In the rain, I reverie that God looks unhappy, and the sky is gray, as if we have done something wrong and always expresses dissatisfaction with us. There was a light mist in the air, and the singing of birds could not be heard. I stood in front of the window and looked out into

2024/06/3009:36:33 article 1095

Reverie in the Rain

God looks unhappy, the sky is gray, as if we have done something wrong and always expresses dissatisfaction with us. There was a light mist in the air, and the singing of birds could not be heard. I stood in front of the window and looked out into the wild. The mountains one after another were surrounded by fog around the mountainside.

Sometimes it is sunny and sometimes it rains, sometimes it is bright and sometimes dark, sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes it rains lightly. Sometimes an annoying wind blows, kicking up the drizzle, getting into your window, blending into your books, and hiding in your sleeves. .

"One drop, two drops, three drops... The rain fell from the sky. The dark clouds in the sky were driven by the wind, floating and floating, like rushing to the market.

Big raindrops hit the window and the awning on the roof. After a while, the glass became blurred, and a curtain of water poured down from the edge of the awning.

In the rain, I reverie that God looks unhappy, and the sky is gray, as if we have done something wrong and always expresses dissatisfaction with us. There was a light mist in the air, and the singing of birds could not be heard. I stood in front of the window and looked out into  - DayDayNews

Rain, crystal clear rain, falls quietly. Dots of crystal raindrops, diagonally woven rain lines, form a misty rain and mist, like mist-like rain, like rain-like mist, continuous and continuous. Absolutely. The rain falls on the treetops, combing the hair of the branches; the rain falls on the houses, washing away the heavy dust; the rain falls on the earth, washing away all the dirt on the earth.

Listen, the rain hits. On the glass, a subtle sound is made, and a beautiful melody is drawn; bit by bit, it drips away and flows down, weaving into a thin and transparent rain curtain. Because the rain in summer comes and goes, once the rain stops, the footsteps of pedestrians disappear. It was so compact and heavy, and no one seemed to want to be baptized by the rain. Occasionally someone slipped and let out a piercing scream, breaking the silence in the rain; some children fell into the water and fell on the ground. The water droplets splashed and made a funny sound. The water droplets jumped and jumped, as if they were laughing at the child's carelessness. The sound of the rain was like a beautiful song, and the notes jumped into the ears one by one. What a wonderful feeling!

I thought it was being carried away. The rain attracted people. Staring at the rain, it seemed that I was the unknown drop of rain falling from the sky. After taking a glance at the world, it was blown ruthlessly to the window.

I was a little depressed because I hadn't yet. See the world clearly.

In the rain, I reverie that God looks unhappy, and the sky is gray, as if we have done something wrong and always expresses dissatisfaction with us. There was a light mist in the air, and the singing of birds could not be heard. I stood in front of the window and looked out into  - DayDayNews

I tried to get rid of the shackles of gravity, but I was unable to break free at the moment when I was sliding down. I was a little happy, thinking that I would not fall into the abyss. With strength. But because of the weight, I slid down faster. I landed on the green leaves, which seemed to be more crystal clear. I continued to slide down the stems and leaves, and finally merged into the soil. At the last moment, I understood the value of life. The meaning of life lies in dedication. Although I am just an insignificant drop of rain, I have added water to the green leaves and moistened the soil with my life. No matter how insignificant my contribution is, I am. I tried my best, I have no regrets, my life is valuable!

Wherever my eyes stopped, I smiled, laughing at my rich feelings, and even more laughing at myself for realizing the truth of being a human being.

The rain was still falling, but. But I disappeared under the dim street lights. If possible, I would just be an unknown raindrop.

I love rain, and I love nature in the rain even more!

In the rain, I reverie that God looks unhappy, and the sky is gray, as if we have done something wrong and always expresses dissatisfaction with us. There was a light mist in the air, and the singing of birds could not be heard. I stood in front of the window and looked out into  - DayDayNews

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