the memories of the past.


‍ I don’t recall anymore. Now that I’m on the shore, don’t mention the things in the sea.

1. You cannot meet the people in your memories. If you do, the memories will be gone. 2. Because I love that person so much, I didn’t dare to tell him that I really missed you after you left. And because you won't come back, I have to work hard to restrain myself and be a decent  - DayDayNews


The most important thing is that I can’t leave it in the world. Zhu Yanci Jinghuaci Tree.


The past that cannot be returned, the past that cannot be retained, sometimes what you miss is not a certain person, but the past years


You miss the past, everyone in the past has no time to wait for you.


People will always live in the past, never go back, never cherish, and never miss.


had no choice but to stretch out his hand to say goodbye. He was the best at that time, and I was the best me later. But there was a whole youth between us, and no matter how hard I ran, I could not cross the youth, so I had to stretch out my hand. Say goodbye.

1. You cannot meet the people in your memories. If you do, the memories will be gone. 2. Because I love that person so much, I didn’t dare to tell him that I really missed you after you left. And because you won't come back, I have to work hard to restrain myself and be a decent  - DayDayNews


The days are in the future, not the past.


I can look back many times, but I will never go back.


It stops at the lips and teeth, covered by the years.


A brief moment also has a plump past.


The person in the memory does not necessarily miss you.

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