Why take the exam? In order to live a stable, dignified and secure life, we have had a persistent tradition since ancient times of "learning well and becoming an official". In fact, it’s not just the editing exam mentioned in the article. Many people have been “taking the exam” s

2024/06/2710:51:33 article 1505
Why does

need to take the editing test? In order to live a stable, dignified and secure life, we have had a persistent tradition since ancient times of "learning well and becoming an official".

is actually more than just the editing test mentioned in the article. Many people have been "taking the editing test" since they were born.

Everyone needs a sense of security, but everyone's security level is different. This is the reason why society has multiple roles and levels. However, there is no distinction between high and low in itself. It is just different choices and different levels of effort. It is the interweaving of countless different life trajectories that makes the world so colorful.

The five words "a question maker in a small town" do vividly describe the current situation, but doing questions is not a hobby, but the courage to still choose to move forward despite the helplessness. A firefly shining is not something to be proud of, but a ant can shine and is worthy of praise.

As a big country with a population of 1.4 billion, the amplification of anything is worthy of our consideration. Do we have the wisdom to solve problems, solve problems, and come up with problems?

Today, when the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind is deeply rooted in the hearts of the world, we must not forget that we ourselves also belong to all mankind.

Why take the exam? In order to live a stable, dignified and secure life, we have had a persistent tradition since ancient times of

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