...It is said that the Longquan water in Daqingshan is drawn by the Dragon Canal and winds westward, continuously flowing into the Fangtang in the center of the village. The water in this pond has rippling blue waves and is as clear as a mirror. The villagers lovingly call it: Qi

2024/07/0202:17:32 article 1985


...It is said that the Longquan water in Daqingshan is drawn by the Dragon Canal and winds westward, continuously flowing into the Fangtang in the center of the village. The water in this pond has rippling blue waves and is as clear as a mirror. The villagers lovingly call it: Qi - DayDayNews

It is said that the Longquan water in Daqingshan is drawn by the Longqu and winds westward, continuously flowing into the Fangtang in the center of the village. The water in this pond has rippling blue waves and is as clear as a mirror. The villagers lovingly call it: Qingtang.

This clear pond is long and narrow from east to west, slightly narrower from north to south, and is in an irregular rectangular shape. Longqu spring water is injected from the northeast, and a sluice gate is opened in the southwest corner to connect to the irrigation canal. Around the clear pond, poplars, elms and qisu willows are planted.

The spring breeze blows, the soft waves of the clear pond sparkle, and the green water plants sway.

The sky is getting dark, the sunset is shining brightly, and the smoke is curling up. On the embankment elm money , the elderly squatted idle, smoking pots and chatting about mulberry and hemp; around the pond, children played together and chased each other with joy.

...It is said that the Longquan water in Daqingshan is drawn by the Dragon Canal and winds westward, continuously flowing into the Fangtang in the center of the village. The water in this pond has rippling blue waves and is as clear as a mirror. The villagers lovingly call it: Qi - DayDayNews

As the morning glow rises, I can see the gurgling spring water at the mouth of the Qingtang. In the bluestone-lined polders, people are lined up to fetch water. Adults are carrying them and children are carrying them. Buckets of sweet spring water are filled with pottery for every household. cylinder.

The clear pond is full of water, and the gate is opened in the southwest corner, and the water flows down. The water flows along the irrigation canal, singing happily, and first runs to the vegetable patch of the farmhouse, where I see the purple eggplants, red peppers, full shelves of pods, and bunches of grapes; Another hundred acres of fertile farmland, dragonflies flitting across the water, swallows flying across the fields, and endless green fields as far as the eye can see.



Yang Yang Qingtang

Ziwu Runwu

Mingzhi Don’t Forget


...It is said that the Longquan water in Daqingshan is drawn by the Dragon Canal and winds westward, continuously flowing into the Fangtang in the center of the village. The water in this pond has rippling blue waves and is as clear as a mirror. The villagers lovingly call it: Qi - DayDayNews

Picture: from the headlines free gallery

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