"I'm not doing this for your own good", "Why do I bully you alone", "I am your mother, you will regret it sooner or later if you don't listen to me" When you were a child, you looked at your parents' faces and carefully catered to them. They stood on God's side. The perspective r

2024/06/2921:46:33 article 1274

"I'm not doing this for your own good", "Why do I bully you alone", "I am your mother, you will regret it sooner or later if you don't listen to me"

When you were a child, you looked at your parents' faces and carefully catered to them. From God's perspective, in the name of family role and morality, you are required, defined, and kidnapped by you.

Once their lives are derailed and they go against their will, they will curse, "It's such a treacherous act, it's really a waste of money, it's such a shame."

You stand in the dark with snot and tears, crying that you have dignity, personality and self, but they retort that you have no right or qualification to talk about this in front of your parents.

The above is a typical family PUA. Your parents hope to make you obedient and obedient, wear down your self-esteem and self-confidence, create panic and anxiety, and cultivate you into a giant baby who is obedient and dependent on your parents. You may appear to be docile, but you are actually tame.

"I have experienced the most vicious and terrifying PUA, from my biological parents", how many people have experienced the same experience

I wrote at the end

PUA families have a high probability of producing problem children, who are full of thorns and will immediately be approached by others. Be on guard, lose both sides, or even survive It became an island, always healing childhood.

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